The Power We can gain by ChakrA ?

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The Power We can gain by ChakrA ?

Post by ha1bara » Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:43 pm


First of all sorry if the questions I'm about to ask have been asked previously. These also sound very ridicule, but I am really hunger to find the truth about this.

Can we control and use  nature power using chakra ? For example can we control water by chakra ?

thank you for the explanation

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:10 pm

I'm not sure you understand the chakras? They are energy points in the body, we can control them by the energy we use, but they aren't a physical entity, are you sure you mean chakras?

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Post by ha1bara » Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:26 am

Hi Cascade of Light
Thank you for your response.

Frankly, I don't have much practical experience about Chakra. Though, Chakra has raised my great interest (and curiousity) and I have been seeking for more and more articles about this, and I just found it recently.

Theoretically, Chakra is the power or energy within ourselves. So, supposedly we can extract it, and if we accumulate certain amount of Chakra at a certain point, such as at our bottom (while we're sitting with legs crossed) supposedly we are able to levitate ourselves, the same thing as in Yoga.

sorry if I sound messing up with other fields like yoga. but IMHO, I believe they both work the same way. Please correct me if Im wrong. Just curious, has anyone here ever experience interesting things like levitation by chakra ?

Your explanations and sharings are highly appreciated

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:02 am

Chakras are energy centers. Dormant kundinlini energy lays curled up at the bottom of the spine. It can become active and flow through the chakra system. The root chakra generates primal energy which rises through the chakras and is transmuted to more usable forms. All energy in any form comes from this and has gone through various processes to reach it's current state.

Flying comes when the body is infused with light energy of a higher frequency  and when the body is strengthened to be able handle the energy. You know how if you hold your arms at out before long this is tiring. Well think how long birds hold their wings out when flying. This requires much strength.

Also if the energy has been dormant there may be various kinks in the system which need to be carefully worked out and opened up if one is to safely have energy flow through at high levels.

There are many exercises which help strengthen the body open up the energy pathways and clear blockages. Chakra activation and development is part of this as well as physical development.
Last edited by Aegeus on Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ha1bara » Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:27 am

Thank you Masster Aegeus for a thorough explanation.

So, it indeed seems we can float by moulding Chakra. sorry for my lack of practical knowledge. Can you pls enlight me with this floating technique ?


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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:21 pm

There are various practices and techniques which take different approaches to mastering the flow of energy in the body and such.

I can explain the one I study and practice, Iyengar yoga. If you are interested I suggest getting a book by Iyengar or finding a teacher. As far as i know Iyengar is not flying yet but he is 94 and can bend over backwards and touch his feet so something he is doing is working. Another good book on yoga I have read is 'Hatha yoga, the yogic philosophy of well being'.

The complete breath is done by exhaling all the air from the lungs then inhaling slowly starting at the bottom and filling the abdomen up, then as this fills the fill the chest will start to lift till the lungs are full. When full relax the chest and allow the abdomen to be pushed out by the air coming down as the chest relaxes. Then hold briefly as long as is comfortable before exhaling slowly keeping the abdomen out till the chest is empty, then keeping the chest in till the lungs are empty, and hold briefly as before. Then repeat.

If the lungs have not been used fully for a long time it can take some time to build the muscles up that move the lungs. The ultimate goals is breathing a complete breath as described for every breathe but it can take some time and effort to build up to that so in the mean time the important thing is the flow of air, and that all the air in the lungs moves with every breath.

Another important thing is rhythmic breathing. If you feel tired sit with the hands closed and feet together to create a closed circuit and do rhythmic breathing. Focus on the breathing and allow it to happen naturally. Focus on it helps the cells in the body communicate so they know how to move together in a rhythm which is most efficient and powerful.

Rhythm can be very powerful. Scientists used reason that to pump blood through tubing the length of blood vessels in the heart would need power equal to that of a mac truck. They have now discovered that it uses rhythm and that the blood vessels them selves pulse with the heart to squeeze blood through them. Troops marching in form have to break form when crossing a bridge or the force of all of them stepping at the same time would break the bridge.

The other aspect of hatha(physical) yoga is asanas(body positions or stretches). At first when learning asanas one is learning their limits and must be careful not to exhaust or damage them self. Once one is in a consistent routine the idea is that by holding the stretches longer the muscles relax more and a deeper stretch is had.

Some of the stretches strengthen the stabilizer muscles. So once one is adept in asanas is they are unlikely to incur injury from clumsiness or falling. Some of the stretches are holding the arms out and other exercises which strengthen the core. I imagine that once these are mastered one could hold positions such as would be aerodynamic for long periods and with precision, as one jerky movement would like a plane rudder moving effect the trajectory and a jerky movement while airborne could be dangerous.

Birds seem to have mastered the art of flying maybe they can teach you.

There is Quigong and I have heard someone whose studied and practiced that for a long time is now flying but how valid that is I don't know. I have not studied this but I believe there to be some merit to it.

"Qigong (or ch'i kung) is an internal Chinese meditative practice which uses slow graceful movements (and sometimes breathing techniques) to promote the circulation of qi within the human body, and enhance a practitioner's overall health. Although qigong is often confused with martial arts or tai chi, qigong is usually much slower and focuses on the "qi" aspect to a much greater degree. With more than 10,000 styles of qigong and 200 million people practicing there are a variety of methods. There are three main reasons why people do qigong: 1) To gain strength, improve health or reverse a disease 2) To gain skill working with qi so as to become a healer 3) To become more connected with the "Tao, God, True Source, Great Spirit" for a more meaningful connection with nature and the universe."

If you wish to learn study teachings by those who you can observe that what they are doing is working for them. Be sure that the teacher is genuine and doing it to share the benefit they have reaped with others and not just seeking profit.

Birds have amazing flow too. The one's that fly in groups seem to all move as one. Same with schools of fish. Any jerky or unpredictable movements too close to them and they clear out of the way. They are acutely aware of the energy around them and can flow with it. Increasing awareness of energy flow would be one important aspect.

The other of course is strength to be able to maintain the flow. And rhythm as mentioned earlier. So to make a trinity of flying it would be flow(breath, rhythm(pulse), and strength.

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Post by ha1bara » Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:19 am

Thanks Master Aegus for thorough explanation.

I do take notes about your reference and techniques.

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