tone down dominant chakra???

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tone down dominant chakra???

Post by SaraM2261 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:29 pm

I have recently begun learning about chakras and can now sense my own. My heart chakra is over whelming all my other chakras ans is out of control. I feel very raw and exposed to all sorts of outside emotions etc... I am in protection mode and unable to connect with those I do want to be close to. My throat chakra is also very dominant. Is there ever a way to tone down a chakra? Will encouraging the others to open and strengthen result in balance? Please help. :) thank you

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:28 pm

Hi, welcome :)

Chakra work should always be taken slowly, and always started from the lower chakrs working to the higher, that way there should be no imbalance as you have mentioned. Do you ground before you start work with them? Do you have any health issues? If you sense a heart chakra imbalance it is always best to have a medial check just to make sure everything is ok. The throat chakra often indicates your personality, do you talk a lot, communicate easily and effectively without fear. Can you perhaps be a little overbearing in your contact with otheres? All these can be the throat chakra.  Try and  balance the chakras using simple meditation exercises and allow any excess energy to fliow from the lower to the higher, then close from the highest to the lowest.

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Post by SaraM2261 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:51 pm

Thank you for your reply. I have done very little to work with my chakras until now. I am very healthy physically. I recently was lead through a meditation just to envision the chakras (my first contact with this) and every thing was colored by my heart chakra. I have a sense that it is overwhelming everything else.

My throat chakra was the only other detectable chakra that I could really sense. I don't think the others are closed by any means, just so over colored and dominated by my heart and throat. With my heart so "exposed" feeling I tend to be raw with those I love most. I yell and am very over powering with my voice. It is a great coincidence that I started looking inward at all of this again after several years of just blindly living my life because I lost my voice 2 days ago!! Think that's a message??  :) I really need to get these things balanced because it is affecting my kids and husband in a negative way and it doesn't have to at all. I just feel really raw and exposed.

I really struggle with my interactions with them. I wish I was calmer and more patient and loving. I think this imbalance has to do with it.
I really love your suggestion of meditating and allowing the energy to flow from lowest to highest and then closing from the top down. That should at least start to slowly spread it out and acknowledge the others.

I hope other people give their advice too...I need as many thoughts and suggestions as possible. As a beginner any books or other resources would be helpful as well.

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Post by SaraM2261 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:57 pm

To address your first comments, Cascade of Light, I think I was working with it and didn't know it and really expanded my heart chakra in the process.
I have always been very sensitive psychically and have discovered I have pretty much shut down my crown and third eye as well - in order to stop seeing what I was seeing as a younger person. It was too scary for me and I had no guidance whatsoever. In fact my Aunt wanted to have an exorcism on me at one point because of what I could do or see. So I shut that off. I can intuitively work with energy and so I have messed some things up it seems. (shrug).

I am now taking the time to educate myself on these things and re-awaken myself. It's very exciting, and makes me feel like there is a place in this world for someone like me. I just need to get balanced and take back my own power.

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Post by SaraM2261 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:16 pm

One other thing, sorry,...

I often feel that I absorb other's emotions. I have been told this my a few psychics as well. In fact when I have been around sensitive people or psychics they have told me that I don't need to project myself into everyone's shoes to understand them. That I do that too much. So how do I protect myself and still feel connected? I feel that I am trying to just cut myself off because it is so emotionally up and down. Especially in public places or if I have a conflict. But I can't seem to do that. I can't seem to find the balance.

Thank you again!!! Thank you thank you thank you

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Post by Lorina » Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:07 pm

an over excited heart star can be calmed down this way.
sit on the floor as close to mother earth as possible.
focus on your heart center and meditate on all the sadness and destruction in the world.
bless the earth and all mankind do this everyday at the same time if you can.
soon the energy will dissipate and the center will return to normal.  this energy direction will help the universe to be more merciful to itself.  for an overloaded throat senter find a mantra or make something up. just direct that energy to the kindest, noblest and loving of aspirations. the throat center will soon come back to normal levels.  hope this helps I use it myself when I have episodes of surges or being overpowered. remember that the energy went to you for a reason and mankind along with the universe can use all the goodwill, love and nobility it can get.  in loving kindness sincerely lorina. :)

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Post by Cascade of Light » Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:17 pm

SaraM2261 wrote:One other thing, sorry,...

I often feel that I absorb other's emotions. I have been told this my a few psychics as well. In fact when I have been around sensitive people or psychics they have told me that I don't need to project myself into everyone's shoes to understand them. That I do that too much. So how do I protect myself and still feel connected? I feel that I am trying to just cut myself off because it is so emotionally up and down. Especially in public places or if I have a conflict. But I can't seem to do that. I can't seem to find the balance.

Thank you again!!! Thank you thank you thank you
Love the posts, so full of excitement, its that throat chakra lol, expressing your thoughts here :)

Sounds like you are an empath then? It is quite easy to learn how to ground yourself first, then  protect or shield yourself so that you can control your feelings an senses and the input you have.

Not sure I would suggest dwelling on all the sadness and destruction in the world, if you are as sensitive as I suspect it may well upset you far more than necessary and just leave you feeling down and perhaps even depressed.

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Post by Lorina » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:40 pm

hi, cascade how are you doing?
yes meditating on negative things brings depression but only because there is much of it.
however I am feeling better these days( can you tell?) I retract the part about meditating on the negative stuff.
in loving kindness lorina.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:04 pm

Hey Lorina,

Wouldn't it be great if there was no pain and suffering? If only! Maybe one day?

Yes, you sound bright and cheerful. Have you ever tried a garden meditation, using different flowers and colour  to work on the chakras? I find that really good in the summer.

Choose your flowers and then off you go, I use  red roses, orange marigolds, yellow daffodils, green leaves, blue bluebells, indigo tulips, violet violets. Work through the energy of each one, again start from the base to top and then back down top to base, and don't forget to ground too using tree roots :)

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Post by Lorina » Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:53 pm

thanks for the suggestion cascade, I will try some of those. maybe the person who started this particular post could benefit from doing so as well?
what do you think sarah?  and my chakras are all overactive except for my sacral chakra.  my favorite flowers for the chakras are  purple iris for the crown chakra, blue morning glories for the third eye chakra, green tea roses for the throat chakra, pink windflowers and golden mums for the heart chakra,  sunflowers and tiger lilies for the solar chakra, daffodils, dandelions and yellow daisies for the sacral chakra and red calamus lilies, red hibiscus and a nice white oak tree for the root chakra. :)

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Post by SaraM2261 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:38 am

I really like the flower idea~!! So beautiful!

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