The Eighth chakra and the Akashic Records

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The Eighth chakra and the Akashic Records

Post by aelis2004 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:21 pm

The eighth chakra is the first "out-of-body" chakra. It is essentially femminine and its colour is SILVER or ULTRAVIOLET. it is to be found about one and one-half inches above the head.
It is often associated to images like the Moon, the stars, planets, other dimensions and time itself.

Problems with this chakra affect time issues, metabolism, chronic illnesses among other things, as well as any problems carried over from a previous life. It contains the Akashic Records.

Cyndi Dale in her book "New Chakra Healing: The Revolutionary 32-Center Energy System" says:
The eighth chakra is incredibly interesting. I find this chakra from the bottom-up; it is located about an inch and a half above the head. Stein says, "feel it by holding your left palm high above your crown center and notice the energy" (Stein, 36). I perceive this as flat, so it is hard to find from the top down.
(.....) Here one also finds the Akashic Records, the "books upon which is recorded all we have ever seen, done or said, in this life or in any other. Cherokee teacher Ywahoo calls these records "The Temple of Understanding" which contains "....all the prograamms of our expression in this life and the other lives which are co-existing." (Ywahoo, 106). Because of this, we can gain access to anything about our past through the eith chakra.
(...) This chakra is rich in information about our karma, the slate of issues we have come to work out and learnings we seek to acauire. Because we record in this chakra information about others and their roles in our lives, it is here we can find many of the cords which currently affect us. We can also trace our patterns (the habitual processes in which we get stuck) through our eighth chakra, making it a valuable access point for healing chronic physical or emotional problems, and difficult relationships. Because it relates to time, many of our issues can be resolved through this chakra."
The Akashic Records can also be accessed through Reiki. They are
the life records of each soul (...). The Akashic Records describe the karmic goals, debts, contracts and life purpose of each soul's many incarnations, including the present lifetime. By using of the symbol (my note: she is talking of a reiki symbol) in healing, present life traumas can be reprogrammed so that literally they change the future. Past life patterns can be uncovered and released, and karmic debts resolved. All of this happens in direct hands-on healing sessions, usually in a series of healings."
Diane Stein, "Essential Reiki"

In the Egyptian tradition, the Weighting of the Heart, from "The book of the Dead" represents Ani's soul, to the left, waiting for the decision of the weighing of his heart (left balance) against the feather of Maat or Justice (right balance) Thoth (right) records the result of the weighing, while Anubis tests the tongue of the balance. An ancient representation of our Akashic Records.

A functioning eighth chakra will enable us to say: "I am feeling, thinking and lovingly expressing my vision of divine purpose in a timely manner"

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