The Aura

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The Aura

Post by aelis2004 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:26 pm

The aura is formed by several layers, each layer corresponding to the energy of a chakra.
The first layer of the aura is considered to be the skin, and is connected to the feelings associated to the first chakra - survival and identity. It is "THE ETHERIC BODY", it's varies from light blue to grey and it's the easiest layer to see when you start seeing auras.

The second layer of the aura follows more or less the contour of the body and is associated to "feeling ok" and what feels right and wrong: When this layer is in good conditions, we feel happy and content. It is "THE EMOTIONAL BODY".

The third layer is generally called "THE MENTAL BODY", it relates to the third chakra and looks like a wire mesh. It is generally yellowish, but can have cultural variations. Cyndi Dale says:
Many Caucasian American, northern European, and Jewish cultures appear to have a predominantly yellow third auric layer. Yellow is thr color of rationality, thinking and clarity, attributes of value to these nationalities. The mind field in several Indian and Pakistani nations has a bluish or sometimes purplish tinge. In Peru, the shamans I met glowed with bright reds and greens. While watching North American Indian ceremonies, I detected more turquoise, gold, white, or muddy red, depending on the tribes. In all cases, shades of these colours lingered long afterwards. In Japan, I detected particles of silver. Different ethnic groups, different cultures probably tap into different points of consciousness in the group mind.
The fourth auric layer is "THE ASTRAL BODY". It corresponds to the heart chakra. When this layer opens, it makes us exprerience astral projection.

The fifth auric field is called sometimes "the parallel field". It connects us to parallel opportunities and realities, and allows us to receive information and healing energy. This is "THE ETHERIC TEMPLATE". It's a blueprint for the etheric layer.

The sixth auric field is "THE CELESTIAL BODY". It allows psychic manifesting and healing.

The seventh auric field is considered to be the last layer around our physical body, it is "THE KETHERIC BODY".

The eight auric field is related to the eighth chakra and it is the layer where the Akashic Records are to be found.

The ninth auric field is connected to a state of bliss and enlightment - heaven, nirvana or Shamballa.

There is also another field that is connected to the tenth chakra and that is the Integrative Auric Layer.

The first three layers are part of the physical plane, the fourth/astral layer is a bridge to the higher spiritual planes, layer five, six and seven.

I shall examine some of these ten layers as they are fairly interesting and I may as well integrate more info in this message little by little so come back to it from time to time! It is by no means complete...

There may also be other auric layers, and that is under current study.

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Post by aelis2004 » Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:55 am

See the post on the Mantras as tools to strengthen your aura

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Post by Nicole » Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:35 am

I hope I'm in the right place for this... Last night I seen on my self.. It was on my fingers.. I was outside talking to my husband and I holding something. My fingers was glowing a lime florescent green with yellowish. more on the lime green, and a little yellow... What does that mean~? I find it odd on me.. I see light blues and shades of green and white and also grays in others. and ppl who past on I see there colors also... But never on me.... I told my husband while it was happening... It was so bright I thought he could see it....LOL And why all of a sudden I see it on me~?  :smt017

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Post by witchychick70 » Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:11 am

Last night when having sex with my man my eyes flashed white he jumped up and hit his head on the ceiling it scared him and he didnt know what to thank. A friend told me that it means my aura is like super charged. anyone know anything more about this?

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