Crystal Waterfall Visualisation Meditation

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Crystal Waterfall Visualisation Meditation

Post by Gem » Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:49 pm

Ok light the candles, warm the incense, put on some soothing music and..........

...............Imagine we are all walking a long a green grassy meadow, the sun is bright and shining down on us and bathing everything in a warm golden glow. There are butterflies that fly up as we walk past and bees that are finding pollen in all the colourful flowers they visit, meadowsweet and yellow buttercups, white daisies, red poppies and bluebells, pink campions and bright blue speedwell.

The air is scented with a mix of their fragrances and we all breathe in deeply, relaxing with each deep breath.

Ahead of us we see a waterfall, sparkling clear water gushing over a bed of crystals, Clear Quartz and  Purple Amethyst, and Turquoise, Green Aventurine and Rose Quartz, Yellow Citrine and Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper and  Shiny Silver Hematite, all the crystalline rocks glowing with energy and the crystals infusing the water as it tumbles over them and then away down the stream that borders the meadow.

Tiny silver droplets of water being sent up high in the air fall like a cloud and surround the waterfall in a mist.

We walk toward the mist and feel its coolness and dampness welcome on our skin after the hot sun of the meadow.

Slowly the water begins to spray us and we step further under its shower until we are standing under the full flow of the crystal clear water.

We can feel the cool water cleansing our aura and washing away all the negativity and any worries we had disappear with the flow...................

The water balances our energy centres too, washing any excess energy down to fill any gaps starting from the crown chakra with Clear Quartz energy... the brow chakra filled with Purple Amethyst energy... the throat chakra with  Blue Turquoise energy... the heart chakra with Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine energy... the solar plexus chakra with  Yellow Citrine... the sacral chakra with Orange Carnelian... the base chakra with Red Jasper and  Silver Hematite...

...and then down to the Earth, perfectly grounding us and balancing all our energies leaving us feeling refreshed and energised and wonderfully peaceful....

Totally relaxed and perfectly balanced we step from the waterfall slowly stretching, and then we brush off the excess water down our arms and legs and then shake ourselves dry as we walk back across the field in the warming sunshine, peaceful and happy and ready to get on with our lives

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