Curious for answer to Chakra question i can't find anywhere! helphelp!

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Curious for answer to Chakra question i can't find anywhere! helphelp!

Post by meadowbriar » Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:42 pm


   hi! i have a question.

can physical contact with someone cause all your chakras to pop open?

a bit of background which might help:

[b]i'm an indigo[/b]

[b]my kundalini started roaring last summer & i got into alignment with it finally in january[/b] (tho i've always felt in touch with it before i knew what it was; it was the part of me that roared & got me in trouble alot as a teen!)

[b]i woke up very fast; very in touch with kundalini / creativity [/b](cleansed my apt & it became a rainy garden & a box of crayons & my friends come over & don't want to leave; got back in school at the last minute; hadnt written fiction in 12 years but suddenly it started pouring from me again & i'm in the process of two manuscripts, writing a spiritual column for a newspaper, and my first screenplay was picked up by an independent production company & filming begins in the spring!)

[b]four friends one by one have all shown up & are starting to wake up, too & [/b]all of a sudden... i really am living the life i always dreamed...and that translates in ways like being woken up by a good friend in the morning with buttered toast and how much i enjoyed the walk i took to the grocery store yesterday evening!

but i digress.

the Chakra incident was in mid-march; someone of the opposite sex; and i've always been able to read people; after a few moments around anyone i can sense and understand their energy but this person was an absolute blank; nothing.

long story short: without any sexual stuff happening, we were lying down in bed and i let him take me into his arms and i had this immediate overwhelming sensation that there were "buttons" which started right just above my head and went down the middle of my body. and just as i drew in my  breath sharply...they popped open all at the same time and gasped, too.

i still couldn't read his energy; but i felt like the most intense physical feelings, as if that person's energy to which i was still blind went in like breath or wind into those buttons that had just popped open.

afterward i thought, that was funny; but i'm always imagining stuff...til a few days later i was milling about and saw a picture of what Chakras were and i about jumped out of my skin. i guess i hadn't just thought it up.  

i see all this info about all these exercises to do on yourself to make your chakras open... what on earth was it that made mine pop?

any insight would be awesome!

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