
Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Post by mystik » Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:10 am

I'm completely new to forums but does anybody know how to open the heart chakra after you've been hurt?

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Re: Hello

Post by Gem » Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:48 pm

mystik wrote:I'm completely new to forums but does anybody know how to open the heart chakra after you've been hurt?
Hi Mystik, welcome to the forum.

The heart chakra doesn't actually close when we have been emotionally hurt, it is our perception  and reaction to events that changes. Time is a great healer, That and discussion and of course moving on and not dwelling on the past. What might sem to be endless pain will actually fade and become bearable in time and then the body will start to come back to normal perception.

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Heart Chakra/Grounding meditation

Post by Lila » Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:58 am

I would like to share one of my favourite grounding exercises.

Breathe in pure white light in through the top of your head, filling every part of your head, eyes, nose, mouth, into your neck, down your shoulders, into your arms hands and to your fingertips. Breathe in light into your chest, upper and lower back, etc..... allow the light to cleanse and purify, transmute blocks, the key is take your time, dwell on each body part, pay attention to the blocks, uncomfortable feelings, memories and emotions that come up, acknowledge and move on...breathe the light down to your feet, out the bottoms of your feet and deep within the center of the Earth.

Ground the energy/light and allow the Earth to take on your fears, doubts, pain, anything you want to transmute, The Earth uses this "manure" to nurture Her children.

Breathe light up from the Earth, up through your physical form and out the top of your head and back to the Source. Breath the light in once more through the top of your head as you also breathe in from the bottom of your feet, know that you are a conduit for the universal Mother-Father Goddess (or Spirit, God, Life Essence, Krishna...).

Feel the energies mingle within you as they pass through you back to the Earth and Sky. Centre this energy in your Heart (or Solar Plexus) let it sit there a few moments and then expand the light out to encompass the entire room, surround yourself in the sphere of light, knowing you are protected. Expand the light outward even further, at this time in  the visualization, I like to invite friends, family into the circle and offer healing energy. What we put out comes back to us threefold, so I am being healed as well.

Expand the energy to encompass the entire planet, this part always makes me tingle as I feel the embrace of the Mother.

Continue to expand the energy outward until you reach the far corners of the universe and know that you are a significant part of the whole. Slowly bring your awareness back to your Heart Chakra. At this time I like to sit and meditate, or one can come back fully into the body. Give thanks for the healing you received, touch palms to the Earth to bring healing to Her and to ground the energies completely.

This exercise can take as long as 20 minutes to complete. It is also very useful for insomnia, it completely relaxes the body. I've never gotten past the stomach area before falling into a restful sleep.

Once you have felt the merging Earth and Sky energies within you, you can centre them anywhere in the body for healing, any Chakra. If I am sending out energies to the ether, I like to use the Heart Chakra and sometimes the Solar Plexus (aka Energy Centre) and often have centered on both. Work with the energies and see where they take you. You can also mix colours, entwine healing green with gold light, or violet and silver. Ask what you need and it shall come to you.

Try it and experiment with it, most of all, enjoy it.

Bright Blessings to you,


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