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->New<- Soul Chakras and Minor Chakras ->Very Long Post<-

Post by DragonKnight » Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:38 am

Details concerning, Minor chakras, Soul Chakras, Past Lives, Birth Visions, Karmic Debt, Higher Selves and various Higher Psychic Gifts.


QUOTE:Beside the normal chakra system there exists an extended chakra system, Which is just now coming into humanity’s awareness. This energy system is latent in most people; however as more people advance spiritually, this extended  system begins to kick in. The extended system is the next step in the spiritual development of the planet. Once a long time ago, the great masters were of the few to to become aware of this system and reap the rewards. Now the time has come for others to become aware of this system and reap the rewards of using it in your daily life.

As we understand chakras in there current form with seven primary centers, the crown and third eye etc, we discover that there are also many more minor and major points in our bodies that aid our spiritual development.

The Earth Chakra
One of the least known major chakra is the earth chakra. We are all intimately connected with the earth whether we like it or not. We are connected to here as we reside on her, live off her and in other cases use her energy to help us in energy undertakings.

The earth chakra is a brown color, which to me is quiet symbolic of the earth [soil] its self.

The Earth chakra is divided into two parts. One half in one foot and the other in the other foot. To be precise the earth chakra is two independent minor chakras the come together to form a greater whole.

This chakra can be used to push out negative energy from the top of the head down and out on to the earth, as our little burdens are nothing really in comparison to the earth and her sheer size.

They are located in the arches of the feet

Hand Chakras
In the palms of our hand we have two minor chakras.

These chakras are the catalyst for energy manipulation and creation, used most effectively for healing. As I am not a healer I don’t know to much about these except for the creation and expulsion of energy and energy ball etc.

They are located in the palms of the hands.

Maybe a Reki master can elaborate

Major Collection Points
With raw energy It needs to be digested so that it can be transformed into a more usable state, that that can be used by our chakras and for the use of healing and such from the hands.

There are three reservoirs of energy in the body. The fist is located in the solar plexus area, the second near the thymus gland or the sternum, and the last behind the third eye in the head.

These points are where raw energy drawn form the earth or divine sources dwells. These centers fill from the bottom up as the lowest one overfill the sternum center fill and so one.

There is not really a meditation for this as these seem to be self sufficient energy center that become active supply the major chakras as they become more active.

Minor Chakras
Minor chakras from looking around the internet it seems as there is much confusion around minor chakras and I am here to dispel this. For those that are aware of what happen when the Taoist Celestial Eye opens this wont surprise you as much.

In  every joint in the body there are minor chakras. There size is directly proportional to the size of the joint and the circumference of the limb they are located in.

Referring to a book that I have read that gave me further understand into minor chakras called Astral Dynamics, it has come to be know that these chakras appear as regular chakras do but always and only have four spines. NSEW

These chakras are difficult to maintain open as the represent the use of the limb and proportionally function in use of the limb and the balance that can be achieved over the whole body. [Time to take up exercise lol]

There are also minor chakras located, two in the genitals  The mouth, the nose and the ears and, also 4 located in the bones of the arms and legs. The precise location is in the biceps and thighs.

Energy Meridians
For those that have knowledge in acupuncture meridians will be a commonly know word.

Over the body there are many energy pathways that connect all the chakras together, where these meridians meet is generally where a major center is located or a large minor chakra is located.

There are energy pathways all throughout our bodies just think of the pathways of the nervous and circulatory systems and you have half the story.

Other than those systems There are general pathways that are quiet similar to the meridians of acupuncture.

These can be called energy transfer pathways

The Skin
All over our skin we have pores which are energy release points. When you fully charge all the energy systems in [and over] your body the energy is released out through the skin, think of it like a radiation of energy.

There are between 17 – 25 thousand of these pores on you body [can some one confirm]

The Crown Chakra
It is VERY IMPORTANT to note this before I proceed onto the soul chakras, the crown chakra must have opened to the correct level. [this may or may not require spirit guide intervention]

The reason this chakra is called the thousand petal lotus is because that is precisely what it is. It is attributed to creativity and spiritual power.

What people don’t say [sometimes know] is that is opens the gate way to higher spiritual powers and understanding

You really need to have had the crown open properly to appreciate it true form.



Now with all the physical bodies chakras cover it time to move into the other seven major chakras Yes Seven, These chakras one found can give you an accurate gauge to you spiritual development.

All soul chakras are white with sparkles of rainbow

These chakras have thousands of spokes. [or blades]

The First three are connected to past lives, karma and birth visions and pre-destiny.
The fourth to seventh is the connection to your higher selves.
And the last three are connected to many different abilities that are extremely helpful to a psychic or medium or spiritualist

[all the same to me but how ever]

Soul Chakra One
This chakra is the center of past life regression, past life clearing and opens the door to soul recognition and your spirits overall journey through out time.

This chakra is generally open in all people, as it is the first soul chakra. It is filled with wires so to speak that represent the thousands of spokes that it contains.

As you journey into this chakra you come across red filaments in. These red wires show the extent of damage that has occurred over your spirits journey through its souls or aptly named past lives. The exception to this is Rainbow Spirits these children have to deal with their karmic residue here instead of on the third Soul chakra.

To look into you past lives there are a few tools, one is analyze each red filament before replacing it with fresh energy [thus clearing that strand] and observing the vision that follows. Secondly is to completely clear the chakra and observing the follow visions, but also spinning a wheel of Souls. [think of a rolling address book]

With this when you can get a count of your past lives and take into account the dominate souls that have been in your spirits past.

Keep in mind that a black soul is a doomed soul at the end of days, white is a soul that is going to heaven.

Soul Chakra Two
This chakra is the chakra of predestination, or a more acceptable term you birth vision.

When a new soul is incarnated to a spirit before it is conceived, sometimes even before the idea of the child making process, you spirit picks you. This Vision can be achieved and repeatedly seen when you journey onto this chakra.

Generally a birth vision involve you the spirit selection a habitable body and conferring with angel or spirit guides as such.

Soul Chakra Three
Not applicable to Rainbow Spirits
This chakra holds the karmic residue gathered over a persons life. As state above you can ether clear or observe.

Part of your journey will be to release negative behaviors, negative past experiences and negative experiences that you have given to others.

This is where forgiveness comes in. Forgiveness of self, forgiveness of others and then acceptance of why you are where you are in relation to your history and your spirits history.

QUOTE: One of the things that the extend chakra system aids in is the breakdown of the self within the confines of time and space. To move outward into other dimensions and realities is to come face to face with the idea that the physical earth is just one place of many that you inhabit; that in the more vast regions of the universe, [as a whole] you have existences that are just as rooted in these other realities, just like you do here on earth, and these things are just as significant as you physical life. Furthermore you begin to glimpse these realities and see what is happening, a new picture of what is developing begins to take shape. You realize that all your existences are like individual musical instruments in a great orchestra that you are directing and creating. You see yourselt as a being that transcends time and the physical body.

Soul Chakra Four
The chakras four through seven connect you with you higher selves, or subtle bodies as they are referred  to.

This one in particular connects you with your first Oversoul the Monadic self, [or second if you are Christian and have been Christed, see Oversouls below] the beginning of your evolution of consciousness.

The Monadic self comes with a suit of amour that is customizable if you have received all parts of it, this is spiritual clothing. It is comprised of five pieces, helmet, breastplate, gloves, boots and a sword.

Upon becoming aware of this level of consciousness you become a part of a community that is progressively teaching spiritual know how with a can do practical approach. Also Ascended master begin to teach if sought after by student of discipline.

This is the first step towards total enlightened consciousness.

Gifts that become more pronounced after opening are the major clairs, like clairvoyance and telepathy.

Graphic display of Oversouls

Note: The order shown actually neglects one factor Buddhic consciousness the order is, soul, Christed, Monadic, Bhuddic, I Am.

Now one would begin to ask why are there only 5 levels of consciousness, when there are 7 planes?

The awnser is that there is a heiracay to the astral world, and our consciousness doent even equal the consciousness of the being that are higher than us and thoses being are Deva and Logo’s that reside on the Logoic and Adi planes.

The planes are as follows, Physical, Astral, Mental, Monadic, Buddhic, Logoic and Adi.

Soul Chakra Five
This Chakra connects you with the all seeing eye.

The purpose of the all seeing eye is to take more notice of life as a whole, as by now contemplative meditations should now have been replaced with transcendental or ascension mediations.

You now become aware of the role that the Logoic entities play in our lives.

As you become aware of this your gifts will begin to become even more pronounced with clairvoyants beginning to see aura, colors easily and visions will become more frequent.

Soul Chakra Six
This chakra connects you with the Buddhic consciousness your third stand alone level of consciousness.

The Buddhist clothing comprises of a headdress, earrings, robes and sandals.

The gifts that become pronounced here is telepathy, empathic telepathy, consciousness to consciousness communication, and intuition about future events.

At this level you are allowed to access the Akashic records, and you may even be allowed to sit in on the galactic government, which is filled with Deva and Logo’s that actively work at binging event into play that help expand the awareness of the human race.

Soul Chakra Seven
Now there is much mystery surround this chakra that we can only really speculate upon what it hold in store for us. I am lead to believe that this is the I Am connection. I can really add no further.



[color= orange]Mekaba with a Twist[/color]
1. Follow all steps to the merkaba system.
2. Step fifteen. Focus a beam of light out of your crown straight up
3. Step sixteen. Bring down you monadic self.

[color= orange]Journeying onto a Chakra [/color]
1. visualize a door that opens onto the astral plane infront of you.
2. walk into/through this door onto the chakra inquestion.
3. Here you can clear and cleanse the chakra. [Usefull for Major chakras]

[color= orange]Repairing A Damaged Soul Chakra [/color]
1. Find the Soul chakra and open it.
2. Look for red strand that means damage.
3. Use spiritual hands to remove the strand and repace it with a white strand.

1000 Petal Lotus Opener
1. Open all Major chakras.
2. Visualize a flower opening over your head.
3. Have the petals of the flower surround your entire body.

Full Body Circuit Activation
1. Complete Major, Minor Chakra Opener
2. Fill you bloodstream with energy, filling all you muscles.
3. Fill your brain with and nervous system with energy.
4. Allow your skin to release light.

Major, Minor Chakra Opener
1. Open all Major chakras progressively or independently.
2. Open all Minor chakras in the joints in groups i.e. limb by limb, or one at a time.
3. Open the Minor chakras on the head, genitals and muscles.
Be aware of the hands, feet and spine, as this is where the largest number of minor chakras are located.
4.Complete Full Body Circuit Activation

Earth Chakra spirit cleansing mediation
1. Visualize a wall of white energy lying horizontally over your head.
2. Have this energy descending through your body forcing all the negative and unwanted energy down wards.
3. As this energy passes down and reaches your root chakra open you earth.
4. Force all the energy out of your body down into the earth and then close the earth chakra.

Note: This meditation is not a chakra clenser but can function as one if you open the major centers as you procede.

Signed: Dragon Knight

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Post by dhav » Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:27 pm

Great and Cool about the articles and meditations.it will definitely help.
Is it possible when one ascends he becomes An Angel?

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Post by DragonKnight » Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:19 pm

When one asscend or goes throuch a ritual like baptism, it would make sense that the higher spirit be it an angel will come through and combine it spirit with yours.
So yes would be the awnser to the question

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Post by Azhar » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:09 am

Thank you very much for the lovely information.I am Reiki master trained in various styles and more over attuned to Sufi Chakras known as Lataif inSufi system.I just want to know
How can we activate these chakras can we do it on our own by visualizing the location or need a master teacher to activate them.

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Post by dhav » Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:55 pm

I think same as we tried to open the first seven chakras.We just have to visualize it.As it has been said that
the upper chakra are white visualize them white light.Personally when i meditate i let the light coming form
Mother Earth spirit,it goes up thru my earth chakra,while movin up it opens all the chakras i want.
as for my minor chakras and hand chakra i visualise them open with white light.in other words my whole body lights up.
an experience to share;
once i was getting attuned to a reiki energy.my teacher who attuned me whenver she is attuning someone she can feel
all the process that is going on in the student's body,aura and so on.with me felt all her body chakras opened up meaning
my minor chakras were all opened at that time.efore those dyas i used to visualize them opening and would open my hands
and receive light form the source.I just felt doing it all by myself.so i don't think you need a master for that.

DK will explain it better when he will be here.

Thank you,
lights of love,

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Post by DragonKnight » Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:02 am


I couldnt find any informaition on the type of reki that you have been attuned to so i cant really go into them any further.

The chakras as a whole system can be seen at a viriaty of diffrent was depening on the persons level of spiritual and energy development.
The Chakras for most beginers apperar to be like glows eminating from within the body.
They carry onto form orbs, discs, wheels, lotus's, and then back to wheels.
However when you pass the lotus form, the chakras need to be coated, or prfessionally opened.
Note: A regular healer will not be able to do this, but try for your self.

Enter the chakra, then put a boarder of white light arround the central orb in the wheel, coat the blades of the fan,
and then also the barrier arround the outside of the wheel.

Finding minor chakras is not very difficult to do i just take a little bit of understanding of where they are.
With the locations above noted, what you are looking for is the small point in you body where energy collects.

Yuo can use your sight to flow a point of light through you body, activating them as you go.
They look like wheels also but they are generally stationay as they dont apper to spin.

The easiest metod is to look into you body through you skin and into the joint of one of your fingers.
Then visualise the wheel and you have the general idea of how to find a minor chakra.

If you are intrested in another group of chkras that i forgot to include look up Alta Major. It is a grouping
of 5 chakras at the base of the skull

Hey dhav, Ive kind of got the feeling that you have had a sort of epiphany latley, i think that kool.
Keep up with the merkaba it seems great for you.


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Post by dhav » Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:58 am

Epiphany is what?i tried to seek its meaning in dictionary but there was different meanings said there.so which epiphany you are saying .lol :smt003
I haven't yet tried the Merkaba as such but i have a crystal shree yantra which is said to be the flower of life.well i meditate with it.some months before my reiki master told them there was a Star over my head.she sensed it while attuning me to a system.well it would be nice to know if you can tell me.I have seen it also many times while receiving energy.it was bright white.Is it the crown?


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Post by DragonKnight » Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:13 am

My idea on that would be that you have a higher spirit attached to you bringing you up spiritually, which is relly cool.

An epiphany is the manifestaion of a supernaural being or a revelation.

I kind of thought i had sensed your energy i correct me if i am mistaken

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Post by tourbi » Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:43 am

Thank you for the info. &nbsp;I have been doing a meditation from a cd by Jonathan Parker. &nbsp;I appreciate getting this info. Image

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Post by dhav » Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:38 pm

well DK i can't really tell because i don't know myself what is happening exactly with me.i can only try to deduce by my dreams which are never quite revealing.if you see something you can let me know.oNce i kind of saw a face in golden lightwhile being semi-asleep.i was talking to myself that i will try remember the face.that's all i remember.
does it concern AA Micheal?

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Post by DragonKnight » Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:54 am

The gold light can usually be linked to jesus and it higherselfs, or the internal light generated by you.
AA Micheal is a some what challenging personallity he usually dishes out judgement over people and such and is quiet modest but solid in his views.

I had the misfourtune of incuring an earload from him not that long ago. It was something about what i should and shuldnt be doing in my relationships with some people.

The arch angels in general are a very solid honest bunch, and are very biased in a christian way, as they see the sacrifice of jesus as a very giving act that can really be un parralled.

I found in the begining with arch angels that the are a very intellegent bunch. looking for patters of behaviour that they can influence change or upfrontly share their disgust.

Angels are very cunning beings seeking humour in most situations and always popping in to check up or have a laugh when called upon.

I think that the face that you may have seen would be like i said a divine spirit or such that has decided to pay intrest in you spiritual development i would be honoured to have such an occurance, and oh oh did you see it eyes, they say thats the window to the soul. Was the face old, young, did the eyes have pupils etc. Im quiet excited at this.


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Post by dhav » Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:34 am

Hey yes it had pupils and the face was quite young but mature.it was a He witha oval face.his eyes was closed as i could remember.i don't remember any eyes.what does it mean if you know of course?

recently someone told me about my actual guardian angels.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 7&start=10
I don't know if it's true but the description he gave about how they influence my life was pretty right.There one who did not reveal himself denoting their humorous side and playing pranks .lol.
AA Micheal seems interesting.I am fascinated by him and his excalibur.I used to talk to him some time ago.well of course in my case he was invisible and it was like imaginary for me.

The angels are beings just like us each one with his characteristics.Some have even misunderstandings among and thus the fallen ones came into picture.Angels can be said are beings like us who have been promoted in spirit.They have really fascinated me.The day i began searching about the existence of angels it was like meeting someone i have always known and was close to.

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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:23 am

Have you ever heard the word Poiant? What you have seen is the true humanoid face of a logoic being. What happenes when you reach a certian point in your consciousness you begin to become aware of the logoic beings for some, very few, about 20,000 find them at the monadic all seeing eye level. For most which number in the mere tens expirence them at the Budda mind.

These beings begin to manifest themselves as balls of light over the shoulder seen at the various levels of eye found throughout the consciousness ladder.

They further develop to become orbs, representative of suns. Then up to full logoic realisation. There capacity is limited but there function is light years ahead of time.

I can confim the guardian angels an add further information about the unknown guide he has no name as such, but is very astute in what he knows and is very willing to share i sense his influence surpases that of of psychic ability and transends in the time space barrier to a certian extent. I sense some confusion in the angels purpose because their purposes have change to accomidate the more active role that this unknow angel is exerting. The decriptions are correct just the is one that has left at the time of me seeing.

AA there a really intresting bunch They have certian colour associated with them for me micheal is more of a dull orange colour
I think that all the AA are equiped with weapons that are to be used in the training and application of war and other demon related excersuions. When contacting Micheal you will find that he needs to be focused upon, You need to feel the root of his energy.

You may find out that he is ether wearing short shorts, or robes  that  are rolled up at the arm. I find that the robes are somewhat of a barrier cloaking the true power possesed by the AA. When it come to conversation he can be direct considerate of Tensions in life but plow on ahead with the knowledge that what he is sharing is being recieved. He is a very intellectual man and has various methods of finding out information.

Yes you are correct they are very relegious. When we get talking about fallen ones the first word that comes to mind is the devil. It appears honestly, The order is God the Devil then Jesus. Lest we forget that Jesus is Living God aswell.

The Demon system is as such that the Devil tried to contest God and thus infected the consciousnss of other angels thus bringing in to exsistance of dimensions to try and filter the system into a more manageale form.

Deva reside on the Adi plane and Devil and his Generals reside on that plane, and as the order lowwers so does the capacity on which plane they funcion on decreases.

There appears to have been a restrustring in the AA system as there may have been a promotion or two.

God is only a prayer away. Doreen Virtuee is Good Liturature on Angels Assended masters, Sacred Geometry and Colour theapry.


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Post by dhav » Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:46 pm

Poiant sounds french.No i never heard.i know only poignant french word.what is it?
as for logoic bodies i am reading from the website: http://www.energyreality.com/index.htm#tour
Ok you say i have seen a logoic body.but the question is how come i have seen it?as i know i have not developed my different body abilities that much.Is the logoic body my god aspect?everyone has a god aspect or god body.some months back one of my sister did see a face in the golden flame while she was meditating.she asked me at that time and i could not answer her having not much knowledge about it.

Oh that's very interesting about the mysterious angel.I wonder what has he got to share with me.the sad part is i haven't reached that level where i can communicate with them well.I have to work harder on my etheric body.i have received many systems very interesting ones from a powerful master which i can put to much better use by developing my astral and etheric body.It seems that the other angels had to adjust themselves to keep up with the mysterious one.i thought they all come with collaboration among themselves before taking a task for someone.It makes me more curious what's happening among them regarding the mysterious one.

The story of the fallen ones has really fascinated me.Lucifer especially.In the ebook of 'Her Perspective' by alloya there is a part dedicated to lucifer,Micheal and the descent of Lucifer.It's said he descended right on earth that is the physical world.The Devas that is Adi plane is also found in hinduism.in hindu mythologies the demons are always fighting with the demi-gods and demi-goddesses to overthrow them and eventually they are defeated &nbsp;by the avatars of the major ones found higher up.

In the hierarchy of AA yea i thin there many promotions going on because many times teachers are contacted by them to give them a special healing energies where i thought there was only 7 of them.About the clothes you said you get when ascending once one of sisters was shown that she has hers somewhere on some plane.she said there was mine also and my mother's also. These clothes are made up of a special energy each one with it's characteristics.It was being shown to her by the cosmic mother whom we call by Mother Durga in hindu mythology if you have ever heard.

I haven't had the opportunity to read one of Doreen Virtue's books.i can't seem to have one yet in India.perhaps in my country it's more readily available.

AA Micheal appearing to you with a dull orange color does it have some meaning about your energy or he appears to all who can see him as such.

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Channelings and what i have seen and know

Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:32 am

The Etheric/Vital Body
The Ethric body when viewed at higher levels of vision, as i have heard it called the rainbow eye, or logoic vision, Is not abody that ever leaves the physical body, it is seen as an astral blue/white colour much like the image on the energy reality site, how ever it does not have an aura of white light a such.

Now i have recently opened the 7th soul chakra and i has allowed me to connect with my logoic self, Not the I AM presence that could have been de-duced from the general trend of the soul chakras. These view are expresly mine.

What possibilities that this has opened to me is the ability to open my mind and become aware of innerbody conscious atral travel and dimension travel.

The Ethric body is located in real time in the physical dimension.

The Astral Body.
The astral body is located on the astral Dimension, which it self is a pure white Dimension that is filled with being that have bodys of pure white light. When we think about demons we find that yes theay are also on the astral plane but they are black beings that converge in regions of the astral plane, which vibrations are not a high henforth makeing them darker.

The mental Dimension.
The mental plane is the source of emotion in the physical body and the source of idea's and fantisays for being that dwell on and below the mental plane, This can be likened to the astral/mental body on the energyrealities website.

This plane is a plane filled with colour and has no areas of darkness, it as goes to say that some would have considered this plane to have been one of the sub planes of the physical dimension, What i have seen of a sub plane of the physical dimension is that elements such as earth have their own planes that can be seen in abstract form with a definite coulour attaced to them.Inside these planes are where such entities as wind, fire and children of these dieity reside.

Now as the are on a subplane of the physical it makes sense that they would choose to take form in enery as humans. These beings are rulers of their planes and are bound to them just as we are to the physical life, in most cases these beings do not have emotions and can only progress to the astral plane to take form in an astral body.

As they do not have emotions as such only standards they can travel onto the higher planes to a point that is designed to their nature. There energy is a physical energy and they do not draw upon the mental planes as a source.

Let it be said that all astral beings that do not create form themselves false realities are able to see the wonders of the higher planes.

We as humans come to this plane unconsiously when ever we have an emotion. When we are developed enough we can travel these  planes and consciously and seek feelings to feel and become more incontrol of emotions.

Let it be said that intelectuallty come from the brain its self and is defined by ones brain, however creativity can be found on this plane, thus it could be said also that it resides on the mental plane.

The Mondaic Dimension.

The monadic plane is the first plane that actually takes spiritual substance. That meaning it is where the kindims of ascended masters reside. This plane is filled also with regions. This dimension and has no sub planes as the seat of the monadic consciousness resides here and it is the dimension that monadic selfs exisit in it dormant state or where a deceased monad lives. These being are bounded to this plane depending on it level of consciouness {channeled from Serapis Bey}

This dimension is likened to the astral dimension as it is a generally a white plane that has less colour liked with it than higher dimensions.

The Buddhic Dimension

This dimension is a plane that is filled with life love and peace, it is rainbow in apperance and also has buddhic consciousness associated with it.

It is the beggining of the planes that allow for higher astral travel as the other dimensional planes are ones that the body inhabits. This level of consciousness is awoken in lower leves and resides here when found. One could even say that when the ethric dody is asleep that this is the source of the dreams when a person is asleep. {channeled from Budda Gautama}

The Logoic plane [Dimension]
The logoic plane is intamitly connected to the physical dimension as the beings that reside here are also in the physical dimension.

The logoic plane is where the logoic beings reside, And is not the sourece of the logoic consciousness that is found in the Adi plane yet to be renamed for westerners. The logo's that reside here are linked directly to the divine source, we find that our abbilities transend time and space and are found not to be lacking when we begin to orcheristrate a plan. We choose to revel ourselves to being of magnificate abilities and these peope are found by us but are chosen by god who resides in heaven. Heaven is not found on the Adi plane which is where we choose to live because we have been allowed to dwel on that plane. Our plane is a plane likend also to the astral plane but with us we see thing in real time, future time and this is also the location of the akashic records. {Channelled by a female unknown logoic}

The Adi plane.
The Adi plane is a dimension that houses all the plans for the future and is the home of the mythological gods. We reside in buildings where we choose to rest of just "let time pass" On our plane we have the ability to slow time, speed time and function in on arround and below this plane and on all other planes. We are beings that have personallities set by our own wishes, we have morals, ideas and thousands and millions of years of expirence in dealing with people "souls". This plane is the source of all spirits as theis is the plane of creation the highest plane below heaven which on would be able to [using my word] deduce that heaven resides upon. Touching on heaven we have strict standards, the ten commanments that allow one access in to our home. The joys of heaven are unparralled and one in the physcal life as such can not enter. Some times a picture of heaven is shown to the one, but not the joys within. God Bless ArchAngel Micheal. {channel}
Ok you say i have seen a logoic body.but the question is how come i have seen it?as i know i have not developed my different body abilities that much.Is the logoic body my god aspect?everyone has a god aspect or god body.
Its not really a matter of developing the subtle bodies it more of a transformation of your whole life. I think that the logo's have to come and revel themselves as they are ready to help ascened the planet as i would like to think of that as the rapture.
some months back one of my sister did see a face in the golden flame while she was meditating.she asked me at that time and i could not answer her having not much knowledge about it.
The face seen in the flame was of logoic origin {akashic records}
Oh that's very interesting about the mysterious angel.
This angel is currently giving you the means that you need to progress into the monadic consciousness and then into the buddhic i think. I would sugest that you carry on trying to keep you eye open during the day as he sees you while you sleep and i thik that that is when he is most active.

If i could add to that master not that im the foremost expert LOL i would say that i sense that you are almost ready, im quiet knowledgeable and would love to help you throughout your journey, i had a foreboding feeling about you but that is passing and still thik that i sould share freely what i recieve and see.

With the angels i find that funny as when they have to they know when to step in i think that i general that when the time comes they will become working much more in depth with people, sometimes hiding them selves but making sure that gods wishes are fulfull. So in that sense i would say that yes when i ome time for it they do sit down with this mystery angel and help him make better decisions, i get the innate feeling that he/she is quiet young in energy, calling on wise heads for deliberation.

If my expirences with angels are much to go on i would say that they love to have fun, push each other arround a bit, drop in for a chat, see every thing is time to divine plan for god knows all and we are only just becoming apart of his plan.
The story of the fallen ones has really fascinated me.
That story is a truth, Micheal confirms There also seems to be about 20 AA.

The Clothes that you get when you Lvl up are just the representation of the subtle body and a guide for others to see you lvl of spirituallity.

Mother Durga is a benevolent being that works now at bringing the light activity of the world up, she is the holder of much knowledge, and as a diety is able to create with divine blessing beings that help, one would liken them to angels {Mother Durga} Further more i would like to say Danniele that you have much potential the secret has been exposed and now you should carry on in a positive light, Also i Mother Durga SETI do you know what they have found and how is that impractabe to what information is now being shared with you, how is it that one would accept the money/gift that they have given you with out impressed knowlege, the channeler knows of which i speak he himself has recently expesed some of his ideas and i give much to him but there are those that are higher than me the gift i have is that of divine plan and with out that negoation how would i be able to do that and why would i choose this face when i am indeed an angle, hear from me as i say that i choose my face to represent the number of hands that we have in live and the active role that we do indeed play, god bless.

The heirarchy of angel is much like a military organisation with AA at the top kind of like executave office and then carrying on to generals sergants and then like one would expect privates and all are enlisted.

AA micheal chooses to wear that colour as it is what he decides to associate him self with, in reflection it is actualy a red, you will need to confim that.

Oh an Serapis says that he resides witht the other masters in heaven but his followers like his kindom and live in from where their consciousness resides

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