Requesting Information: Cons and Pros of opening/closing/balancing chakras

Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Requesting Information: Cons and Pros of opening/closing/balancing chakras

Post by WernerOne » Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:52 am

hello, i have over a year now trying to improve my relationships with people now. my relationships have improved alot, and are still improving. My love life is what needs more focus. That is one thing i am having the most trouble with. So i am now seeking the spiritual path to cure my internal problems that block me from success in love life and relationships.

I just bought a crystal pendulum two days ago and i'm seeking info of the dangers of having a certain chakra open and closed. i read on another website that having certain chakra open and other close is very dangerous. I read that people will start to take advantage over you. I also read that once you open one chakra, another one will close for protection.

any information is greatly appreciated.

thank you in advance!

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Post by void » Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:02 am

somehow I dont subscribe to that

I cant see anything wrong with opening a chakra

I've been doing third eye exercizes & no bad stuff yet

if there is real concerns I would like to know

I can handle a dry spell

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Post by floraw » Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:09 pm

oh, actually i have already heard about it. when you say that you have to balance the chackra, then it was supposed to be not too open, not too closed, because it may cause trouble. for example, the one concerned to sexuality. If it is closed, you have problems with relationship, or maybe you suffered some abuse in past, mental or physical and it affected the way you get along with your partners. If the chackra is too open, the person use the sexual energy in a negative way.. the sex for instance becomes "empty" and the person becomes "empty" and unhappy for being promiscuous, trying to use sex to create or keep a good relationship, even if your inner side knows that it is not the correct way...

i will try to find the source for this info and bring it back here

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Re: Requesting Information: Cons and Pros of opening/closing/balancing chakras

Post by TuomasT » Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:20 pm

WernerOne wrote:hello, i have over a year now trying to improve my relationships with people now. my relationships have improved alot, and are still improving. My love life is what needs more focus. That is one thing i am having the most trouble with. So i am now seeking the spiritual path to cure my internal problems that block me from success in love life and relationships.

I just bought a crystal pendulum two days ago and i'm seeking info of the dangers of having a certain chakra open and closed. i read on another website that having certain chakra open and other close is very dangerous. I read that people will start to take advantage over you. I also read that once you open one chakra, another one will close for protection.

any information is greatly appreciated.

thank you in advance!
Hello WernerOne!

Based on my experience spirituality can be really helpful for curing internal problems.

I think it's important to understand that the internal problems and chakras are two different realities. Internal problems belongs to the personality programming (who and what you are in your mind. I think some call it ego.) category and chakras to another category. Ofcourse they are closely connected, but it's important to understand the difference between these two. Because having open chakras doesn't necessarily make everyone a nice person. And personally I'm only interested in how to be a nice and loving person and how to help others to be nice and loving. For the many of us becoming a truly loving person involves a total re-programming of personality ("death of the self").    

About chakras: Balance and staying achored are some of the most important keys.

Personally I haven't been able to solve my internal problems without God's help. When I began to allow God's Holy Spirit to work inside me I began to truly change internally. It's truly a total re-programming.

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Post by ec » Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:15 pm

Hello there.. I think the "danger" that you have been reading about is becoming unbalanced which can lead to problems... if for example your heart chakra was very open but your root chakra closed you would be very open to emotions and empathy but not very grounded.... a danger of sorts..... that kind of thing. Whatever spiritual awakening should be a positive thing and not full of fear.... work on your chakras from the bottom up and in the knowledge that you will be taken care of whatever and that your path is for you .... and for you to learn on ! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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