Lavender "pillows"

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Lavender "pillows"

Post by sonny » Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:23 pm

At the last herb society meeting, one of the members brought a story from an herbal publication. It stated that military men/women are using little pillows filled with lavender to sleep on and it's helping with the nightmares/dreams from war experience. We made these little pillows. Okay, we cheated, she had them sewn on three sides so we put in the lavender and a cotton ball with lavender essential oil and then sewed together. I sleep on mine and I do notice that Grandson (2-1/2) will take the pillow for his bed at times. He'll say, "Mell (translation - smell) Grandma, melll!!! OOOOHHHHH GOOOOOOD!!!!" Now have a day full of hugs and miracles and all dreams coming true sliding into your life on rainbows of beautiful light. marlita

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