Is this a forum for religion?

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Post by tourbi » Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:44 pm

One of the things that drew me and continues to draw me to this site are the many people with many beliefs, religions and ideas all sharing and being shared with.  The fact that so many with differing views are able to speak and listen and share with so little anger and so vew misunderstandings.  For me, that is very powerful and empowering to all who wish to share.  
I dream of a time when we can all respect each other in our differences and similarities.  I appreciate that we have our own spaces to be with people who are like minded and I appreciate when we can all get together to understand each other better.
Where we try to listen to others, to understand, we have opportunity to grow.  Where we help each other so we aren't afraid of each other, we have the opportunity to work and live together in respect and care.
This site for me affords me the opportunity to understand others better, to talk with those who often don't want to listen.  
I celebrate this site and all the people who are here, sharing their truths and honoring the truths of others, be it through their religion or thru their interests of tarot, palmistry, being psychic.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:16 am

Okay I am going to prolly make some people mad here, but From what I have read, Prof was just trying to say that if the point in coming HERE is to be open minded and to share and grow, then why would people post somethings that make it seem to people out side of religion that they are trying to convert? I know that there have been times when I myself have read posts and thought, WOW that was a sermon, not a post. and it isn't always in places that I have learned to avoid. I dislike talking about most religions, although I have taken time to learn at least some about all of them. But how can there be so many people who think that we should ALL be able to share ideas, stick to just ONE side of this road? I think that if you want to talk about God, or a higher power, or ANY Deity then do so, but don't preach to the ones who don't believe and don't expect someone who doesn't believe to just accept what you say. Prof has as much right to NOT have to avoid a forum, because of religion as someone else does to be able to talk about it.

Gem has said that it is something that they are looking into changing, so Prof isn't the only one who has said something, he is the only one who has decided (as he put it) to get on a soapbox and let everyone know how he FEELS. Which is, simply a post that you can chose to ignore and not respond to. I know that I have gotten angry at somethings that I have read on here, and that I have responded and argued, but there has to be a point where you figure out that NOTHING you say will change how a person feels and what they think and walk away. Prof is a intelligent person, and I have great respect for many things that he says. But there are things that he has said in the past that made me have to read it again because I didn't believe my own eyes... So instead of letting it get to me, I clicked the back button and let it go. This is one of the things that MANY people have died over, (religion) and that CAN and DOES divide people. I know that I Love MB and that I would hate to think that something like religion can take all the wonder from a place like this. Saying however, passionately what you think, can and is sometimes a good thing. it can lead to a place where understanding is achieved.

But telling someone who doesn't believe that somethings JUST are, is not a way to get a point across, and I think that is part of what Prof was saying. OKAY he gets it, You think God is wondereous, but how can you show to someone who doesn't see it, why you look at it that way? This is a good way to spread understanding, and to make sure that you are not cutting someone from your life who would be an asset simply because they do not see through your eyes.

*gets off the soapbox* Thanks for the loan Prof.

I love many of you who have responded to this, and I will love you no matter what you think of what I have said. But instead of complaining to Prof. Why don't you ask him about WHY he felt he should make this topic, and if there is a way that he thinks religion could co exsit in this place. I have not see ONE attempt at that So I WILL ask.


   Please let me know why ya made this topic, and is there a way that you could co exsit with a religious topic?

            Love to you all,

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:15 am

Mystikal Miss you have my point, I'm not against anyone expressing their views what I am against is these reams of religious rubbish that clog up an otherwise entertaining board.
I was on another board the other day - nothing to with matters spiritual and this buch of people kept coming saying stuff like, 'I believe in God the Father and Jesus is my saviour.'
It had nothing whatsoever to do with the ideas under discussion and the same thing happens here;someone comes on makes a statement and then gets all huffy and fluffy when you question why they are here.
If you don't want to get into a discussion keep your mouth shut, I don't mind discussing this - or most other things and if you have a view - feel free to express it but don't dress it up as 'The word of this god or that god and it must not be questioned - because he says so.'
I'm not American but I feel I have a right to a view on George Bush, I'm not fighting in Iraq (I'm too old) but I have views on the rightness of the conflict.
When dattaswami is allowed to put reams of stuff about what this guy said or that guy promised and no-one says anything then he'll continue and I think it's wrong.

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Post by tourbi » Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:31 pm

My last statement here. There is a difference between saying proselytizing is unacceptable, with no desire for discussion, just blind acceptance and saying people of religion don't belong here and conversations of religion don't belong.
I don't think this is a place of single mindedness, it is a place of being open-minded.
I do take exception to what I read, there is no room for people of religion here.
I agree, this is an open minded place where people are free to discuss religion and give their opinions, ask questions and challenge nicely, what has been stated.

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Post by suzisco » Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:55 pm

Hmm its always a difficult and emotive subject and i always try and have an open mind.  You will notice some changes in spirituality if you visit there.

I like freedom of speech and try hard not to censure people except when in my opinion they are being mean and horrible to others.  I see where everyone comes from however all this aside i will hope you all make contributions to spirituality (I moderate it) :)

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:15 am

Respected Prof.

I have read your comments and agree and disagree with what you have to say. I have been reading those posts you are refering to long time back when I joined them but now I do not read them. When I know what those posts refer to and If I am interested in them I do read them, if not then I avoid it. It is so simple. Why to complain. After all it is not anything Vulgar or Porn posted here for that has to be deleted immediately.

I am a member of Silva India Meditation Group which course I did in meditation. The soul purpose of the group was to heal others. Requests were posted there often about the person and others healed that person, there were other request to get the wealth lost or do betterin exams or get a promotion or a job in a reputed company. so on and so forth. Then people started posting all about interesting posts which you will find even in the General Discussion. Then the moderator did issue a warning and for some time it subsided but again resumed with full force. Now a person well known for boasting his prowess posted such spam posts which are forwarded to others as per instructions and claimed silly things. When he was warned he said you don't read it if you do not like it. The wonderful part is after every 6/7 such posts of this person there is someone always there to praise him.

Now this person has posted of all the things, proposal for marrying his relatives daughter with her details and the type of boy wanted. Can you imagine? What has a meditation group to do with marriage proposal to be posted. I do not read it although my reaction to that post was just like your reaction to post on Religion. If we do not like it we leave it. You have protested and your views are known and I won't add to it. Just leave those posts and read others and do post yourself too as I like to read your posts rather than those on religion.

With regards.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by TheJedi » Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:59 pm

So pull the "spiritual" part OUT of the occult and magick section, and make it its own forum. Then you can add sub-forums with various religions in it.  That way, people wanting to talk about Christian things would have a place to go. People wanting to discuss Wicca, and not just "pagan" things in general, would have a place go, etc.  I am Wiccan, and I have nothing against other pagans and their beliefs, but some of their beliefs just don't fit in to my particular belief system.  It would be much easier, and more rewarding, for me to go to a section with like-minded individuals.  If I choose to discuss other religions, however, I would know right where to go for questions or discussions regarding other views and faiths.

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Post by tourbi » Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:24 pm

I hope the Spiritual is left in.  
I would hate to see these forums turned into a place for all the religions and their derivations to be listed.
I think it would be far too confusing.  
I respect that you are Wiccan, some of my best friends are.  I just think on these forums it isnt necessary.  
I love the Spirituality that is shared, the various times people share about their beliefs and the respect shown for all the beliefs represented here.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:50 am

[quote="tourbi"]I hope the Spiritual is left in.  
I would hate to see these forums turned into a place for all the religions and their derivations to be listed.
I think it would be far too confusing.  
I respect that you are Wiccan, some of my best friends are.  I just think on these forums it isnt necessary.  
I love the Spirituality that is shared, the various times people share about their beliefs and the respect shown for all the beliefs represented here.[/quote]

I thought spiritualism is what breathed life into religion and brought it down from the Heavens to live and heal on the Earth!

But what do I know, eh sister?


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:53 am

Hey Prof!

Your graphic skills sure have improved since I ran into you last :-) But you still remain as lovable despite your now 3D 'moves'!



[quote="Prof. Akers"]Mystikal Miss you have my point, I'm not against anyone expressing their views what I am against is these reams of religious rubbish that clog up an otherwise entertaining board.
I was on another board the other day - nothing to with matters spiritual and this buch of people kept coming saying stuff like, 'I believe in God the Father and Jesus is my saviour.'
It had nothing whatsoever to do with the ideas under discussion and the same thing happens here;someone comes on makes a statement and then gets all huffy and fluffy when you question why they are here.
If you don't want to get into a discussion keep your mouth shut, I don't mind discussing this - or most other things and if you have a view - feel free to express it but don't dress it up as 'The word of this god or that god and it must not be questioned - because he says so.'
I'm not American but I feel I have a right to a view on George Bush, I'm not fighting in Iraq (I'm too old) but I have views on the rightness of the conflict.
When dattaswami is allowed to put reams of stuff about what this guy said or that guy promised and no-one says anything then he'll continue and I think it's wrong.[/quote]

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:40 pm

[quote="tourbi"]One of the things that drew me and continues to draw me to this site are the many people with many beliefs, religions and ideas all sharing and being shared with.  The fact that so many with differing views are able to speak and listen and share with so little anger and so vew misunderstandings.  For me, that is very powerful and empowering to all who wish to share.  
I dream of a time when we can all respect each other in our differences and similarities.  I appreciate that we have our own spaces to be with people who are like minded and I appreciate when we can all get together to understand each other better.
Where we try to listen to others, to understand, we have opportunity to grow.  Where we help each other so we aren't afraid of each other, we have the opportunity to work and live together in respect and care.
This site for me affords me the opportunity to understand others better, to talk with those who often don't want to listen.  
I celebrate this site and all the people who are here, sharing their truths and honoring the truths of others, be it through their religion or thru their interests of tarot, palmistry, being psychic.[/quote]


"Sites" are like oases, embedded in the plethora of desert-land that surrounds these "cool" spots. But the warm destructive desert winds lie just outside licking their dry, thirsty and sandy tongues to enter the oasis and consume it just for the sake of uniformity! Fundamentalistic uniformity! And that is scary, particularly when it is observed in an oasis!

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