Gemini Soulmate

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Twin Flame
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Gemini Soulmate

Post by Twin Flame » Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:08 pm

Hello all,

I am not sure if I am in the right place for to post this; please move it if so.

I am fairly new to the signs of the zodiac and in particular relating to love.

My girlfriend split with me around 2 months ago; from that day onwards I respected her decision and I did not contact her and I started moving on with my life.  Since the split she has contacted me around 5/6 times just about fluff and random stuff and nothing I feel that I can go on; I still love her so very much and I feel like she is my soul mate.

So my question is; she is a Gemini female and I am an Aquarian male.  Can anyone give me any insight into the Gemini woman and how to make sense of her contacting me?  

For example; she emailed me last week from an old email account we shared asking me if I ever visited it (it contains our thoughts and feelings etc).  I replied that I use to etc but I asked her why she did; “she just said she was not sure and perhaps she should not have”.

When I think about the excuses to contact me I laugh but I am not willing to put myself on the line I have dusted myself of pretty well and I don’t want to fall backwards.

My sister believes I should just leave her be and get on with my life until she makes a move that is a definite sign of her feelings but I am confused.
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Oh she split with me because I put too much distance between us and gave her too much space within the relationship.  I have learnt from this and understood the mistakes I have made.

I want to move on with my life and I can accept her not wanting to be part of it but she declared her undying love for me had a tattoo done in reference to the love she felt for me (not my name) the list of things she did was endless.

Anyway any insight would be very helpful

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gemini female

Post by jelka000 » Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:35 am

I am gemini female, from my point of view:
I would think she is not sure if you love her enough, so she left you that you can not hurt her feelings. I left my exboyfriend because I did not feel love from him.
He did not make any move to show me otherwise so we went separate ways.

Twin Flame
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Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:58 pm

Post by Twin Flame » Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:51 am

Hi Jelka000,

Thank you for your insight.

Before we split I told her everything I felt and how much she meant to me, I wrote everything down so she could read and spoke the words with my lips.

I created a heart shape on the floor of my room with white candles and we danced inside to her favourite song and I looked into her eyes and told her what my feelings were.

Surely she knows this?

Just to add one of her favourite sayings was "If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were"

My interpretation on this is she asked me to step back from her life and I have "I set her free" and if she does not come back she never was mine?

Jeese  :smt090

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Post by astrologer50 » Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:51 pm

First you need to understand that you are NOT the sum total of your sun sign!
newspaper and magazine astrology is nothing related to the proper astrology that Astrologers use, this is just a pinch of salt entertainment sort. What they do is put each sun sign conjunct the Ascendant and read where the 10 planets fall in any one of the 12 houses. So when you have got your free chart from you will know your Ascendant sign, then if you want use this type of recreational fun, then you would look up your Ascendant sign to stand any kind of chance of having those planets in the right houses for you…. These were invented for commercial reasons... If you cannot get past this idea of JUST sun signs, you will always stay a novice/astro virgin. Perhaps if you learn some of the basics in astrology this will help with your future questions

[Can anyone give me any insight into the Gemini woman and how to make sense of her contacting me?  ]
Unfortunately, Astrology cannot answer this subjective question and if you think it can or should, you are mistaken and have unrealistic expectations and no doubt you will end up disillusioned and frustrated with astrology. astrologers are not clairvoyants, so perhaps lower your expectations here

Misconceptions about what astrology can do ... 738AAV7k9s
perhaps this thread will help you understand a little more

Please remember synastry does NOT work off SIGNS but mathematical aspects one chart makes to another. What attracts you to another person is their ASCENDANT sign not Sun sign. This is the chemistry, lust and attraction factor. So if you want a detailed analysis please make the effort to get the correct charts and then PM the link to your new question. If you get your chart and find your Asc sign from then anyone’s sun sign that falls conjunct your Asc or in your first house is excellent as there would be so much in common. Also excellent if someone's sun conjuncts your Descendant/marriage house. The angles are very sensitive in synastry.

How to approach Synastry ... 159AAn0ocn
please read my thread above and do a little research, read my above thread and if you are still interested please make a new post WITH the correct charts. If you don't have a correct TOB for the other person, just use 12noon, if you use TOB unknown then it won't create a bi wheel....when copy/pasting link make sure you do *enter* after link. Do not make the mistake of copy/pasting from address bar as the links will disappear
Just remember your chart is a PICTURE.jpg not data.

Posting Natal Chart Data v Natal Chart Pictures? ... 946AAdl95j

Synastry aspects calculator ... nastry.php
just remember to reduce the aspects and orb all to 3’ and angles 3’ Use this site *only* IF you are finding it too hard to follow my directions and posting the correct charts from you could use this instead, NOT in addition to. It doesn’t give ASC/MC aspects unfortunately, and these are THE most sensitive and important in synastry.

So, if you create the correct charts and post them in the Western reading forum, pls PM the link to that thread and I will respond

Why not learn the *glyphs* as they are the shorthand for signs/planets and mathematical aspects. ... hp?t=42496

How to post synastry charts ... 124AAoO60I

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