I was told I was a witch

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I was told I was a witch

Post by JasmineBlossoms » Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:45 pm

Years ago I was told that I was a witch on my fathers side. He was very into the supernatural and got me into it at a young age. Astral projection, tarot catds, ouija boards, everything.

I do know things so to speak, I know if someone is ill or will be sick, if they'll recover, etc. But i can't tell anything about myself.

Also my dreams mostly come true. I once dreamed 2 x's of the end of the world, same dream, diff night, and it was so real.

I see ghosts all the time. People think I'm crazy :smt005

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Re: I was told I was a witch

Post by Evie » Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:52 pm

JasmineBlossoms wrote: People think I'm crazy :smt005

This is happening a lot ....  L.O.L   Welcome to the club :smt003


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Post by Gem » Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:47 am

Hi Jasmine Blossoms, welcome to Mystic Board.

Like Evie said... welcome to the club lol, you aren't crazy at all! Well if you are... we all are too <gg> (sshhhhsshhh &nbsp;Evie don't say another word! lol)
You have taken a big step writing this down here and I am sure that there will be lots of movement in your level of knowledge from this point on :) &nbsp;Once we decide to find out more, doors seem to open and the right people appear and help us develop. I personally found that learning tarot cards at a young age was very crucial to my development, it gave me an outlet, and an insight into things magical and mysterious. Although now I can read without them lol I still love their magic and their guiding help. Ouija too, I played with and scared myself silly lol,, till I learnt how to use it properly lol. Astral Projection was and is brilliant for ties of stress, exams and dentists chair lol, something that I love and should really do more with, don't just save it for the bedroom lol. And a witch, well back in the old days we wouldn't dare own up to being one, everything was secret or we were cast out, and infact in some ways that hasn't changed so much even today in some areas :(

What shall we start with? You choose :)

I look forward to many insightful discussions, you will have a lovely home here :smt006

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Post by JasmineBlossoms » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:44 pm

Thank you both so much, you mean I am sane? :smt005 Try telling that to my friends :smt003

I am hoping to learn more about it from others, I have read the books and used to talk to my dad when he was living but he never wanted to really go into it. It's odd, he taught me everything but left out what I really wanted to know and books just don't scratch the surface.

Could you tell me how I could inherit this? Is this something passed along through the genes? And how do I know things about others but not myself?

I remember the first time I did astral, I was a kid, maybe 12 and I was in bed. lol I went to the top of the ceiling and was so scared. &nbsp;:smt003

My dad was in the Navy and was gone alot...he always used to come back to the house and it wouldn't bother me at all seeing him, but my brother used to hide. :smt005

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People think I am crazy

Post by Azhar » Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:02 pm

Salam and hello to every body Pleaaed &nbsp;to &nbsp;meet you all. I just got into spiritualism with the will of God. &nbsp;Though my late
father was very religous he had a great affection with a famous Sufi who came to Indo Pakistan sub contienent about 973 years ago From Ghazni Afghanistan , by the name of Syed ALI Hajveri now burried in Lahore Pakistan. he used to visit his tomb daily &nbsp;at 1.am in midnight for 40 years whether it was rain, storm or cold wind blowing.He had the honour of meeting him directly or physically.The national poet of Pakistan Iqbal had also the same honour. At that time I was more left orinted Marxsist, and my father was quite worried about my behaviours. My father always used to get answer from S.ALI HAJVERI who is popularly known as Data Sahib locally not to worry and every thing will be alright.Some years passed by and then Ihad the first dream and I saw a famous Sufi Abu bin Adham sitting in the tomb of Data Sahib I met him &nbsp;and weepingly kissed his hands. Similary I also met SHEIKH SAADI OF IRAN &nbsp;and then it became a common feature when SUFIS used to come and blessed, me , in my dreams & of course not forgetting Data Sahib.Infact he became my guide &nbsp;and I accepted him as my' Murshad'' a SUFI TERM for a teacher guide.So Jasmine Blossoms there is nothing to be worried about as these things travel genatically as well and you just need to be careful as some times this state lead to spiritual ailments. I want to start a thread on Sufism &nbsp;but I donot know the policy , perhaps if any moderator can help.
I am new to the concept of Tarrot cards Ouja boards though I have heard of them but since they are not availible in our country I did not had the chance of learning them.

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Post by JasmineBlossoms » Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:25 pm

Hi &nbsp;Azhar :) I loved your post. there is so much I have to learn :smt002

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Post by Gem » Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:45 pm

Hi Azhar and welcome :)

you said
I want to start a thread on Sufism  but I donot know the policy , perhaps if any moderator can help.
I am new to the concept of Tarrot cards Ouja boards though I have heard of them but since they are not availible in our country I did not had the chance of learning them.
You can start a thread if you like, either here or perhaps in Spirituality depending on which board you think is the best one, why not have a look around and perhaps use the search facility to find other posts of Sufism? Mystic Board has few guidelines apart from being polite and non-offensive, which I am sure it would be, it should be fine.

We have a free learn tarot course that you could take and also free learn tarot software so you don't even have to buy the cards lol.

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ur not crazy

Post by marie clay » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:52 am

i have had dreams that come true too. mainly with my pets. i also get followed home by tons of cats. peeps call me the cat woman! also various dogs follow me 2.

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Post by JasmineBlossoms » Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:07 pm

Hi Marie, another animal lover,eh? Most of dreams come true also, some are weird

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Post by marie clay » Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:44 pm

i no most are! haha xx

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Post by JasmineBlossoms » Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:46 pm

Aren't they though...I need to look up some dreams here even thou I don't know if I want to know :smt005

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Hello sister!

Post by epsilonsmirror » Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:38 am

Hi im a witch to.
No you arent crazy and they think I am as well, and we all know who( they) are.
However they dont always know who we are unless we tell them.
And nowadays I just let them guess.
you know how people can be about these things.

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generic lines?

Post by the Patrician » Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:51 pm

Yes, there can be genetic markers in your biological line that can increase the chance of your being more psychically inclined than others. My family got run out of Germany a few hundred years ago for continuing to mingle with (hehe) and offer sanctuary for the traveling gypsy tribes that passed through.

While mongrelizing in America for some generations slowly bred a lot of psychic ability out of the family line I seemed to be a recessive throwback. I ended up being much darker in completion, much shorter and with some of the old rumored abilities from family legend. (Which regrettably led to a lot of outcasting from the clan)

There are also the Spirit markers that might not be as easy to trace, but it seems that the spirit itself can carry some aspects of this to a new earth suit even if it comes into a family that does not carry the physical genetic abilities. If you try past life regression, you may find you have been this way before and that this is what your current life path wants of you.

However you acquired the ability, be happy in your witchiness, if there had not been several thousands of years of dogmatic persecution of those with more than mundane abilities it would still be more prevelant and not so risky to be "different".

But as previous posters have pointed out. We are on the rise again and hopefully can maintain the brightness of spirit that will help pull this world out of the messes the "mundanes" have gotten it in.

"If it harms none, enjoy as you will!"
Peace &nbsp;:smt023

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Re: generic lines?

Post by Evie » Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:30 pm

the Patrician wrote: My family got run out of Germany a few hundred
years ago for continuing to mingle with (hehe) and offer sanctuary for the
traveling gypsy tribes that passed through. Peace  :smt023
This bit of your post really has me interested in hearing more. I am pretty
sure that in a past life I was in a gypsy family... anything you'd like share
on this topic would be greatly appreciated... &nbsp; Thanks

Evie &nbsp; &nbsp;:smt109

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