getting to the Astral

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getting to the Astral

Post by Moon,Stars&Sun » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:29 pm

I am very new to all this and I was wanting to know if anyone can tell me how to travel to the astral in my sleep and ow to remember what happened while i was there? :smt007

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Post by Gem » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:05 pm

Hi Moon, Stars& Sun, welcome to MB, Lovely name too :)

You could use crystals, a double terminator quartz crystal or Kyanite or Kunzite all help to activate the 3rd eye and facilitate astral travel. Fluorite is good for protection during this time and amethyst will help with your dream remembrance, apophyllite will help with the connection.  Or you could meditate and go that route :)

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astral travel

Post by scorpiobkd » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:50 am

I have had some experiences that I perceive as astral.
I have a cd called astral projection by Dick Sutphen.
This seems to go with a buzzing feeling right about the time of being almost asleep. I have tried to make it happen, but I am honestly a little lost.
Its only happened a couple of times, and its really hard not to fall asleep. I also have trouble remembering what happens with it.
What happened for you?
Any input would be helpful.

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Post by Mai » Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:33 am

regarding the astral

i have had some scary experiences

it just heppens to me involuntarily

and it scares me

the sound

the buzz

the frequency noise thing

the floating

i keep resisting

but i would like to experience a full astral travel without any fear

and perhaps with some help and guidance

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Post by karel2121 » Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:22 pm

When you sleep, your astral body gou out itself. Sou try every evening, before you sleep in meditation a journey. But the first in this world, in a places you know well. For examination your abilities and progress.

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astral travels

Post by midnightmlk » Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:38 pm

when u go to sleep ask God for his white light of the holy spirit , to surround you when u sleep .. and ask that u can remember everything that has happen while u are out of your body.. Or better yet ask the white light of the holy spirit to wake u up when u are out of your body..

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Post by ladykate67 » Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:32 am

I am not sure now what the experience was, but when I was younger -- many, many years ago, I would have dreams that I was hovering over myself looking around the room.  I would be able to observe every inch of the room just as it was.  I did not have control over it, it was just as a was that astral travel?

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Post by Gem » Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:57 pm

Hi LadyKate, it does sound like you have been off somewhere else and became more aware just before you returned to your body :) If you develop this aspect you will be able to travel further and be more aware all the time :)

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Post by gene » Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:49 am

The method I used to learn to travel to the astral is based on the tradition I follow, but the gist of it is to sit in meditation just long enough to bring yourself into a light state of altered consciousness, after performing a banishing ritual to protect the physical body, and perform an energy gathering ritual that also activates the chakras, called the ritual of the middle pillar and circulation of the body of light. (Note: You do not necessarily need to perform the "ritual", it's a focus point that assists in attaining the right state of consciousness and serves to activate the chakras by channeling energy into them, thus opening them. Then circulating the energy throughout your body. Not something you want to do if you intend to go to sleep)
It can be done without the kabalistic associations, as they are simply a traditional method that serves as a focus point which I use as a follower of that tradition. As an inteeresting side note, I have spoken with many people regarding astral projection and travel, and the only ones which seemed to have had actual astral experiences similar to my own, rather than simple guided meditation, were in fact either truly involved in voudou, initiates of Santeria (which is the offspring of Voudou), Kabalists and/or martial artists. I personally have astral traveled in a group ritual setting within my Order as well as while teaching advanced students. It can be done, it is not simply a "new age" idea, but a fact, as well as personally provable.
When you dream, you do sometimes travel on the astral. You can also control your dreamsbut only with practice and the ability to realize you are dreaming and remember your dreams. The best way to remember is to begin a dream journal. Keep a pad of paper by your bed, and as soon as you wake up in the morning, write down whatever you can recall of your dreams. If you don't remember anything, simply write "I chose not to remember anything."  The key is repetition, and when you consciously TRY to remember your dreams you are sending your subconscious the message that you WANT to remember your dreams, and it will soon oblige.
At first, you will remember little, but the more you try, the more success you will have. After a week you will be suprised at how much you are remembering, and after about a month to 6 weeks of keeping the journal you will have trouble keeping your entries under 2 pages!  Every night, whether you remember it or not, you dream. If you teach yourself to remember your dreams, you will soon be able to consciously guide your dreams, and thus your astral travels. It is also called lucid dreaming, where you realize you are dreaming and are able to consciously choose where you go and what you do while dreaming. This will soon lead to astral projection and travel to different levels of the astral and mental planes. I can't tell you it will happen overnight, it takes a little time and effort on your part. Give the journal keeping at least a month. Also, each night before you go to sleep, draw energy into your third eye chakra by "breathing" through the chakra. You do this by first controlling your breathing, long, slow, easy breaths, and then visualizing with each inhalation the breath going into your third eye rather than into your lungs, and with each exhalation the breath is going out of your third eye. The point of this is you are consciously focusing on the chakra and willfully drawing energy into it. This will aid your memory, both of your dreams as wel ass day to day.
Well, I hope this helped anyone who has the attention span to have read this far! This is a deep subject to attempt to cover in a post.
Last edited by gene on Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by DragonKnight » Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:33 am

Very concise. Much of the astral is much understood let along sucessfully travel. I find for my self when i enter the corret state of mind that it helps to have the astal world move arround me instead of getting the effect of disassociation.

You have sound chakra method i like


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Post by Serqet » Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:58 pm

If you are unsure of unsuccessful, you can always ask someone, whom is experienced, to come and accompany & assist you.

Others have found it helpful, when I have helped them travel for the first time.

Or you can try and experience that falling feeling, with your eyes closed, while you are relaxed & before you go to sleep.  

This is an exercise that helps to get it started.

If you travel in your sleep, you will have a harder time remembering the experience, unless you record the details immediately upon your return.

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