Final Destination......

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Final Destination......

Post by Gem » Mon May 07, 2007 12:53 pm

I just watched Final Destinatin Three, the film, and wondereed if there might be any truth in the idea that Death has a form and will follow through if his plan is interfered with?

In the films the people should've died in a certain oirder in an accident, but things happened, usually a premonition and the people were saved, Death then carried on trying to kill them and unless someone else intervened they died in the same order they were to in Death's plan.

Is death something that is unstoppable and has a plan?

Why would someone get a premonition helping them to evade Death if it only postponed it?  Who was responsible for the premonition?

Apart from the gory bits the idea of these films fascinate me..

anyone else?

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Post by Erinrose » Sun May 13, 2007 6:39 pm


This may seem rather out there. But I don't think we need to be afraid of death. I believe we are all in this together, everyone has a part to play, so to speak. I believe we chose to come here for the lessons we can learn. And I think sometimes we choose when to leave and sometimes we just stick around until we are no longer needed. Then Just as guides help us in our Earthly journey 'Death' helps us 'move on'.

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Post by Evie » Sun May 13, 2007 7:25 pm

Hello Gem

Good question...

I believe that *sometimes, Death is unstoppable.

I agree with Erinrose, that our deaths may be predetermined, by
Divine plan or even by choice.  This is not to mean that we should
not try everything offered to heal ourelves or survive...   Our innate
instinct for survival should not be ignored.

Why premonitions come??? ... maybe they come as a gentle warning...
a kindness...  a forewarning to be prepared. This has been my experience.

I have reached a point in my life where I am not afraid of Death any
more and I hope I can consciously make the transition when my turn comes. :smt051
This relaxed feeling about death is very liberating... indeed.

I am however still very fearful of suffering the PAIN thing....  :smt003  
and because I don't know what is in store for me,
I think this *fear of dying will remain a part of me.  

These films fascinate me as well...  :smt017 I love a good mystery, and Death is
surely the greatest mystery ever.

Evie       :smt109

One more thing... I believe that those who die untimely deaths;
the young, those slain, accident victims ,etc ... have volunteered...
I don't know the whys...    ? ? ? ? ?  Does anyone?

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Post by epsilonsmirror » Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:16 am

Hi gem,
No I dont think there is that kind of plan where death is concerned.
I dont believe that some people die at a certain time because they are supposed to.
I believe that the universe tests people,s ability to choose their own fate.
President kennedy was given a choice.
I believe that had he chosen the sheild that day he would still be alive.
and if martin luther king had postponed his speach that day he would still be alive to.
I think people make mistakes because of some misplaced belief in honor or a sort of
heroic vanity that leads ultimately to thier demise.
I think the universe likes heroes but not dumb ones.
If there is a plan I think its about living as long as you can and helping as many as you
can before time inevitably runs out.
Maybe the greater plan is to see how long we can survive our own best intentions.

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