Erotic Dreaming

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:13 pm

I agree with Astrobhaduri and Azhar. There are beings called incubi (incubus -singular male, succubus - singular female) They are spirit/demon that feed off sexual energies. Must ask yourself, what purpose does sexual gratification have in the spiritual sense? Does it have any? If it doesn't then why would you be having this? It gratifies nothing except feed the mind and it's wants. The heart/soul/spirit are feed by love, unconditional love, while the mind is fed by everything else?

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Energy Vampires.

Post by ranter » Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:16 pm

Hi everybody,
Yes there are beings called Incubi and indeed many others that feed off of sexual energy. They also feed off of fear.
Once you surround yourself with light they cannot feed off of your energy.
Sexual gratification can be a very spiritual experience and is part of the natural flow of life, expression, communication, procreation and experience at a very deep level as designed by God or Source.
Every normal person has a natural and inherent desire and power to express themselves in this way in accordance with the Divine plan which is the source of all that is spiritual. They can do this in the physical or spiritual realms and there are no laws or morality that says other providing nobody is being exploited or abused and has reached the age of consent.
There is gratification when we enjoy good food in moderation. Yet Puritanical thinking still think that sexual gratification is somehow wrong or impure. They should look within the darkness of their own thinking. They are condemning a natural gift from God. I see that as an insult to god.
Mind, body and spirit are the one substance simply differing in frequency.
There is a thinking substance from which all thoughts and all things are made and which in its original state, permeates, penetrates,and fills the interspaces of the universe.
It is creation itself and sex in all its beautiful expression is a vital  expression of this. It is what gives this the power to increase and multiply. It was made enjoyable and pleasurable to give joy and pleasure. The designer knew his job no matter what pulpit or craw thumping puritan may claim.
There are many expressions of love including unconditional love and in their purest sense all are equally as valid as each other.
Heres to everybody who enjoy the expression of their sexuality.

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