are putting spells on people real?

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are putting spells on people real?

Post by kardoid » Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:08 pm

Hi i had a question... I see that alot of people here say that they know that they found their true love.. and they know that thats their soul mate and things like that... Other people talk about not being able to prosper in life... In mexico it is belived that sometimes "te echan la sal" which means that they thorw the salt at you which is bad luck and stuff like that.  Is that real? can people really do things to u so u can lose that special someone or because of jeolusy they do harm to you so u wont prosper in life?  Becuase i've heard of other people getting or being really sick, they go to a psychic of some sort and they cure them with a cleaning.. they clean them with an egg and blood comes out of the egg or even maggots, but are the cleanings real or just a trick or are they just mind controlling that makes u belive u are "cleaned"

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:21 pm

The mind is the most powerful magickal tool anyone can have.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:55 am

Up until fairly recently if you had asked me this question, I would have told you that the only power a curse or evil spell has is determined by how strongly the unwilling victim believes that this is occurred.

In other words, I believed up until then that the power was all in the victim's mind.

That was until I came across several cases amongst my internet friends, where there was indisputable evidence of some form of psychic attack.

The power to do harm to another may not therefore entirely reside in only the victim's mind.

Reading back into the paranormal literature, there are documented cases of people either having nasty accidents, falling ill or even dying, where it is obvious that something much more powerful and malevolent is going on than simply their negative imagination.

The human mind can be a valuable source of healing, but it can also under some conditions potentially destroy other people's lives as well as our own.

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Post by adrianna » Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:58 pm

I believe that the universe works on a series of rules and my guess is that there are people who can bend, curve, break and manipulate these rules. Just as some believe that prayers and wishes can at times negate the powers and orders of what has been set or decided, i also believe that there are certain practicioners can 'bend ' the rules and navigate events and people as they inspire to. Good or bad.

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Post by BrightLight » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:46 pm

Don't want to get too much into this but let's just say I believe spells can be cast from family history. It's a commonly believed thing in Latin America and in Carribean cultures. To me the key is to bring as much positive energy into your life as possible. Almost like building up your "spiritual immune system" so that when toxins (i.e negative energy, spells, ill wishes etc.) come your way, you have a better chance at staying healthy.

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Post by rozrokz » Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:49 am

:smt083 Tried casting away an enemy who was creating much trouble for me. Not to send bad evil magic, just to make her go away by this medium in drag ( he is possessed by the Goddess Durga during medium works. ) Well, the enemy still around and as bad ss as before but she has toned down alot and picking on other people instead. So that kinda help.
So you can't change people fate even if you wanted to only their freewill cum destiny can.

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