Magic for absolute beginner

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Magic for absolute beginner

Post by Annaleria » Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:04 pm

I have had an interest in magic for years, but never before have I had the courage to really do anything about it.  However now I really really would like to but I don't have the first clue of how or where to start, so please any and all information will be very gratefully received.

Thank you all.


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Post by karel2121 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:27 pm

For the first time you try control your mind. Good  are meditations of yoga, but there are many systems. Every spell starting an idea, sou you must have your ideas for your control .

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Post by juliburke » Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:41 pm

May I suggest reading about magick first.  This is not something that you can just jump into.

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Post by Blktygress » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:36 pm

Yes I agree. You first need to read as much as possible. Learn everything you can. Knowledge is power after all. Then as stated above you need to be able to control yourself. Which is easier said than done. And always remember...the Magik lies within.

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Post by karel2121 » Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:56 pm

Well, reading is necessery. Good books about are

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Post by charon » Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:05 pm

HI everione Im starting whit magic too I've read a lot of book about it.. -but after that what you sugest to be next.. to do?

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Post by tabi » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:25 pm

There is several different types of Magick out there. You need one that is who you are. There is Wicca, Pagan, Druid, and Shaman witchcraft but it isn't limited to that only. There is even Christain witchcraft (I know it sounds impossible but it is true--kinda), you need to really define who you are and what you believe to be true of the universe and God/s as a whole. Reading is a great place to start. Also searching the internet for different types of witchcraft is helpful.

Charon, pure white magic like Wicca a good book would be: The Wicca Handbook by Eileen Holland. She follows an Egyptain pantheon but the book is great for beginners and those just starting out. Also anything by Silver RavenWolf would help. Both good writers on top of it. :D

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Post by devoted_rane » Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:33 am

anyone wishing to get into the craft should read read read! if you don't have a mentor or a group that you can learn from, you must read all you can before trying to do spells or ritual. you must first learn to control yourself before trying to control a ritual or spell. so please learn meditation, centering and grounding FIRST. there are dozens of sites on the net to look up and many people out there to teach you. if you want you can go to my yahoo profile, there is a link for a site there. i'm not perfect but i am an ordained wiccan minister and i have been a witch for 20+ yrs. i am hereditary so i have my training both from relatives and books too. so please don't hesitate to ask someone if you don't understand something you are reading. many blessings to you

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Post by deva » Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:19 am

tabi wrote:There is several different types of Magick out there. You need one that is who you are. There is Wicca, Pagan, Druid, and Shaman witchcraft but it isn't limited to that only. There is even Christain witchcraft (I know it sounds impossible but it is true--kinda), you need to really define who you are and what you believe to be true of the universe and God/s as a whole. Reading is a great place to start. Also searching the internet for different types of witchcraft is helpful.

Charon, pure white magic like Wicca a good book would be: The Wicca Handbook by Eileen Holland. She follows an Egyptain pantheon but the book is great for beginners and those just starting out. Also anything by Silver RavenWolf would help. Both good writers on top of it. :D
I'm curious about your reference to Christian witchcraft. Where may I learn more about it? Can one be a Christian and a witch at the same time? If that is possible, then there's perhaps hope for me.


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Post by tabi » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:35 pm

deva wrote:I'm curious about your reference to Christian witchcraft. Where may I learn more about it? Can one be a Christian and a witch at the same time? If that is possible, then there's perhaps hope for me.

This is up for debate, honestly. Some people believe that it isn't possible because Paganism is the opposite of Christainity. So when I say this keep that in mind. HOWEVER:

Belief is the MOST important thing in any religion, especially in crafting. Because it is your belief in yourself and the things around you to happen the way you want them to that is going to be how it happens. Once you have that belief, then do your ritual. Rituals play between both Christainity and Paganism (and pretty much every other religion). Most are just not as obvious as Pagan witchcraft (I'm lumping Wicca/Druid in here because they are branchs of Paganism).

Most people need to remember that crafting itself is about the ritual NOT who you call upon during that ritual. I personally don't call on any God/desses during spell work. And any ritual is fine.

I know a Christain woman at work who walks her properity before leaving quoting Psalms91.
  • Psalm 91
    1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
          will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [a]

    2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
          my God, in whom I trust."

    3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
          and from the deadly pestilence.

    4 He will cover you with his feathers,
          and under his wings you will find refuge;
          his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

    5 You will not fear the terror of night,
          nor the arrow that flies by day,

    6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
          nor the plague that destroys at midday.

    7 A thousand may fall at your side,
          ten thousand at your right hand,
          but it will not come near you.

    8 You will only observe with your eyes
          and see the punishment of the wicked.

    9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—
          even the LORD, who is my refuge-

    10 then no harm will befall you,
          no disaster will come near your tent.

    11 For he will command his angels concerning you
          to guard you in all your ways;

    12 they will lift you up in their hands,
          so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

    13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
          you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

    14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
          I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

    15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
          I will be with him in trouble,
          I will deliver him and honor him.

    16 With long life will I satisfy him

That is a protect "spell" that is based in Christainity. There are spell books that will help you with spells if you wish to craft, but something for Christain Witchcraft there isn't one because technically it doesn't exist.

Look hard into your belief system and learn your bible you should be able to do a mix if you choose to. BUT it goes against what is taught in the bible itself.

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Post by Isida » Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:20 pm

I think Tabi this is one of David Psalms.

I use them a lot. They are very powerfull, believe me!

Some information about these Psalms you can find here

As far as i know the 151 Psalm is the most powerfull

Uses of the Psalms you can find here  

Psalm Number Description
04 For success or luck
10 To overcome an evil spirit
22 To keep all misfortune away
32 To receive grace, love and mercy
35 To win a lawsuit
47 To make you beloved by people
62 To receive Holy blessing
72 To make yourself ever safe from poverty
82 To be successful in business
100 To overcome enemies
116 To be save from violent death
140 For peace between couple
146 For a cure
150 To thank and glorify God

Actually you can search on the net for more ......

About Magick

I think that noone should practice before they read read read read read
It's very serious , it's not about fun , making fast money, get married or whatever :smt018

There are so many things we must learn before we practice!

I don't think magick is for everyone , and that's because the most of the people dont have that something in them.... they want to use magick just for the reason i have already said.

If someone really want to take this path i'm sure  he/she will find the way as it is written :smt002

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