Mental Fortress

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Mental Fortress

Post by DanaxiiFire » Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:22 am

Dark Discipline

This Is a mental Spell of my own Diviseing I have no Idea if it only works for me noone besides me has used it
This spell Is A prep before attacking A DIRE ENEMY And will Vary depending on how much you put into it. YOU MUST BE CLOSE ENOUGH TO ATTACK this is NOT a distance spell.... Is also very usefull As a war spell....

1.Clear your mind
2.Gather all available energies you have to you , you will need it  all if you are not practiced in mental magic.
3.Reach deep within yourself and find your rage
4.Bring As much rage as you deem necisary to yourself and CONCENTRAITE!!! Focus on intwineing the energy with your rage again as much as you deem neccessary
5. "pour in" your Need for focus and your need for the power of rage to be Stronger and Wilder while still in control.
6.visualize yourself filled with it and entwine the power youve created Into yourself CAREFULLY be sure to have a failsafe a way of releaseing the spell in a moment.
7.BE SURE YOU ARE NEAR YOUR TARGET!!! If the rage you bring isnt satisfied you may lost control.
8.Carry only simple or no weapons Rage is not Skilled till it is honed.
9.When your rage is spent be sure to release all remaining energies you tied to it THEY CAN STILL CALL ON DORMANT RAGE!!!!
10. You Have completed this spell, Use wisely.
This comment by Danaxii Firieandus, Old one.

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