Capergal's (Jody) angels

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Capergal's (Jody) angels

Post by aelis2004 » Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:09 pm


You were born on a MONDAY and the archangel of the day is GABRIEL. He is the Angel of Mercy and the presence of God. He speaks without saying a word and the news that he bears is significant. He announces the coming of goodness and fortune.
In a moment with Gabriel we remember what our purpose is and how to go about staying on task. Call to Gabriel if you have a tendency to forget. Listen to him by acknowledging the wisdom of your own intuition. His silent presence will speak volumes and you will smile for a long while as you and he become one in raising the spirits of others.

His chakra is the Sacral (2nd) chakra, and his colour is Peach. He governs the Sun & the Moon and helps with emotional balance and rules over the sense of Taste.
His fragrances are Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood and his crystals Citrine, Carnelian, Golden topaz

The angel for June 24 is LEUUIAH

The June angel is MURIEL

The Summer angel is TUBIEL

The angel at time of birth was SAMAEL
Love and Light, :smt008 :smt060

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Post by Capergal » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:30 pm

I am sorry for not getting back to you.  I really do appreciate the information.  I have to learn to listen to what the angels are telling me.  I have struggled all my life with one thing or another.  I need to slow down and start listening.

Thanks again

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