Ouija Boards?

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Ouja boards

Post by expired » Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:30 pm

:smt004 I've used them and have had good luck with them, but you really need to be careful. You could come in contact with the wrong kind of spirits.
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Post by Javant » Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:35 pm

http://www.museumoftalkingboards.com/WebOuija.html - this is a web ouija board. It's quite fun.
Does this work in the same way as a regular board ? Or is it just a bit of a joke ?

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Post by Gem » Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:32 pm

Who knows lol,

It freaked me out! I asked what should I go eat and I got back Cheese lol!

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Post by gene » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:16 am

Ouija baords have their uses.I am a ceremonial magician, and have used one (which I purchased at a Spencer's  on a whim several years ago) regurlarly for some time. And I use it by myself, as well...so I know no one else is moving the planchette. It's fun. I've done some research on them as well. NO one can really explain how they work.  Skeptics claim that the motion of the planchette, if not faked by one of the users, is caused by "unconscious micro-motor motions" of the muscles of the hands and arms. Unanswered by these skeptics is how the ouija was able to produce information that none of the participants previously had knowledge of.
I think there is evidence to indicate that you can tap into your subconscious, or that other entities can work through the subconscious of one or more of the people present, to produce messages on a ouija board. But frankly, I don't care what the source is. The real questions are "what is the content of the messages and what are you going to do about it?"
This goes into the very nature of the difference between occultism and some adherants of the New Age. Some "New Agers" will listen to a message from an unknown source-what is commonly called "channeling"- and simply because it was channeled they will accept it as truth. Occultists, on the other hand, will listen to what the message has to say and then examine it for truth. How does the message compare to other information which has previously been verified? Can you confirm the identity of the entity claiming to deliver the message via Kabalistic or other means?
I give lessons on Ceremonial Magick and the Kabalahin the Kansas City area.  When I give lectures, I usually begin by writing the following letters on the board: TFYQA
t stands for " Think for yourself, question authority" Merely because someone says something, or you find something in a book, does NOT make it a fact. Check it out for yourself. Consider what will happen if you act on information obtained through a ouija telling you to do something. I can assure you that it is YOU who will face the consequences of that action, not the force behind the message!
Is therre a potential problem with using a ouija board. The answer is YES...Not possession by an "evil"entity, following the words of some demon which leads to damnation, but obsession with the seemingly inexplicable movement of the planchette and the messages received!! IT"S ADDICTING! I suggest limits to the amount you use one, and performing banishing rituals before and after it's use.
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Post by mom2ericha60 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:43 pm

We had one when I was young. My mom had one finger nail that was long, real long and she wanted to see how long it would grow before it would break off. LOL So....we were goofing off and (I was 14) had to get ready for school the next day. Mom had been saying it was my great great grandfather, who was supposed to have special "gifts" as he was the 7th son of the 7th son or something. Anyway I had to get ready for bed so I had to put the ouija away. It was like a game to me. I had taken my hands off it and only mom had her hands on it. Only her finger was on it, the one with the long nail and only her nail was on the moving thingie. The thought crossed my mind to say "Good bye GRAMPS"  sarcastically because I KNEW my mom was pulling my leg. The mover thingie started to move then and spelled out "good NIGHT, not GOOD BYE' and I FREAKED. I started to scream and jump up and down. I didn't make any sense to my mom. I hadn't said it out loud! I took the ouija to the garbage and threw it out. It was really heavy wood or I'd have broke it in half. I tried, believe me! I've never had one since. My daughter wants one badly but I won't have one. I'm afraid of them. I don't know what spirit we called up but I doubt much it was my grandfather. I take that stuff really seriously now. I have lots of stories about the spirits in that house, which I fully believe in, (I've seen them....actually....don't commit me please!!!!!) so no way would I mess with one. It's not a toy and it irritates me that they still sell them in the toy aisle.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:28 pm

my mom and my friend have both used them and had bad experiances with them. i wont use them ever because i believe they are portels for demonic beings to enter and once you open that portel it is really hard to close it!!

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Post by pirbid » Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:30 am

:) After reading all the pages in this thread, I am still unclear whether it actually works or not and in what way. Yes, I know many people seem really spooked by this, even people who have never tried it themselves, so there must be a reason, but...

It is so easy to spook people... I remember one night with two friends. I was tired and wanted to sleep, but they were full of trying to make a ouija and using it, and they would not let me sleep till I joined them. So I did.

When I was more than tired of waiting for something to happen and it didn't, I made it happen myself (I must be a fairly good actress when the mood takes me  :smt003 ). And one thing I can tell you: I was the only one to sleep that night  :smt002

So I have never been able to find out if it really works, not that I am overly curious, but still... And what is this about spirits being poor spellers? You sure it wasn't the users who were poor spellers?

Frankly, all this information has made me a bit more sceptic, if possible. I mean, I read Tarot and analyze dreams and I find it natural because I know exactly how it works, but this...  :smt017
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Post by mom2ericha60 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:56 pm

I don't know about demonic beings, but I think it was definitely not my mother doing it. I have heard that spirits lie, and that the messages you get from a ouija can be upsetting at the very least. They aren't toys and they shouldn't be played with unless you know what you are doing.

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Post by sharonlee » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:55 pm

I'd have to figure that, if you're contacting an earthbound spirit, if it's not a ghost, it probably wouldn't mind having "fun" at the person's expense, and if it is - dying and not moving on probably doesn't make a spirit any smarter than it was before dying. If you're "just" tapping into your subconscious, there are probably other, simpler, ways to do that - meditation, Tarot, and dreams being the routes I take. Yes, I said probably about a million times, but we don't know for sure. I do know that the times I've tried the ouija have convinced me that it's not for me.
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Post by mom2ericha60 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:26 pm

I haven't heard of anyone  who has had a positive experience with one yet.

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