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Post by BlackDiamond » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:55 am

I have something to ask you brothers and sisters. Wiccans told me that I can practice Wicca without being initiated but I came to read an article &nbsp;<link remoived, no live links please> by Ilil Arbel, P.h.D. which mentioned that "pursuing witchcraft without a coven, without ceremonies, without initiation does not generally work". Is it true??? I am solitary, I don't have a coven, and I wasn't initiated that's why I am asking you this.

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Post by tourbi » Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:11 pm

You have asked a question the Pagans where I live argue about a great deal.
The old school of thought is, anyone can practice being Pagan and many of the other traditions under the umbrella word, Pagan.
Wicca is a tradition where people study a year and a day and then are initiated. &nbsp;There are several levels, so the training goes on for years. &nbsp;Then the person may call themselves Wiccan.
There are also some Family Wiccan Traditions that are being passed on. &nbsp;There are vows given and they only discuss their training and beliefs within the covens of those Fam Trads. &nbsp;
Now, since Wicca has become the popular word to describe Pagan, there are more and more people who come into Paganism stating they are Wiccan.
That is a bit frustrating to those Wiccans who have worked hard and studied hard to go thru the initiations and carry the mysteries they have been taught.
There are many traditions/trads within the scope of Paganism. &nbsp;It behoves a person to check them out and see what fits them and where they fit.
Alexandrian, American Wicca, Amythystian, Asatru, Australian Wicca, Blue Star, British Traditional, Celtic Wicca/Witchcraft, Ceremonial, Dianic/Dianatic, Druid, Eclectic, Faery/(Faerie/Fairy/Feri), Fam Trads, Frost School of Wicca, Gardenarian, Georgian Wicca, Heccatine/Caledonii, Hereditary Witch, Kitchen Witch, Minoan Brotherhood, Nordic/Teutonic, Northern Way, Pictish, Picti Wita, Pow-Wow, Seax Wicca/Saxon Wicca, Shaman/Shamanic Witchcraft, Solitary, Strega/Stregheria, Thelema, Traditionalist, Wiccan Shamanism, Wicca, (Witch) Craft
These are a few of them.

Other people's thoughts on this may be different. Image

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Post by Doe » Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:35 pm

Whoa--that IS confusing! &nbsp;Wicca and Paganism are (yet more) subjects that I'd like to learn about, but it looks like it would be hard to even know where to start!

I do like that you listed them alphabetically, though, Tourbi!

Doe, Who Really Didn't Need To Be Any More Confused Than She Already Is Today... :smt003

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:47 pm


&nbsp;Okay well How I explain myself to people is I tell them that I have wiccan tendencies... that although I have learned a great deal about it (and yes been initiated). That I moved away from my coven and therefore no longer deal with the practices that I used to... I at one time loved the ceremonies that I had learned to do and the traditions that in someway affect everything that I do now on my own... I practice solitary and although I am a wiccan, I do not think of myself as such, as I was exposed to beliefs that I never quiet was comfortable with in the first place, which happen to be major parts of what I was taught to believe... I have grown and I do not feel like I can call myself something that I do not think that I am anymore... I do not know if there are others out there that feel like I do or not, I do not think how the people who taught me is wrong, it just is not me... Also I found that it was really hard for me because of the other things that I can do and that I did not have anyone else there who could understand that part of me... Being wiccan is about belonging and traditions and many other wonderful things, and there is a lot of it that I still love and treasure. Personally I don't think that any one should define themselves by their beliefs... but that is simply my opinion and my experiences... I really hope that it in some way helps you with your question. Feel free to get in touch with me anytime.

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Nyte

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Post by tourbi » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:12 pm

We are all Pagans, and then Wiccan or what's on &nbsp;that list of traditions. &nbsp;We are an earth based religion that follow the cycles of the earth, the moon and the sun. &nbsp;Tomorrow is one of our times. &nbsp;Spring. &nbsp;Vernal Equinox. &nbsp;Some Pagans believe in the Goddess and God and lots of God/desses, some don't. (???)
The rest is for learning and understanding. &nbsp;
Many understand they are Pagan and that is a good start. &nbsp;
I am Pagan. &nbsp;I have not been initiated. &nbsp;I am welcomed in Wiccan circles. &nbsp;No problem.
I love the Faery Tradition, I enjoy the Shamanic tradition, not to be confused with Native American.
I am eclectic, I embrace Celtic Goddesses and Gods and Hindu, Sumerian and others.
Doe, I would imagine the place for most to truly start is being Pagan then read about the other traditions and find where their comfort zone is. &nbsp;I have felt I was Wiccan at time and now recognize I am not. &nbsp;
It is not meant to be confusing. &nbsp;
It is like Christianity has all the denominations with variations in how they do ritual, how they approach various things, yet all are Christian. &nbsp;
Ask questions. &nbsp;Just be prepared for there to be many different answers. &nbsp;That is one of the things about us. &nbsp;We are very independent. &nbsp;We have lots of beliefs and lots of ways of expressing them. Lots of ways of doing things.

Blessed Be

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Post by looking_glass » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:28 pm

People like clubs because you can say no to the people you don't like or would like to exclude. Makes you wonder what peoples' motives really are.

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Post by Doe » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:44 pm


Lately I've been feeling as if I'd just been born into a completely new world I'd never even imagined before--so much to learn and understand, with a completely different way of seeing things. &nbsp;I know VERY little about Paganism, but, the basics seem to hold an attraction for me. &nbsp;I'll take your suggestions. &nbsp;

Damn--I'm 46, and I feel like I have about 70 years' worth of reading to do these days!

Thank you!


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Post by tourbi » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:59 pm

Doe wrote:Tourbi,

Lately I've been feeling as if I'd just been born into a completely new world I'd never even imagined before--so much to learn and understand, with a completely different way of seeing things. &nbsp;I know VERY little about Paganism, but, the basics seem to hold an attraction for me. &nbsp;I'll take your suggestions. &nbsp;

Damn--I'm 46, and I feel like I have about 70 years' worth of reading to do these days!

Thank you!

Well, may I share with you that tomorrow is Spring. &nbsp;Ostara.
It is a time to celebrate the warming of the planet, fertility, the plants are growing, the bees are awakening to start visiting the flowers, the animals are propagating, the crops are growing in the fields &nbsp;The earth is awakening. &nbsp;It is a time to celebrate and honor the growth and the fertility of the various plants, animals and birds, etc.
It is part of the wheel. &nbsp;The wheel turns. &nbsp;It doesn't matter what you do, it doesn't what you say. &nbsp;You honor the process, you celebrate that it is happening. &nbsp;Thank the Goddess for it happening. &nbsp;Thank Her for all she gives, thank Her for the Blessings she bring us. &nbsp;Look for Green Man in the plants, be grateful for his Blessings and the abundance he brings. &nbsp;
Thank the earth for this wonderful home She provides us and the elements for coming together to make all this that we enjoy so very much.
Dance a happy dance with the Nature you have just given gratitude. Image
Chant a chant while you dance in happiness.
I'm the voice that sings in you
I create the world anew
I give birth and I give shape
I can dance the world awake

by Starhawk
Music and lyrics in Circle Round: Raising Children In Goddess Traditions by Starhawk, Diane Baker and Anne Hill, Bantam Books, 1998, ISBN 0-553-10016-5
Love yourself and all that is. &nbsp;
Honor all that you have and what will come to you. &nbsp;
A Blessed and Happy Ostara to you and yours. &nbsp;
Blessed Be

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Nora Roberts
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Post by Doe » Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:06 am

That's beautiful, Tourbi--thank you! &nbsp;I'm SO looking forward to spring/Ostara, and all that it brings!


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