Intro. to "Kundalini": An Occult Experience

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Intro. to "Kundalini": An Occult Experience

Post by Doe » Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:07 pm

I was just about to write a new entry in my journal, when I came across this; I used it as an "introduction" to the journal, because it seemed to fit so well.  It's another one of those things I've come across that have simply made me say, "YUP!"  I just thought others might enjoy it/relate:

I have not edited these experiences and experiments so as to make them intelligible, still less conventionally rational. I have left them just as they came, with only slight modifications. Their value does not lie in their appeal to the reason, but in their recognition as a reflection of something which the earnest student will know to be his as well. He will see in the very incomprehensibility of much that is described a something towards which he feels he too is irresistibly moving. However fantastic they may seem, yet somehow he perceives that they are fantastic not because they are untrue, but because they are still too true for him. I hope that when they may seem absurd he will feel that their absurdity lies only in their being so utterly foreign to all normal experience and experiment, not in their being nonsense. Even if they may appear non-sense to his limited sense, perhaps to some they may seem more sense, and his sense more non-sense.
Let the descriptions be read lightly, not with the mind but with the intuition, not with an already set conviction as to what can and what cannot be, but with the mind, the heart and the will open to all things. Let the reader be fully aware that the unbelievable is by no means necessarily untrue, and that the consciousness we call "I," with its various functionings ó physical, emotional, mental and beyond ó is infinitely more extraordinary than even our wildest dreams could envisage.


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My new homework

Post by Doe » Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:14 pm

I just wrote this in my journal last night.  As usual, I thought I'd share, and see what y'all think:

I don’t know why, exactly, I’m being encouraged to read the Bible, but I am.  I asked if I could just start with the New Testament, and skip most of the begats, but NO…O.T. first.

“Did YOU read the Bible?” I asked David.

“Not by choice,” he said.  At least he’s honest.

I was telling him that it was making me uncomfortable to be asked to read it, because the God it describes is one of the things that turned me off to Christianity in the first place—grouchy and vengeful.  I was worried that perhaps I was being told that that IS, in fact, Who God Is.  I guess I’d have to believe it, but it would bum me out considerably.

Just now, David said, “It’s to show you the many faces of God.”  That made me feel better.

“So you want me to read the other books too, then?”  (What I meant was the Quran, the Torah, etc.)


Something else to think about.  There’s so much.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

It's going to take me a while!  (Think I can get away with re-reading the children's illustrated versions I used to read as a kid?!)


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Post by karlenespellman » Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:04 am

Hi Doe,

I have read and studied with, a lot of religions, I don't do book learning well, so I went with the people. I'm not discouraging you nor trying to make David mad, he knows you I don't, but to me they all come back to the same thing.

That's why I'm here trying to figure out why I don't have a "David".

Once again with the book learning thing, I got very confused with the first part.

Good luck with your journey, and reading.

Lots of love to you both.

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Post by Doe » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:14 pm

Hey, Karlene,

Your post made me feel kind of bad--NOT, at all, because you said anything wrong or mean (you're way too sweet for that!)!  It just got me thinking.  (All the "thinking" was done between about 3 and 4 pm, so it's probably not too clear or useful, and I don't even know exactly what I'm going to say here.)

Please understand that David was "just" a man, and that I've come to realize that it's only through a very unique set of circumstances, coincidences, luck, and love that he's been able to "come back". (I also found out recently what I should have suspected all along--that he had spirits around him since he was a kid; he just didn't want to tell me when he was alive because he "didn't know how I'd react"--THAT'S one I can understand!!)  I can explain more about that some other time, if you'd like.

I don't know if he's a "guide".  We love each other and take care of each other as we did all those years ago, and, as a result of his being "there" for the past almost-18 years, he's got some insights and knowledge to share with me (when he damn well feels like it!).  Believe me--before all of this happened I didn't even know what a "spirit guide" was.  If I'd heard the term at all, I'm sure I thought it was a bunch of crap.  As I've said here before, I did always feel "looked after", but I honestly never thought about it much.  So maybe I have a spirit guide who's NOT David--who knows?  I just figure I'll figure it all out when I'm supposed to, and in the meantime be the incredibly happy lump of flesh that I've been since last year, and go where it/David leads me.

So what was my point?  Good question!  I just hope I haven't been coming off as if I think I'm all-that-and-a-bag-of-potato-chips with all the "spirit" talk.  I don't know what I have, exactly, but I know that it makes me happy and that it makes me want to be a better person.  What made me feel bad was when you said you were "trying to figure out why you don't have a David."  I honestly don't know, but I would bet that everyone has SOMEONE--spirit guide or angel or spirit of a loved one or whatever--but that communicating with them happens when it's the right time, when you need it the most (believe me, David's "arrival" couldn't have come at a better time, and if he'd shown up earlier it might not have been nearly as helpful and wonderful and easy), and when you're open to it.  David made his presence known because I basically was BEGGING him to for a number of reasons, and because on the day after he died I did ask him to come back to me if he ever could (fully believing that there was NO WAY that could ever happen!).

Bottom line: please don't give up.  You're a warm, sweet person, with a gift for making people feel good.  If anyone has "someone" waiting in the wings, it's you!

As far as the "book-learning" is concerned, I'm pretty much with you (did you think I was kidding about the children's illustrated Bible?!  :smt002 )  Even in college and grad school, I did the minimum amount of the required reading unless it was something I was really interested in (I always read a lot on my own--beyond that, not so much...If anyone tells my son that I will deny it!).  But if David is asking me to do something, I've learned that it's always for a good reason, and the least I can do is to do it!  Again, it's always something I've "meant" to do anyway.

Time to get my son off to school.  Have a wonderful day!



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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:10 pm

Doe and Karlene,

         We all have someone, it is just that sometimes when we are being stubborn they get louder than other times... I know that I have had a few guides come and go when I (for lack of a better term) out grew them, they had taught me what they came to teach me and moved on to other things, Perhaps knowing that I needed a change to continue to learn and grow. I have also had a few spirit 'friends' who simply liked to be around me or wanted to help me figure out something that was bothering me. I know that every time I read about David I keep thinking that he is the marker on the path that you were not following... that although you have such potential in you and alway have that you were simply going a different way and that for what ever reason that he decided he wanted you to find this path and therefore came to help you to it and along it.  


&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; If you listen, with your heart you will hear your guide helping you, it takes time to figure out which is the guide and which it you. I know that I lot of times I find myself arguing with myself walking around my house muttering and shaking my head, thankfully D, my b/f, is understanding that I am not insane and that I just happen to do that alot. But most of the time I simply Make up my mind, when I find that I have doubts creeping in there is a reason for it although I don't always get an answer as to why. SO I have learned to just go with it and try my best to do what it is that I am supposed to... &nbsp;Your time will come, and you will be here with just as much frustration and irritation and love for your guide as Doe has for David, and I have for mine. (Which is Lily right now, although I often have a few others whispering in my head...<they gang up on me, I am VERY stubborn>) &nbsp;But just know that they are there and when they need to they will let you know it!

Light, Love, and Blessing to you both!!

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Nyte

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