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Post by mariemullyuk » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:41 am

Is it true that you can summon a spirit through a mirror? I know you can see the future with a mirror [any reflective surface]. But can you see spirits through them? Me and my friend was discussing this and she said in the old days before funeral parlours the family had to do the washing of the body and putting on clothes and they use to cover any reflective surface because it was believed that if the dead saw themselves then there spirit would become trapped in the mirror. Is that true? My other friend reckons that only evil spirits live in the mirror world and you could get sucked in by them.

I know the old ritual of throwing an apple skin over your shoulder in front of a mirror is meant to show you who you will marry but is that true too?

I'm kinda interested in 'mirror magick'. What other things can you do with mirrors?
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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:18 am

I do know that mirrors are portals , what you do with them is of your own making  ...  magick is of the mind and controll of energy and its vibrations.

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Post by renuka_ir » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:31 am

Does this exist in reality?

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Post by tourbi » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:39 pm

renuka_ir wrote:Does this exist in reality?
Can you be more clear about what you are asking?

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Post by pisces1620 » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:44 pm

The so-called magick mirror has several uses. One use is in the evocation of the Olympic Spirits in your dreams (Planetary Magick by Denning and Philips). Of what use is magick if you cannot benefit from it materially/financially right? So my next favorite use of the mirror is to communicate with the deep mind (subconscious mind) as detailed in the book Creative Moneymaking by the same authors. The construction of the said mirror is described. I don't use condensers (as per Franz Bardon) in the construction of the mirror. Good luck! :smt004

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Post by Molissa » Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:28 pm

I'm weird about mirrors.  During the day, I'm fine with them.  Even do self work with a mirror.  But at night I get all freaked out and CANNOT bear to look into a mirror when it is dark.  silly me, but I can't seem to overcome that "fear" and don't even really know what the "fear" is.
So, I find this topic interesting.

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Post by Lady of Avalon » Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:23 pm

My daughter is like that too, she hangs scarves and cloths and clothes over her mirrors and won't look in them, she says she sees people looking back at her. I tend to see them too but not directly, I catch them in the corner of my eye but when I turn to look full on, they have gone.


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Post by Molissa » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:29 pm

that's sorta what I feel, that if I look head on I'm going to see people looking back at me.  I "see" the ones from the corners of my eyes, and different ones in odd ways (like the big guy on my sofa the other night, a blink and he's gone), but there is something about the mirrors I just can't seem to face (no pun intended). I do wish I could fix that as I don't like the feeling.

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Post by Menerwa » Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:20 pm

I am also a little bit weird about mirrors. During the day I am fine with them though, as Molissa also said. I remember that when I was younger some of my friends use to tell all kinds of stories about mirrors which included that you could see people/spirits in them at evenings, that scared me a lot. Mirrors are very interesting somehow, it feels like they are mystical and full of secrets. I am also splitted, because mirrors both make me feel uncomfortable and fascinate me at the same time.

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Post by Molissa » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:43 am

I had to smile, Minerwa.  the fascinated and a bit frightened at the same time.  I actually have a lovely collection of mirrors, some antiques, some ornate silver.  I just can't look in them at night.

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Post by mariemullyuk » Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:31 am

To me they are not really a threat. At night I tend to be a bit wary of mirrors though. I did alot of 'spirit calling' when I was younger with my mates. Didn't realise it was a form of the black arts until a couple of years ago. Me and my mates would do the 'hail satan/bloody mary/candyman' thing and also call upon spirits trapped in the mirror.
They scared me then [especially the candyman ritual - I was young and watched it at a sleepover and then did it in the bathroom]. I have a strong urge to do the bloody mary thing again just to see if what I saw was real or a trick of my eyes - but I get freaked out when I do it in my head let alone doing it outloud. The candyman thing makes me laugh even now - I actually thought he was real for ages until I seen the actor in another film so now I 'call' the candyman all the time just to freak out my little cousin and one of my mates who is very naive for her age.
I have seen things but not head on. Like when I called bloody mary I saw a woman who I assume must have been her and sensed a lot of anger - this woman was clouding my own reflection.

I do a lot of staring at myself in order to see my aura - I've managed to just see the fuzzy whiteness for now cuz I haven't trained my eye to not look away after that has come. But for some reason I only able to do this in the day-time.

When we are young we are so brave and we are fearsome and I miss that part of me that was willing to take risks and do things before thinking them through.

I also did the age-old spells of trying to see who my future husband would be and who my soul-mate is etc.

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Mirror of the darkness a warning

Post by whiteheart » Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:57 am

MIRROR MAGICK from my Black Book
An old half silvered mirror or highly polished silver bowl works best. Keep it within your circle. The best place is upon your altar. angle it into a position that you can see into it but not be seen. Do not concentrate upon the mirror while within your circle, but be able to look into it at all times.
Mirrors are deadly weapons in the hands of the Yzidi. The best any other sect can do with them is use them for protection or prophesy. Sometimes there is a rare healer or seer who can learn to use them as weaponry, but more often than not they are drawen into the mirror instead of suceeding. If you have one strong enough to use a mirror use great care.
A mirror in your circle blessed and consecrated to your way will protect against mirror spells sent against you and those with whome you work, so long as yourself and any with you are not directly reflected in the mirror. If you or any of your way are adept enough you can sometimes see the reflection of a spirit or spell that is drawn into the mirror.
When you consecrate a mirror in your circle it should be held reflecting away from you when first within your circle, then reflecting you. Do not permit a reflection of yourself in an ujnconsecrated mirror while within a circle.
The weapons of any other than the Yzidi can not be sent through a mirtror, nor can images or spells except by the odd healer or seer. The Yzidi will often mark a victum or one who is going to be a victum by placing a mirror on them in the form of ordamentation. This is usually done by tricking the person into picking up something that is mirrored. This is usually done by using an attraction spell. The mirror helps any of their way or kind to find who ever it is and mark them as an enemy to be taken or destroyed.
Mirrors are the best protection in a circle against mirror attacks. There are mirror spells that can be used by many but found by few. If you are in trouble by those who use mirrors there are ways to obtain the information and what you need.
A Yzidi with mirror powers and mirror experiance can find a way through most protections or circles by using the angles of the mirror to see through and around.

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