My encounter with a demon

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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My encounter with a demon

Post by avaiyak » Fri May 02, 2008 10:29 am

I have had numerous encounters with the demon that is reaking havoc in the lives of me and my sister and my boyfriend.  it  sends messages to us and produces lies in the form of our thoughts sent to each other.  I was able to crawl down the connection that it has with all of us and reach it.  I was able to strap my body over the demon and make these false thoughts stop.  the atmosphere in that place was just pressure all around!  later the demon  came and visited me in my apartment with my boyfriend lying next to me. it felt like a heavy pressure was over my chest.  I could not move at all.  my cat came around and hissed at something over my body.  I don't know what demon that is reaking havoc in our lives but I would like to know!  If anybody knows demons and can tell me what demon is reaking havoc in our lives I would appreciate your input.

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