The Out-of-Body Experiment

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The Out-of-Body Experiment

Post by Austin » Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:39 pm

I've had this idea for a few years but never really did anything with it until now. Although i personally cannot have an OBE on command, and i've not yet been able to definitively say i've had one at all, i think this experiment WILL work.

This is basically the idea. Two people who can have an OBE on command do so at relatively the same time. They meet each other in their spirit form, accept the terms (forgive the other your "ok") and then enter the other's body.

The ones who will test this can live as far apart as humanly possible since there are no boundaries during the OBE.. Well, there is "one" boundary, or a rule, and that is that one cannot break the law of free-will.
My brother told me of his OBE experience where he appeared on a bench in a park. A woman was sitting next to him and, for one reason or another, he decided to push her. It was not a forceful push, more like a "to-move" push. Well, as most experts on OBEs would say, he couldn't do it.. And not that there is some physical boundary, spirits can move objects in our realm, you just can't violate free-will in this regard.
This is why the subjects need to give each other permission.

Think like a scientist. If this happend there would need to be a way to prove it. If proven it would utterly destroy science in some subjects and yet open up a whole new field of investigation, not to mention opening the minds of countless generations.

As a means to discover whether it's possible, and technically if the spirit is willing then it should be, the matter of proof is not yet needed. When, if ever it comes to the matter of proof, it would be best if two new subjects were chosen by an independent and in secret so the two subjects would not know the other. A picture of each subject and other vital information for the experiment to succeed, so that the two spiritual bodies can meet-up (or perhaps a place could be chosen and then they'd have to find each other at a famous location), would be given to the experiment conductor. The test subjects would need a close friend involved, as well as a video camera and the picture and other information of the other person.
Under mild scientific experimentation a lie detector test would be performed on the subjects before, possibly during, and after the experience.
Under intense scientific experimentation the subjects would be hooked up to any number of brain-wave machines, or different types during a number of tests.

The experiment is underway and is documented. If they enter each other's body they would then start saying information about the "other" subject that they "shouldn't" know. Of course this would BE the "other" person whom neither the owner of that body nor the owner's friend would know anything about except what they look like from the picture or from any other initial information.
The tapes are submitted to the conductor and verified.

I would not doubt that such an experiment has already been conducted by at least the US government, but they'd have every irrational reason not to release the results if the experiments were a success.

So, if anyone is interested, this is the place to find others who can OBE on command. Since there's not adequate equipment or preperations to "test" the experiment, by scientific definition, sharing information shouldn't be of concern to the extent of first finding one another during the OBE.
You may PM each other for details, time, place, etc, but please let us know that you are such a person and are willing. Besides, no one is going to know if you don't don't say so!

NOTE: Edgar Cayce,  Frater Achad (Melchizedek Truth Principles) and many others channeled other spirits. Of course the spirits were not living but is good enough reason to discover this potential for broadening awareness and consciousness.

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Post by gene » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:51 am

I would be willing to give it a try, in fact I have conducted similar experiments on the Astral with another kabalist. I was unable to enter his body, and likewise. I was able to "sit" on his body, but could not project into his body, and we were in the same room, within a protective circle. I would be willing to attempt this experiment again with anyone else who travels in the Astral, if interested.

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Post by Austin » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:39 pm

Gene, did you both try to all extent to enter the other's body?

Again, there has something to do with free-will so maybe one has to watch you enter their body while allowing it to happen.
Then there is the aspect of actually willing someone to enter your body. This happens with possessions so there may need to be certain conditions. Basically, like a puzzle, you'd have to think different things and feel different ways in order for it to just *click* and happen, as opposed to just trying it once and it not working.. Then again, who knows, maybe it's not possible due to the silver cord being attached to the body.

Thinking about this further, it may be best if it were tested by two people in the same room or building as you have tried. If one thinks about twins, and how often that one dies and the other soon after, wherever they may be, mysteriously dies, one may come to think that the silver cord has something to do with it. So, maybe it's possible if both tried to enter the other's body at the same time?

Gene, being pure spirit during an OBE, have you tried to will yourself to be everywhere at once, or to know everything ever known? Or is it not possible because my idea is false to the extent of being "pure" spirit?

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Post by gene » Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:23 am

Yes, we both put forth an effort in the experiment, to no avail. We both knew what the experiment entailed, and were both quite excited at the prospect.   We attempted, while on the astral, to exchange bodies. It didn't work. Probably because of our respective connections with our own bodies, psychological and spiritual. And I'd bet our inexperience had something to do with it as well, as we were both relatively inexperienced. I was told by someone I spoke with regarding the experiment, that the life force of the body is maintained by the spiritual connection. I am under the impression that our actual spirit is not what leaves the body, but consciousness.
The spirit leaves, the body dies. I'm not quite sure of that, but it would explain why we couldn't "possess" each others body, but incarnate spirits could, as they have no connection to the physical plane, but exist on the astral.   ( Theoretically speaking, as I have never actually been possessed)

You are not "pure spirit", but projected consciousness and manifested energy. We exist in both the physical and astral planes at the same time, and the astral plane is in fact the level of existence which is the basis for the physical plane, and there are many levels above it and below it. By the simple shift of consciousness  from one plane to the other, we can travel through the astral seperate from our physical selves, but not completely. You speak of a "silver cord" Personally, I have never seen a silver cord, but rather I feel a subtle connection to my body, though I my consciousness is seperate from it, and when I wish to return to it I simply "will" myself back to my body. This is not theory, but derived from personal experience. There may be a silver cord for some people, for all I know.

I've never been able to will myself everywhere at once. I am still myself, and while you see things differently on the astral, you are still essentially the limited being you are on the physical, as you are still tied to your present personality. It's somewhat hard to explain without writing a somewhat lengthy essay filled with speculation :D
It's not easy. It takes time and an absurd amount of effort on a personal and subconscious level to reach the point of being able to willfully project. A lot of subconscious barriers to overcome.

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Post by LordLeckie » Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:23 am

I've heard that some people attempt to achieve OBE's by means of Lucid Dreaming (basically using the LD as a launching point for the OBE proper) so perhaps try looking down that avenue of possibilites?

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:15 am

no sorry rubbish obe can only be obtained by means of complete physical relaxation and full energy work acheiveing the correct stable state of energetic development i find it fifficut even as a buddhic minded person

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OBE's and meditation

Post by Garrin » Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:45 pm

I have effectively left my body while meditating, I was able to tap people and make them look at what touched them, push books off desks, push pencils around, and of course see my surroundings  clear as day. I was either in high school doing this or at my own home. I am now 36 and have tried to medatate but to no avail, I was also able to concentrate on when I was going to die and found out the year.  I am very perplexed why I can no longer meditate. I just can't relax or something can any one help? Thank you in advance for any help in this matter.

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I want to believe...

Post by no_stress_123 » Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:09 pm

I really want to believe the possibilitie to exchange bodies through astral projections but I can see a few evidences that makes it virtually impossible as follows:

1. Maybe it is not our soul projected out of the body but our conciousness.
2. I can't see a way to allow our "silver cord" or the link between the soul and the body be broken or exchanged or even crossed.
3. The body is created 'taylor made' for our soul or better... the body is molded by our soul and can't be used by another soul (this one is my creation...hehe).

Maybe thinking this way we can try to corroborate or deny these statements and check the possibility to exchange bodies or at least try them for some period of time.

Many thanks.

No_Stress (NoS)

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