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Did you know?

Post by Azhar » Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:45 pm

Did you know?

Contrary to popular belief, the traditional witches' cat is not black, but a Mackeral tabby.

The slang for getting married "tying the knot" comes from the pagan wedding ceremony of "handfasting" where the couple's hands are bound together to symbolize their unity.

The image of the witch's pointy hat actually derives from heresy/witchcraft trials when pointed "steeple" hat were placed on the heads of witches and heretics in the hope that this symbol of the church would bring salvation to the poor souls.

How the Milky Way Came to Be
Up there, in the sky, there are billions of stars.  No one knows how many, because no one can count them.  And to think that among them is a bright road which is made of wood ashes,-nothing else.

Long ago, the sky was pitch black at night, but people learned in time to make fires to light up the darkness.  One night, a young girl, who sat warming herself by a wood fire, played with the ashes.  She took the ashes in her hand and threw them up to see how pretty they floated in the air.  And as they floated away, she put more wood on the fire and stirred it with a stick.  Bright sparks flew from everywhere and wafted high, high into the night.  They hung in the air and made a bright road across the sky, looking like silver and diamonds.

And there the road is to this day.  Some people call it the Milky Way; some call it the Stars' Road, but no matter what you call it, it is the path made by a young girl many, many years ago, who threw the bright sparks of her fire high up into the sky to make a road in the darkness.
--African Folk Tales
Edited by Charlotte & Wolf Leslau
The Peter Pauper Press, Mt. Vernon, NY

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Post by tourbi » Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:54 pm

Thank you

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Post by tourbi » Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:19 pm

Thank you

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