Magick Wands

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Magick Wands

Post by Lila » Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:53 pm

Dearest friends,

I received several beautiful stones this summer and want to incorporate them into a wand. I put the word out to the universe I was seeking a
beaver -gnawed stick and toward the end of summer, beaver graciously offered one, a birch branch with the bark peeled and tooth marks in a spiral around the limb. Now I have stones (garnets, moonstone, crystal...) and a stick, and some silver wire, some leather strips, some copper wire. Lots of delicious things to create with.

What I would like from you dear friends, are your ideas, thoughts, suggestions, what worked for you, what didn't.  Circle Network News just devoted an issue to this topic which was fascinating and conjured up even more ideas for me but I still want to hear from people. Your assistance and experience is precious to me

Brightest Blessings,


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Sei no Senshi
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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:27 pm

Well, it would seem to me that binding any kind of stones to a wand would make it to where that wand could only be used for ares of magick that the stones signify.  Whether that's true or not, I don't know, and I'd actually like some opinon on that.

Anyway, since you have garnets and moonstones it seems like you could only use the wand for divination, grounding, healing, love, physical strength, and protection.  That may seem like a lot, but I know if it were me, I'd get the wand all nicely decorated and such, and then a situation would arrive where I'd need to use it for something other than the above and I'd be left muttering 'Well...that's just..great.'

Also, I think the Pluto/Moon union would be a pretty strange combination.

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Post by Lila » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:00 pm

Hmmm interesting, I hadn't even thought about complimentary stones, planets, energies etc...

...and garnets and moonstones are not the only stones I have to work with, this will take a bit more thought for sure...

... clarity and intention of what the wand will be used for...

Your insights are greatly appreciated


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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:07 pm

Well, that could be an interesting topic on the side as well.  Stone compliments and those best to use for the desired intent.

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Post by starmaster » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:53 pm

The most power gemstone to use with a wand is a Qusrtz Crystal. When you attach the gemstone just be careful not to damanage the Crystal. You could take a wood stick that you plan to use as a wand and put a notch in the wand and then insert the gemstone there. I would also suggest running a fine copper wite about the gemstone and then spirial it all the way around the wand to the ground.

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Post by iriseyes » Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:12 am

I made my wand it is maple and the Deities took me straight for the tree I needed to use.  I had a quarts crystal that I added to the end so it would be universal.  I used super glue and hemp rope to secure the stone at the end and wrapped some more of the hemp string to the bottom sort of like a handle.  I used prepared oil to protect my wand and it turned out beautiful.  Below is a picture of it for your viewing.

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