Tarot versus Ouija Board

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Re: Tarot/Ouija

Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:07 pm

Monkey999 wrote:I have never had a bad experience with either.  I have never had an evil spirit come through (that I know of) on the Ouija Board.

However, I think I would prefer divination through the Tarot, because there is a chance of some sort of subjective response through the reader on the Ouija Board.  Meaning, the person using the Ouija Board might have a preconception and unconsciously spell out something themselves.  That can't really happen with Tarot cards, since you don't know which cards you are picking.

I would guess there are more evil spirits out there without help of the Ouija, than with.  One just needs to be open to them.
Yes but a tarot reader interprets the cards, so it is subjective as well. Readings will always be subjective because of how a reader will interpret the information and how a person receiving the information applies it to themselves. That becomes another issue entirely.

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Post by Monkey999 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:14 pm

Yes, but that is true of any type of reading.  I-ching, numerology, mediums.  I often interpret a reading one way at first, and then totally different when I review it several days later.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:27 pm

Meaning, the person using the Ouija Board might have a preconception and unconsciously spell out something themselves.
Well, that could work with any kind of reading.  Psychokinesis and the impression of will?

Let's say I'm tossing myself some I Ching coins to get an answer, but I know what hexagram I WANT to get because it's what I WANT the situation or answer to be.  So, I toss my coins and that just happens to be the hexagram I get at the end of it.  Why?  Because that's what I wanted.  I made the coins fall to get the hexagram I wanted.

Same thing with tarot cards.  Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.  I know what cards I want to fall where and some of them do.  Not thinking about how much I'm actually concentrating on manifesting these cards in the reading and they just pop up there.  Not because that's the truth behind the situation, but because I wanted it so bad, I made it happen.

Hope is a powerful tool, and it often likes to mess up stuff and cloud your judgment.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:30 pm

Sei no Senshi wrote:
Meaning, the person using the Ouija Board might have a preconception and unconsciously spell out something themselves.
Well, that could work with any kind of reading.  Psychokinesis and the impression of will?

Let's say I'm tossing myself some I Ching coins to get an answer, but I know what hexagram I WANT to get because it's what I WANT the situation or answer to be.  So, I toss my coins and that just happens to be the hexagram I get at the end of it.  Why?  Because that's what I wanted.  I made the coins fall to get the hexagram I wanted.

Same thing with tarot cards.  Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.  I know what cards I want to fall where and some of them do.  Not thinking about how much I'm actually concentrating on manifesting these cards in the reading and they just pop up there.  Not because that's the truth behind the situation, but because I wanted it so bad, I made it happen.

Hope is a powerful tool, and it often likes to mess up stuff and cloud your judgment.
Is it hope that messes up our judgment or is it our wants versus our needs, or our minds versus our hearts?

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:32 pm

Well, hope/wants/heart are all about the same like reality/needs/mind.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:34 pm

Monkey999 wrote:Yes, but that is true of any type of reading.  I-ching, numerology, mediums.


I often interpret a reading one way at first, and then totally different when I review it several days later.

Again, perhaps a question of wants versus needs? I say go with your first reaction, your gut, your heart. Often we dissect and dissect and dissect until the point we have convinced ourselves it is one way, when in fact it is another. We can convince ourselves of anything if we choose to do so. The mind is a powerful thing. But as to whether it is right or good for us is something to be desired.

Perhaps if confusion arises often , it is best to "read" when your mind is clear, when you have no objective of trying to gain something or achieve something. Let it come rather than seeking it out.

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Post by redclaw123 » Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:08 am

sometimes we hope we'll get cards, but also you can be so worried you'll get cards you don't want that those appear as well--that's why sometimes it's better to ask someone else to help, but even then you'll get THEIR interpretation of the situation when you do. Them's the breaks.

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Post by redclaw123 » Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:11 am

P.S. "blue" claw? Well, last time i checked my hair was still red--but maybe when i'm old and gray i'll try blue, you never know....lol

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Post by Gem » Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:16 am

redclaw123 wrote:sometimes we hope we'll get cards, but also you can be so worried you'll get cards you don't want that those appear as well--that's why sometimes it's better to ask someone else to help, but even then you'll get THEIR interpretation of the situation when you do. Them's the breaks.

It might help then to ask before the reading if the reader interprets the cards using traditional meanings or if they use intuitive?

The cards will be different for me reading for you, than for you reading for you, because I won't 'see' or interpret the same cards the same way as you would. Trust that the right cards will come up for the right meaning to be given :)

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Post by redclaw123 » Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:07 pm

Gem wrote:
redclaw123 wrote:sometimes we hope we'll get cards, but also you can be so worried you'll get cards you don't want that those appear as well--that's why sometimes it's better to ask someone else to help, but even then you'll get THEIR interpretation of the situation when you do. Them's the breaks.

It might help then to ask before the reading if the reader interprets the cards using traditional meanings or if they use intuitive?

The cards will be different for me reading for you, than for you reading for you, because I won't 'see' or interpret the same cards the same way as you would. Trust that the right cards will come up for the right meaning to be given :)
yeah, i like to read them intuitively personally. and i do trust, just sounds like some others are not so sure ;)

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Post by Smaug » Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:41 am

be very carefull with a ouija board. If you do not know how to protect yourself, and close these gateways, you can be in great trouble.

What you bring through, you may not be ablew to return.

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Post by gene » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:19 am

Tarot would be the better form of divination, Ouija is more for recreation and spirit channeling, and spirits have a tendency to lie, to play with the idiots who they speak with through the ouija. I do not use the ouija for divination, although I do use it, I just don't use it for divination purposes. I have heard of "possession" through it's use, but have never encountered it. I actually believe these stories are scare tactics dreamed up by christians who believe in such nonsense. I am a Ceremonial magician, an initiate of Santeria, although I no longer practice as such ,and an occultist, and have been for going on 19 years. I have evoked spirits and used many different forms of divination. The only instance of possession  I have ever encountered was shortly after receiving my Warriors as a Santero, over 10 years ago, as a participant in a drum to the Yoruban gods Eleggua and Obatala. And those possessions were directed into "mules" who were fully conscious of the intent of the ritual and invited the entities into their bodies. They only stayed for a short time, and the Mules were completely physically exhausted after the spirits departed.
Possession by demonic spirits, as understood by the uninitiated, ignorant Christians who believe in a boogy man called satan, as far as i am concerned, is a myth, but I long ago learned that FEAR HAS NO PLACE IN THE MIND OF A MAGICIAN. Use what works, discard the rest.

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Post by gene » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:41 am

And to respond to the post directly above mine, when working with spirits ALWAYS know at least 2 effective banishings! Not for fear of possession, but rather to ensure that the spirit you speak to does not cause the ouija to become an obsession. It can be very addicting, my ex girlfriend being a prime example. I introduced her to the Ouija, and we contacted a spirit who was associated with the old house I was living in at the time. It was supposedly the spirit of a young girl who died of pnumonia when she was 14 in the house, which her father built. Once I figured out who the girl was, I was satisfied, but my girl became obsessed, and talking to abagail was all she wanted to do, although the "girl" was long dead and for some reason stuck around. I was unable to get an answer as to why she was still at the house, and she had no information which I found particularly useful. I became annoyed when the girlfriend became obsessed and after 3 weeks of coming home to her playing with the damned board, I simply banished the house using the LBRP, BRH and SBRP rituals.
I started playing with the ouija board about 5 years ago, long after I began my occult studies. It can be a game, and fun, but it is rarely actually useful, and there is little to fear from it aside from personal lack of self discipline and subsequent obsession.

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Post by Jynxx » Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:26 am

It seems like most of the cases of nasty things happening with a Ouija board occur when inexperienced people with no comprehension of responsibility with such tools or protection get their hands on them. Either they didn't work properly with the board, or they made it up for cheap thrills. Any tool or method that calls upon guidance or attendance from another entity, be it a spirit of a deceased person, a D/deity, an elemental, or whatever else is going to be a toss up. You can't be 100 percent positive about what you're going to end up having darn near on your lap, so you take proper precautions.

The worst thing I've ever seen happen was as a child, in the case of Ouija boards. My mother (the type who plays the 'I'm wiccan card' to be different, and claim innocense when she does something wrong) brought her board to the home of two 'friends' (and I use the term loosely), a couple, bringing me along. They sat around the table to use it, candles lit and all, turning a slum apartment into a room with 'proper atmosphere' *ahem*. The two individuals who lived there got stupid, my mother thought it was funny and let it go on. She got even more careless than usual. Next thing I know, the guy's chair shoves back quite a few feet and drops back, the viewer is whipping around the board, and then it shoots across the board and table, and smacks into the wall.

Needless to say, they stopped. Quickly.

It was a shame, too. It was a pretty older piece, with a wooden viewer with pale amber glass lens.


Tools in the hands of babes. Someone is bound to get hurt eventually.

It's a shame people don't think fully about possibilities anymore.

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Post by TheJedi » Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:46 pm

A rose by any other name is still a rose, and so it is with divination tools, as well.  A tool is a tool is a tool, and all must be worked with appropriately, meaning the tool must consecrated and the user must take protective measures beforehand.  The only thing that would make one tool any more powerful or "right" than another is the skill of of its use by the practitioner.  ANY psychic tool can open negative "doorways" if used improperly.

And addictions are innate in EVERYONE.  The only difference is in what happens to float your parrticular boat.  Smoking, coffee, Coca-Cola, food, working out.  Everybody is addicted to something, but some are just "healthier" addictions than others.

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