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Post by matrixqueen » Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:23 am

I've notice on ebay, in the metaphysical area, that a lot of people are selling jewelry claiming to have a Djinn bound to it.  My question is, has anyone experienced such an entity.  If so, what was involved in the summoning? Do you actually see the Djinn? Do they grant wishes?

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Post by tourbi » Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:36 am

Well goodness, I thought I had heard most things, this one is new for me. I'm curious what responses you will get.

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Post by starsign20002000 » Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:36 am

I have never heard of a Djinn before.  If you type in Summoning Djinn into google you will find some information.

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Post by tourbi » Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:46 am

I Dream of Jeannie,
Rub the lamp and out comes the Magical Djinn.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:33 pm

Ok lol I believe that there are djinn type beings out there, but not really to the extent of the old tales of aladdins genie and such.  I also very much doubt that it is as easy to find one as ebay haha  

With all magics one must be careful.  We here genie and such and think "Yes, 3 wishes!"  But you must be careful what you wish for.  They can interpret it any way that they please, asking for a million dollars may find you have robbed a bank to get it.  I can't help but think of the movie wishmaster, there are evil entities out there who feed off of our desires, so be careful if you do decide to try this out and find something really is attached to it.

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Post by kurukulla » Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:16 pm

djinn, despite popular belief, are not bound to grant you wishes.  stories of the djinn originate from the arabian peninsula.  they are reported to be fire based beings who have the same free will as humans.  some djinn are good while others are not.  if you try to summon a djinn you may get more than you bargained for.

ps: i don't think you can by a djinn on ebay and chances are they aren't going to be bound to an object.

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Post by Azhar » Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:38 pm

Well Djins do exist and is one of the creations of God as other human beeings.They are made of fire as the humans are made of mud.They inhabited the earth befre the creation of Adam,and were ordred to vacate the land for humans,and were given the power to change themselves in any shape and remain shrouded from human eye but whose 3rd eye is working can see them.Satan is also a Djinn made up of fire.They are of all relgons Christians ,Muslims Hindus etc. They come in the guise of humans and their children often study with the humans in schools specially relgous schools Convents Madrassas etc.Muslim Holy book Quran has given several references on their existance as God has addressed sometimes to both of them.There is a full chapter in Quran Known As Surat Djinn in Quran.Even a group of Djinns came and accepted Islam at the hands of Prophet Muhammad{PBUH}. I personally haave the chance of meeting them. The first time I met was when One night around 1 AM I was sitting at a grave of Sufi and was doing a Sufic exercise for my Spiritual blessings ,suddenly my eyes winked and got closed.I saw a man like thing flew in the door and sat in front of me.Ihad just been in my initial stages of spiritualisim at that time.He just looked like Euoropean with blond hair white skin and blue eyes.We kept on gazing at each other.I did not knew the method to converse with him at that time ,in the end I opened up my eyes and I saw him reducing his size and ultimately he just went into the floor.Later on I had several times met them during mu Sufic exercises.Well if some one sgets friendly with him do not ask for money ,they will do give it to you but steal it from some one.
They are also fond of Jewellary.I donot but some of you must have expereinced that they found their piece of jewellary missing from their cabnet etc or when woke up the locket or ear ring is gone etc .It is usualy done by them.
There Is a lot more I can write but I think it answers the basic Question asked about their existance and the answer is yes they do exist.
Note if you happen to see some one with round eyes and is not blinking he can be Djinn.

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Post by kurukulla » Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:03 pm


Great post thank you for sharing.  i have a question though.  you mentioned that satan was a djinn, i thought he was the angel, iblis, who refused to bow to anyone but God despite God's command to his angels??  am i wrong about this one??  

thanks and many blessings.

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Post by matrixqueen » Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:55 pm

Wow Azhar, I find your experience fascinating, but can they be bound to jewelry like they claim on ebay? can they be controlled? will they do harm to you in the physical sense? I am also as surprised as you are kurukulla, I have always read that Satan was a fallen angel within the catholic  and most western faiths.  So Azhar are you saying within your faith that you were taught that Satan is a djinn? Forgive me for going on and on with this, but I find the whole subject of djinn interesting.  Azhar, i do hope you share more of your experiences.


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Post by Azhar » Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:06 am

According to our teachings there are 3 types of creation By fire which is Djinns, By the Light of God or we call them Nuri are the Angels and by Mud from which Adam and his children are created Satan or Iblees or his real name is Azazeel is Djinn who is created from fire. He worshipeed a lord orGod Or real name Allah as no one else had done before that there was no placec left in the world where he had not bowed and gained the spirituality at the highest level that he became close to God. Such were his spieritual gains that he was appointed as a teacher to the Angels. One of the reasons of him for not bowing by him to Adam was that ,he arrogantly said I am superior to him as I have been created by Fire while Adam is created from Mud
The Djinns are mischevious in character but not all as there are good and bad in every community.Angels can do no harm as they are created from the light of Allah or God and their duty is to obey and worship the Lord.
As the Djins can take any shape or guise we have been taught a special prayer that if we find any snake on our way we give a call to them by saying ,if you are a Djinn then we make you remember the promise you made to Solomon that you will do no harm to humans and leave our way, if he does so then we do not hit him other wise if he stays then we kill him. Even the wood cutters when cutting a tree give a call before cutting the tree that if any Djinn is living there should leave as we are going totear down the tree.Sometimes Djinns occupy humans as well specially the ladies and establish sexual relations with them and even create hurdels in their marriages and ot family lfe. For that matter a spiritual healer is required and it hapens vice versa also. How ever female Djinns do it rarely. The most like food of the Djinns are bones of animals. In the time of Prophet Muhammad people would use sometimes bones to clean themselves after urinating etc. The Djins complained to the prophet who after that forbade the muslims to do the cleaning with bones. Their also most liked food is MIthai or sweat meats commonly used in Indo Pak subcontienent that is why the the shop keepers who know keep their shops open till late nights as they expect a big sale late at night.

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Post by kurukulla » Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:13 pm

thank you so much Azhar for clearing things up for me.  your post was really fascinating, i was not aware of the level of interaction between humans and djin.  

God Bless!

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Post by tourbi » Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:49 pm

Thank you so very much for the information Azhar.

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Post by Azhar » Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:10 am

Here is a speech delivered bt Maualana Sheikh Hashim Kaabani who is a Grand Sheikh OF Naqshbandi order of Sufis ,and live in Cyprus Turkey.The title of Speech was "How to live with Djinns as taught by Prophet Muhammad{Peace be upon him}

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani | Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 | Kuala Lumpur MY

Biggest weapon against them is water and most people use water. Most people these days.

Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem

That is why Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem they leave us alone.

The most thing that harms them is water. And all of us today don’t use water as we use it at night. Because during the day, either the wife is working or the husband is working.

So water isn’t being used in day.

During night is jinn live that is why awliyaullah{Frinds Of God or Sufis} don’t like people out after Isha time{ Night prayers practiced in Muslims}. After Isha to Fajr time{ Early Morning prayers before Dawn} is time of life for jinn they are active at that time. That is why sahaar al-layaali making the nighttime alive, to make your night like daytime, people today don’t like to live except a that time…

They don’t like to watch TV except at night, they don’t like to do dhikr except at night, they forget about dhikr during the day, then at night they sit and watch TV and do dhikr. So what is that dhikr? It’s ok, at least you are doing dhikr. But not the real dhikr.

So the most thing that harms them is water. And not only water, jinn like to live in places that are not clean, bathroom you must say as prophet taught us, “اعود بالله من الخبث و الخبائث  - Audhu billah min al-khubthi wal-khabaa’ith.”

So when a child will go to bathroom passing urine immediately they posses him. Why because by mistake a jinn is passing then if that urine will drop on him, he is dead completely.

on that jinn it will die immediately. And then the family of that jinn as a group they don’t leave that person alone, they will all come together to attack that person.

So all of us must give thanks to Allah day and night that you have not been attacked by jinn. Many people come to see me or my brother or Grandshaykh and Mawlana shaykh to really been attacked.

You become like that on floor and the speak thru you. You are not yourself anymore. Your eyes become big, your ears grow up, your mouth open and your shout like voice of man or a lady like the voice of a man. And then they fill all the crawling spaces, [i.e. fill all space with crawling thing]. They fill all the crawling spaces and come to you making you to feel afraid, scaring you, all kinds of scaring you. Every type of things that makes you scared they throw it there.

And if you go to and that person especially, it might be the whole family is not attacked, only one person attacked or two, [but] then the whole family is disturbed. They become affected, they cannot sleep.

after coming from Cyprus, a family came to see me. I didn’t know what is the problem. They came to see me. and brought someone like that. Usually I am not doing that anymore. After that day. One time I was in Canada and they brought one time and after that I said I am not going to do that anymore. Because they attack you.

They brought that boy with them who looks very strange. His eyes look like cat’s eyes. When jinn comes they turn the eyes into cat’s eyes. They make the iris straight, not round. Not everyone can see that. So they said, “Our son is mentally sick, he has a problem - they diagnosed him as bipolar.”

What is bipolar? He is possessed! They don’t understand. They say that person is bipolar, because he hears voices coming. This doctor here approves that theory.  He doesn’t understand that. But this doctor he understands. They call it bipolar two personalities, it is not split personality. What do you call it? Split personality.  It is not split personality, that is what the Prophet (s) said about jinn.

It is a jinn personality and a human [one]. When the jinn personality wants to show itself up, it becomes different than the human. They begin sending different information, “Do this, do that, throw yourself from the window.” That is what happened. They say, “His mind doesn’t function well he gets these voices ordering him to do this, hallucinations.”

That is not [the case], that is what jinn are ordering him to do.

That boy came as soon as I was looking at his eyes, and it was Jumu`ah prayer, and I have to give the Jumu`ah, and immediately when he looked at me and I looked at him, immediately [when] he turned his eyes I knew, and he pulled all my energy. It was so heavy that I was walking very slowly, slowly to the Jumu`ah. I wasn’t telling people. Then I went and give the khutba, and you can see it in the internet, it is very slow. You have them on Then coming to pray, the Jumu`ah, I said, “I cannot be imam. I cannot stand.” I asked one, Sahib who is a hafiz of Qur’an, “you stand imam.”

First rakaat I was praying but I was falling down. Second rakaat we prayed the first; the second I sat down, I prayed it sitting. Then I left to the office, the room where we sit in the masjid.

Then it slowly, slowly it came back. Because I was not ready to him - to that jinn that is inside that boy. So then they [the family] stayed and I read and read and read, and he was better and better, better. But at that time my energy was going so they left - they have to go.

But I usually don’t like to do it, when I can say [to the family] “you do this, you do that,” [i.e. different recitations or actions to do over time to help the jinn-afflicted person] but to take them out, it is big, it is a battle zone.

That lady that they brought to me [in Montreal], was a normal lady. She speaks English, speaks French, speaks Swahili. You were there. She was from not from your country. You were there at that time? No you were not yet coming. In Montreal? To Mohammad Mousa’s house from Djibouti. You remember it.

And she was normal, then suddenly jumped on me, and as if I was seeing her nails coming out. No one can control her, like ten of them jumped to put her down and she was stronger than these ten. Because she knew I have to take that one out.

What to do first? It is to bring her down, the one that is in her, and he is speaking fluent Arabic. She doesn’t know Arabic. She doesn’t know one word in Arabic. You didn’t see jinn really [yet]. Alhamdulillah you are “smelling the smell” but with Mawlana’s protection you didn’t experience that.

So with all her force in Arabic language and she was opening her mouth and her mouth become like that, and saying in Arabic, “ureed an ahraqak. I want to burn you.” I am feeling it up to today. I want to burn you! You read Qur’an, whatever you read. I am burning you. No I am burning you. She is burning me, I am burning her. She begins to make kufr in Qur’an and in Prophet. She…

It really became so that I would not touch someone possessed by jinn. We used to do it a lot. So they brought that child.

Now that lady when she begins to speak like that you see fire coming from her. She wants to attack you and burn you. And everything in perfect Arabic and in male voice.

So then I told here you have 3 choices. Up to today they speak about that in Montreal. I told the jinn, “Either you go peacefully from her mouth and we have nothing to do with you. Or you go from the belly. Or you go from the big toe.”

They don’t like to go from big toe. That is humiliation. They consider it humiliation. As when Iblees was ordered to make sajda to Adam.

There are 3 kinds: normal jinn, mu’min (believer) jinn and ifreet. Mu’min jinn are easy to work out. But ifreet - she harmed it because she was using water at night and she was washing the floor and the window with a hose and not saying:

اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اعود بالله من الخبث و الخبائث

“Audhu billah min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem Audhu billah min al-khubthi wal-khabaa’ith.”

So she killed [one of its family] and it came and possessed her.

So I said, “I am giving you three choices.” She said, “No I am not choosing. … I will burn you.” Then I begin to recite Naqshbandi silsila. As I am reciting that jinn was becoming more and more wild, attacking, and more aggressive. And I was shaking, really I was shaking. Because I am not able to control him - if he comes out he will enter in me. If you don’t have enough power to stop it. So it came to my heart, from Mawlana Shaykh “recite the silsila quickly.” And so I began to recite the silsila and as I finished it I said “You have to come out!” and he said, “I will not come out and you can read whatever you want to read.”

Then I read something special that Grandshaykh gave us, as soon as I began reading these verses and du`a that lady was calming down. So when I began reciting like that the jinn must go from the toe. Then the lady was opening her eyes. Everyone left and ran away. And only Hajjah Naziha was sitting beside me. I told her go behind the wall, because I didn’t want it to attack her.

So that is why I said I won’t do it anymore. I normally don’t speak about it anymore because I know the consequences.

So to give a recitation [for the family to recite on the afflicted person] is ok.

They live in groups. So let us conclude. After that the lady didn’t know one word of Arabic. She was speaking Swahili, English, French, [not] Arabic. She was from country, lot of jinn there.

Then a lot of people coming to me, telling me…

There was one Pakistani there. He said, “come, come…”

In any case they live in stations, like police stations. In groups or communities, kampongs, villages; all in one house together. If you harm by mistake one, all of them come, send signals and they come and attack. So that is why after Isha, it is recommended you do what ever you want before Isha. Then after Isha, you use some recitation. If you want to clean dishes [or use water].

Mawlana Grandshaykh and Mawlana Shaykh they cannot put a light after Isha. Wake up early. Why do you want to be up late at night? It is only allowed [to use water] for wudu and when you go to the bathroom or when you need to shower at night. Those three things are allowed to use water. Not [other things], because you can do that during the day. Else someone will be harmed if it by chance it hits one of them. Too many people they get it when they are in a forest or in a jungle, especially men, children, boys, they pass urine standing. That might spray them. That is why a boy or girl, if they need to, they must do it sitting; they cannot do it standing. Now we have problems now with boys more than girls because of that problem.

So now you see that people’s children at certain age they become bi-polar, they say split personality. It isn’t split personality. What do they do [to solve this]? They give them tablets to keep them half-sleeping. They don’t treat them Islamically. They don’t know. They are hearing voices. Where are voices coming from? Really it is very difficult when jinn possess someone, it is not simple that is why we ask Allah swt to protect us. We must know we cannot harm them. If you harm one, they come in hundreds. They are like tribes.

You go have a fight with one of them, the whole tribe come against you, against your whole tribe. They come all of them. So doctors what they say? Bi-polar. Why did he became bipolar at the age of 30 suddenly? Why [suddenly] if someone is not bipolar? Because [they say] there is a certain gene activated when he is older.

Jinn turned it into “gene”!

Now they suck your blood – they put you in the hospital, and take your money. No he is not bipolar, he is affected by jinn. Now they give him medicine. They make him a vegetable. His body is sleeping. So the jinn cannot bring the body up. When the body is alert they make the body stronger. But when they are sleeping they cannot bring it up.

So that is problem today they think bipolar and in fact it is not - it is jinn.

So jinn travel in groups and they live in stations. They will not disturb you, you will not see them. You can live with them. As long as you give them an alert they don’t bother. That is why the Prophet (s) taught us to say:

اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء وهو السميع العليم

Audhu billah min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem bismillahi alladhee la yadurru ma` ismuhu shayun fi ’l-ard wa la fi ’s-sama wa huwa as–samee` ul-`aleem.

So whenever we come home we read it, whenever we go out we read it.

At night, before we sleep we recite 3 Qul huw Allahu ahad, 3 Qul Audhu  bi rabbil falaq, 3 Qul Audhu bi rabbin-naas,  Ayat al-Kursee,  one Fatihah blow on yourself on the children and on the whole house then sleep.

Islam gave us prescription we forget it, so that is the problem. And as long as people recite these their places are safe, their homes safe. In these countries lot of jinn. Africa and here. West less. Europe less; very less.  Because they like more equatorial areas, more jungle or desert.

[some say they are from generations from grand parents and] they keep coming. [this is especially happening, especially Malays] no, in Indonesia a lot, Thailand a lot, they like equatorial places, Somalia is equatorial, they are there. That is why you see where the equator has split the earth in half they mostly live there.

May Allah protect us. And we don’t want anyone to harm us and we don’t want to harm anyone, we say always Fatiha, for sake of Your Prophet, for the sake of Your awliyaullah, for the sake of our shaykh, Sultan al-Awliya, that Allah keep us protected dunya and akhira.

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