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Re: What a good Idea!

Post by witchindiga » Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:40 pm

Thanks MoonGoddess :) I'm glad u liked my idea :) Yes, certainly feel free to do the same... I find it works quite well... even if the person entering my Home doesn't know what an "empath" is, they still get the point! :)

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Great time to get arty

Post by MoonGoddess » Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:13 am

Thanks MoonGoddess  I'm glad u liked my idea  Yes, certainly feel free to do the same... I find it works quite well... even if the person entering my Home doesn't know what an "empath" is, they still get the point!
I just got a nice size storage container for all my art supplies that have been gathering dust and taking up space.  So  now I can get to work making a sign, just got to figure out where to put it... lol

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How do you develop this ability?

Post by muin68 » Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:27 am

Hi. I have "felt" what others are feeling my whole life. I've always picked up on the emotions of friends, family, co-workers, but never really thought I was empathic. How do you develop this ability? and as someone posted...they have to back off when it gets too intense...how do you do that? how do you disengage?

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Re: How do you develop this ability?

Post by MoonGoddess » Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:01 am

muin68 wrote:Hi. I have "felt" what others are feeling my whole life. I've always picked up on the emotions of friends, family, co-workers, but never really thought I was empathic. How do you develop this ability? and as someone posted...they have to back off when it gets too intense...how do you do that? how do you disengage?

Looking forward to hearing from you all.
I am imagine myself surrounded in white light and then visualise myself wearing armour made of mirrors.  So that way what ever comes your way will reflect back at the sender, doesn't matter what they send good or bad.  If it is good no harm is done but if it is bad that person will get a taste of their own medicine.  I guess it like say "What you do to me will come back on your".  Hope this helps.

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Empath - how to dis-engage

Post by muin68 » Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:51 am

Thank you so much. That makes perfect sense! I'll try that. I appreciate you taking the time to post a response.

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Post by MouseDemon » Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:27 pm

I don't want to upset people here, but I think empathy is something that all humans have. Just as people interested in all things "mystic" we tend to notice it more.

I don't think there is something particularly special about it. If you are open with people, then you can pick up their moods. There are many ways of doing it too, which aren't particularly mystical either. Body language, tone of voice, even pheromones give us information that our brains process and then we make an assumption from that information.

However I do feel that some people are obviously better at it than others to the point of perhaps being an Empath, and they are usually people in touch with their spiritual sides. When we live our lives in a spiritually meaningful way then we tend to notice things more acutely.

However if you do think you are an Empath, and that you are constantly bombarded with people's emotion and it disturbs you, then do something about it! I don't tend to have too much sympathy for people that complain about their "gift" and how it makes them "speshul" from other people. It strikes me as being elitist and missing the point of Empathy.

I say this as someone who can also pick up emotion for people and areas, but who has decided that I need to be able to deal with it and get on with life. One of my most recent experiences was walking into the funeral service of my husband's grandmother at a local Crematorium. The moment I walked through the door I was bombarded with high emotion, and was nearly brought to tears. The thing was though, this wasn't my grandmother, and while I was sad she had passed, the amount of emotion that came over was completely inappropriate. So I put shields and blocks up that would get me through the service. Literally as soon as I did it, the bombardment ceased and I was able to cope and be supportive to my husband and the in-laws.

What I am trying to say is, as with most things there are ways and means of dealing with these situations. If you learn them then life is so much easier. If you want it to be, of course.


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Empathic with bCritters Mostly But other stuff too.

Post by Valinia » Mon May 07, 2007 8:05 pm

I find change anything from a penny on up my personal best is $1,500.  which the owner was very glad to have back I tracked them down via a treasure tracking number on a band in with the money. had the case sewn up and then handed it over to the police.  I have a stong empathics with animals especially horses and on rare occaision have effected unplugged machines, blown out every fan in the barn and then some the latest was an unplugged atm Any ideas about this?

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Post by Gem » Tue May 08, 2007 11:33 am

Hi Valinia, you sound very like me!

Skip is adorable, you must be in the US to cross tie like that?

I have a tendency to affect machinery and anything electric too, I try and make sure I am suitably earthed at all times lol rubber soles really help with that especailly when treating and working with animals.  Have you seen Monty Roberts?

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Post by Valinia » Thu May 10, 2007 3:21 am

I've  been able to feel the emotions of others!
What can you do to control this ability?
I live in a high negativity area
with many places where people are staying.
for legal or medical reasons.
And it seems that at times I get a
wave of grief from the families of someone who died
at one of the nusing homes, or Hospitals
or I feel the anger of the kid who the rest of the
kids at the school picked on all day.
I've been meditating, and grounding
and wearing an obsidian.
This been a very hard problem.
The serious.

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Re: YES!

Post by Gem » Thu May 10, 2007 11:52 am

Valinia wrote:I've  been able to feel the emotions of others!
What can you do to control this ability?
I live in a high negativity area
with many places where people are staying.
for legal or medical reasons.
And it seems that at times I get a
wave of grief from the families of someone who died
at one of the nusing homes, or Hospitals
or I feel the anger of the kid who the rest of the
kids at the school picked on all day.
I've been meditating, and grounding
and wearing an obsidian.
This been a very hard problem.
The serious.

Obsidian is brilliant for people like us, make sure you cleanse it every day though, best to do under cold running water to make sure all the energies are earthed.

When you ground what do you do? And with what intent?

Then I can probably help you with other exercises

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Post by VDingler » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:29 am

I am an empath.  But only with people I am close with.  Not necessarily just family, but the people I work closely with, and friends.  I have to stay away from them when the emotions are very strong.

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:44 pm

Oh my goodness!
I think i'm going to cry! With happiness!!
Finally ppl really describing all the effects of being an empath! I am the EXACT same! With all of it! electricity and the works, I've been frisked on many an occasion as I set the machines off :) Quite embarrassing actually. heehee

Its been a very difficult path being this way, def a blessing and a curse. Its a beautiful gift but i have yet been able to switch it off, take a break. The only way that I can actually be around ppl and not break into a cold sweat is if I am in impeccable state of mind. That means eating well, loads of water, exercise, no t.v, some internet, loads of self reiki etc etc the list goes on.
But there are times that I just want to cry! And cry I do - many dark nights of the soul. Actually had one last night :(

I am still young and I am unable to be with my friends in certain places. I LOVE to dance and now I dance on my own in the kitchen or bedroom. I get very depressed as I sometimes can't even go to the cinema and enjoy a good ol movie.
I will sit at a restaurant with a new SO and I can feel the lady at the back of the restaurant pick up her glass for that matter. Its like a shift in the energy of the area and i feel it. I can sense the ppl outside as they walk by. Its a barrage of information at all times and as a result I suffer very badly from headaches etc.
I have to study via correspondence as I can't write an exam around others. Man it really has changed my life. Started when I was 21.
When I was really young I would sit in the car and watch the ppl walking outside, one man went down an ally and I thought to myself "walk a mile in another's shoes...hummm wonder what that man is feeling like?" that was when the seed was planted.
I had a dream shortly after that and I was given a choice, I chose no. I felt nothing, but it was only for me to grow up living a 'normal' life. But the day after I turned 21 it started up, actually at a dance festival and boy was that a scary moment! :)

PLEASE!! I need techniques, help, advice, whatever!

I like the mirror thing, but I used to do it like glass so that it just passes str through me.
There are SO many techniques and things, my only concern is this. I read a FAB book recently and they were saying that the only protective method is Truth.
(fear = lack of love, the only way to fix lack of love is with perfect love/unconditional love = Truth = Atonement)
That anything else is a double edged sword. It can cut both ways. Say if you put too much of a shield up you might not let anyone in etc. I have experienced this. So I have now sofened my shield to that it can adapt to its surroundings like a nice bouncy flexible shield.

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Post by looking_glass » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:28 pm

RoseRed wrote:Oh my goodness!
I think i'm going to cry! With happiness!!
Finally ppl really describing all the effects of being an empath! I am the EXACT same! With all of it! electricity and the works, I've been frisked on many an occasion as I set the machines off :) Quite embarrassing actually. heehee

Its been a very difficult path being this way, def a blessing and a curse. Its a beautiful gift but i have yet been able to switch it off, take a break. The only way that I can actually be around ppl and not break into a cold sweat is if I am in impeccable state of mind. That means eating well, loads of water, exercise, no t.v, some internet, loads of self reiki etc etc the list goes on.
But there are times that I just want to cry! And cry I do - many dark nights of the soul. Actually had one last night :(

I am still young and I am unable to be with my friends in certain places. I LOVE to dance and now I dance on my own in the kitchen or bedroom. I get very depressed as I sometimes can't even go to the cinema and enjoy a good ol movie.
I will sit at a restaurant with a new SO and I can feel the lady at the back of the restaurant pick up her glass for that matter. Its like a shift in the energy of the area and i feel it. I can sense the ppl outside as they walk by. Its a barrage of information at all times and as a result I suffer very badly from headaches etc.
I have to study via correspondence as I can't write an exam around others. Man it really has changed my life. Started when I was 21.
When I was really young I would sit in the car and watch the ppl walking outside, one man went down an ally and I thought to myself "walk a mile in another's shoes...hummm wonder what that man is feeling like?" that was when the seed was planted.
I had a dream shortly after that and I was given a choice, I chose no. I felt nothing, but it was only for me to grow up living a 'normal' life. But the day after I turned 21 it started up, actually at a dance festival and boy was that a scary moment! :)

PLEASE!! I need techniques, help, advice, whatever!

I like the mirror thing, but I used to do it like glass so that it just passes str through me.
There are SO many techniques and things, my only concern is this. I read a FAB book recently and they were saying that the only protective method is Truth.
(fear = lack of love, the only way to fix lack of love is with perfect love/unconditional love = Truth = Atonement)
That anything else is a double edged sword. It can cut both ways. Say if you put too much of a shield up you might not let anyone in etc. I have experienced this. So I have now sofened my shield to that it can adapt to its surroundings like a nice bouncy flexible shield.
It must have been an interesting book.

Your post sparked something in me.

When a person sees or feels someone hurting, whether emotionally or physically, many times the first thing they ask is, how can I protect myself? How can I prevent myself from feeling this pain, this hurt? Perhaps the question shouldn't be how can I block the pain, but rather, how can I help the other person so that they do not have to feel these things? How can I assist someone so that they can get through their difficult time? What must this person be going through that they make the choices they make? Perhaps that is everyone's true role, to understand that, that person could just as easily be us.

So rather than try to protect yourself or block yourself from feeling these things, perhaps it is time to try and understand them. Perhaps it's time to help lift the burden from their shoulders. Love is an amazing thing. People define it in so many different ways, yet it is as simple as caring. It is as simple as wishing a person well, praying for them, hugging them, or talking to them. It is as simple as saying, "I understand." You may take in pain. You may take in fear or anger, or hurt. But do not send it out in kind. Rather, love them, and know that they are you.

btw, thanks for your story! given me food for thought.

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Post by RoseRed » Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:16 am

Thank you so much for your response!
Its a great book but wow wee is it alot of hard gruelling work on yourself. Its like going to spiritual bootcamp. Doesn't let you get away with anything!
I am busy compiling a little thing on it, as I gather my thoughts and shall post soonish....

Okay I like the shift in attitude, I can def do that - rather care, really care. Cause in essence I'm learning to love myself a little more. Beautiful.
The only hesitation I have is that, yes certainly and def help a person out cause I would love it if I was feeling crappy and someone did the same for me. My 'problem', wrong word to use but you know what I mean, is that how do I clear the air space so that I can also exist. Be totally me, not always be feelings what everyone else is feeling. I can get very airy and far away sometimes as a result, like completely ungrounded. I loose total depth perception and thats dangerous sometimes, like when driving a car :)
You know there are those rare moments that you just want to be private.
But I do know also that I am this way for a reason and that the reason/reasons will present itself in due time. Its just really difficult. Its also difficult on my close ones (friends and family).
When I'm having a esp rough time I will often say to the Universe, "I know its not meant to be easy otherwise everyone would be doing it...but THIS difficult?"
When I'm having a bad day I can get just so angry and frustrated and just want to scream to the ppl "For Flip sakes get you S_._._ together already! Take some bloody responsibility for your thoughts and feelings, don't go leaking all over the place!!"
I never do.
I just breathe, put my hands on and send healing energy to the situation or to me or wherever the happy vibes need to go.
But I must say - sometimes a little soul destroying...

Thanx again for responding :)

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Post by looking_glass » Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:36 pm

RoseRed wrote:Thank you so much for your response!
Its a great book but wow wee is it alot of hard gruelling work on yourself. Its like going to spiritual bootcamp. Doesn't let you get away with anything!
I am busy compiling a little thing on it, as I gather my thoughts and shall post soonish....

Okay I like the shift in attitude, I can def do that - rather care, really care. Cause in essence I'm learning to love myself a little more. Beautiful.
The only hesitation I have is that, yes certainly and def help a person out cause I would love it if I was feeling crappy and someone did the same for me. My 'problem', wrong word to use but you know what I mean, is that how do I clear the air space so that I can also exist. Be totally me, not always be feelings what everyone else is feeling. I can get very airy and far away sometimes as a result, like completely ungrounded. I loose total depth perception and thats dangerous sometimes, like when driving a car :)
You know there are those rare moments that you just want to be private.
But I do know also that I am this way for a reason and that the reason/reasons will present itself in due time. Its just really difficult. Its also difficult on my close ones (friends and family).
When I'm having a esp rough time I will often say to the Universe, "I know its not meant to be easy otherwise everyone would be doing it...but THIS difficult?"
When I'm having a bad day I can get just so angry and frustrated and just want to scream to the ppl "For Flip sakes get you S_._._ together already! Take some bloody responsibility for your thoughts and feelings, don't go leaking all over the place!!"
I never do.
I just breathe, put my hands on and send healing energy to the situation or to me or wherever the happy vibes need to go.
But I must say - sometimes a little soul destroying...

Thanx again for responding :)
Know yourself. Know yourself and you will know others. When you can know yourself, you can understand that what you feel may not necessarily be you, though truly they are you. We each see things when we are ready to see them. Understand that others may not feel as you do. Understand that others may not know the effect they have on you or others.

I do understand where you are coming from though. There are times I feel the same way and it is as if I am moving backwards. But in those moments I try to stop and ask why I have made the choices I have made. What led me to my anger? Was it that someone had done me wrong, or was it that I was not patient enough to understand where another person was coming from? Perhaps the person was also having a rough day. We tend to act as though we live in this bubble and that our actions and feelings are isolated to ourselves, but everything we do ripples through every being. So in those times of difficulty, I stop, I pray and ask that God not only show me the truth, but also show the other person the truth, even if it means showing me that I am wrong.

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