Family Ghost

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Family Ghost

Post by Dudester » Tue Aug 12, 2008 4:03 pm

I was born in an older house in Illinois-just one block from a swamp. We lived there until I was six. I am told that we had a ghost. She was described as native American, with a small round head and a teepee like body.

The ghost was brazen, often appearing in the afternoon, but also known to roam the house at night. My mother says the ghost didn't like me, and this is where it gets weird for me.

My mother says that twice she found her hovering over my crib and had to shoo her away. When I was three, an incident happened. The house had a long hallway. My mom was at one end, and I was at the other. I began to run towards her. The ghost appeared between us. I was picked up and thrown into my mother's arms. My mother had a cigarette in her hand. The cigarette went in my left eye. My mother put me under running cold water and was able to save the eye.

We moved 800 miles away when I was six. Soon after we moved in our new house, my mother had a "Mary Worth" party (it's a way to summon spirits-I felt it was a bad move on her part).

Several months later, I was asleep in my bed one night. I was awakened by a scream. I looked up and she was in one of the doorways of my room. I got up to run, but something had it's hand around my throat. For half an honor, the fight went on, with me gasping for breath most of the time.

Suddenly, she was gone and I fell out of bed. I crawled to my mom and told her what happened. Later that morning, a teacher noticed my throat was scratched up. I was taken to the school nurse. I was sent home that day.

Is someone familiar with this kind of thing?

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Post by severdsoul » Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:40 pm

Sounds to me like she was trying to warn you or protect you by the scream.
I think something else was in the struggle with you, and not her.
Hopefuly what ever it was is gone.
I think she is there to help protect you.

is she still around?

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Post by mietooo » Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:10 pm

Wow, Do you know who she might have been and why she did not like you because that would be vital information for banishing her?

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Post by Dudester » Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:26 am

severdsoul wrote:Sounds to me like she was trying to warn you or protect you by the scream.
I think something else was in the struggle with you, and not her.
Hopefuly what ever it was is gone.
I think she is there to help protect you.
is she still around?
No. After the struggle in the room, I never saw or heard from her again.
mietooo wrote:Wow, Do you know who she might have been and why she did not like you because that would be vital information for banishing her?
Because of our proximity to the swamp, I can only presume that she was native American-upset because we were on or near burial grounds.

Something I left out, she appeared in my room about the same time the old house (in Illinois) was torn down.

The only other brush I had with a spirit was when I worked in a certain office building. She was a playful spirit and I actually enjoyed her presence because she was such a jokester. She went away after the building engineer suddenly died.

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Family Ghost

Post by dessa » Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:55 pm

This is an interesting story, it is odd because like someone else who posted my first reaction to your mentioning her hovering over your crib was that she was trying to look out for you, yet you have stated that she didn't like you.

You mentioned that she threw you at your mother, which caused the burn in your eye, and well to be honest during this part of the story I got a mixed feeling that is to say when you first mentioned she stood between you and your mother I felt like there was something wrong or off

then when you mentioned the Mary Worth party my stomach turned.

I have learned to kind of use my reactions as my guide and trust the stray thoughts that pop up in my head.

There is a connection between you and this ghost, but oddly enough I think that rather than her disliking you, it is your mother she mistrusts.

I think she wanted to protect you, and keep you, that she knew your mother sometimes opened up ways for less favorable energy come around and was not happy about it.

I also think that the image of her standing between you was a duality, she blocked you from seeing somethin or someone that was there, that there is something less than positive that may follow your mother and because of this, this Native woman has come to watch over you, unfortunately she was not as successful during the incident in the hallway, so that you got burned however she did succeed in protecting you from greater harm.

I also agree that during the struggle where your were choked, she screamed to let you know, that she was there to help you but since she was not in her "place" she was not as strong so it took so long to dismiss this angry source that was around you, the one your mother called back to herself by having the Mary Worth party.

I get the impression of an angry man, when I htink of this other ghost? entity? energy,

I had not intended to do anything with my own intuition I was just curious on the subject so wanted to read it.

I do not know why but I have a guided source one that I does not share messages with me very often, so that when they come to me I can tell they are different, and so far they have not been wrong, so feel free to disagree with me but after reading this I will feel certain that there are two energies, that of the woman who helps you the Native American one you can and have seen, and the darker one, that shadows your mother that is an angry one, male energy and finds you to be a disruption and interference, since you have protection around you, this protection has extended to those you care about and so your mother's conception of you prevented this whatever he is, from causing more disruptions, or manipulations.

he resents you for that.

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