what is the general concensus on Ouija boards?

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what is the general concensus on Ouija boards?

Post by SironeMorgan » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:52 pm

I have read some real horror stories and yet I believe these people (mostly kids) did not prepare themselves correctly, behaved stupidly and just plain did the wrong thing altogether!

what do you think?


Smiling From Within
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Post by Smiling From Within » Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:37 pm


I thought i would reply to you curious question because i went through a stage a little while ago wondering about the Ouija Board and exactly that, of all the stories of horror and just the general BE WARE warnings, yet wanted to know about the subconscious element.

If this is allowed here is a link explaining how i got addicted to it and then also the conclusion of what i came up with.

http://smilingfromwithin.blogspot.com/2 ... ctive.html
http://smilingfromwithin.blogspot.com/2 ... usion.html

Feel free to leave a comment and let me know your views.

Take care

Smiling From Within xx

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:52 pm

There has been a rolling thread on this for months, those of us who are for - are for and those against won't change their minds either - do it or don't do it but don't look for concensus here.

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Ouiji Board

Post by dessa » Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:10 pm

I don't know that there could be a concensus, it seems to be that it is more or less a personal view.

I have known and seen for myself some of the "horror" stories around this issue, including one woman who had been haunted [interestingly enough I mistyped it as hunted and this whatever it was did follow her as she moved]

Yet I myself have used a Ouija board and had them in my home repeatedly and never experienced anything negative in connection to them. Unless you consider one of my cousins [ who is an annoying so and so] not talking to me much after he saw that I had three shadows instead of one on the wall during a time we used the board.

I still think the extra shadows were guardian angels, as I have again never gotten negative energy, or answers from a board, yet I do think the problem and the horror stories are happening for different reasons, one urban legend and myth, kids creating horror stories to scare or impress friends with, and the other is people using the boards with out knowing what they are doing, but anything done whether it is Ouija board, Automatic writing, or other forms can invite less than positive energy if done with out proper knowledge, or care, or if done with poor intentions.

So I doubt there is much of a concesus, there will be those who say all witch / ouija / spirit / and other boards of the type are evil, there are those who will say they are not, most will agree when it comes to anything of this nature of opening yourself, up to what is out there it is a good idea to do so from a well informed and protected place of mind and spirit and heard.

But again it is just my own opinion, and you will find that you will just need to follow your own instincts and intuitions to guide you, though looking for views so you can do this from an informed place is usually a good idea.

Something odd in connection to Ouija boards, none were ever purchased by me, yet I had 3 during my life, and each one went missing, no one threw it out it just disappeared from my home.
This could be due to the fact that I have always been well protected, and it was taken from my home before something could happen negatively, or it could be just an odd fluke.
Last edited by dessa on Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Rising_Sun » Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:32 pm

there have been threads about this. if you do a search, you'll find them. I remember posting some of the experiences i've had with the ouija board on one of those threads. Some experiences were funny and some were bad. However, I can only recommend to avoid the ouija board for it has proven to be a very negative element that has harmed a lot of people all through the years. I think that even tho it's only fair to assume that most of the negative consequences were and still are due to people's recklessness and naiveness, it still is a very negative gate that very few people actually know how to handle. Even some people who claim to know how to use the ouija board properly sooner or later end up consumed by the overrall negativity surrounding the board.

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