What Do Entities Gain From Communicating With Us ?

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What Do Entities Gain From Communicating With Us ?

Post by Javant » Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:57 am

There is a lot of talk of summoning of spirits and other entities of various types using invocation or evocation.

Now my question is what do they have to gain from us ?  Why would they do as we ask or even communicate with us ?


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Post by Javant » Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:54 pm

Anyone any opinions on this ?

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Post by Rev_Vesta » Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:44 pm

When Spirit Communicates with us, it is usually they have a message  to pass through to a family member, to you personally or someone who needs the message to move forward within their life.......what do they gain from it?    personal peace of mind.........a feeling of doing what they couldn't do while they were on earth..........becasue they can.. sometimes we just have to accept  it is because it JUST IS.......they don't do it for personal gain in a materilistic sense,...... not neccessary.........but because it is the Contract they have agreed to when they pass over...........

Remember this is just my personal opinion............. It is neither wrong or right... it just is......

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Post by Javant » Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:09 pm

That 's assuming the spirit is who they say they are.  How would you know they are real and not something else pretending to be a loved one for example ?  

My understanding is that there are other entities such as Angels, Demons, nature spirits etc that must gain something from a communicating with us ? Or are they just generally helpful to the believer ?

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Post by looking_glass » Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:44 am

Javant wrote:That 's assuming the spirit is who they say they are.  How would you know they are real and not something else pretending to be a loved one for example ?  

My understanding is that there are other entities such as Angels, Demons, nature spirits etc that must gain something from a communicating with us ? Or are they just generally helpful to the believer ?
Javant, I know I don't know you. I feel however I am to tell you, careful...it's not a game.

take it easy.

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Post by Javant » Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:59 pm

Thanks for your reply,

It was actually meant as a serious question. I believe many people get involved in spirit communication without fully understanding what it's about. Which Is why I thought this would be a useful post to clarify the basics....

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Post by Phoenixbinder » Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:19 pm

I've been thinking about this lately, and what I've come up with is this:

I figure they get out the same things out of communication and/or helping that we do.  I know I like to help people because I care about them and it makes me feel good at the same time.  Plus I empathize with people as well.  If I see someone who is going through what I've been though or something similar, I do my best to help them understand what they are going through and to make things easier on them.  Plus it's nice to know you're not alone.  There are so many reasons to communicate and/or help.

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Post by Planeswalker » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:18 am

I would like to think it mutual as all beneficial relationships are.  The gain on your part will be equivellent to the gain on theirs.  They will receive as much as you are willing to share with them, and vice versa.

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Post by Evard » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:57 am

I am commenting after PlanesWalker .

Entities are the thought on faith based ideal
to begin the want to form religion : Nature ,
Pagan or otherwise and Henotheism wants :
to communicate with human followers Anew
Deific Ways the Greater Beings may begin a
Peaceful Ethic at Higher Value Dioscenic Lah
Religion and associated human-kin spirits om
want the ability to communicate with Natural*
Balance to begin peace with spirit worlds and
in the case Kepler Ghouls to send away older
spirits om Samhain and Beltane during Spring.
Henotheism will be known as Multi-Pantheon*s      Polytheism with more thn one Faith .  Amaste PlanesWalker . :-D Evard

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Post by Planeswalker » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:26 am

If I can think of these entities than I am fueling their existence.  As the trees fuel our existence as we fuel theirs though carbon dioxide/oxygen exchanges.

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Post by Evard » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:45 am

This is a fairly enlightened topic .
I confuse people often and I don't
complain about the ignorance aum
having intellect and reading newer
comments again . Thanks . :-D :) !!

The bio-ethical association om setting
to begin fueling the sense on ecology
ideal to show entities such as spiritum
magna and Deities proper aligned om
basis to begin similar intellect of then
enlightening the OverSeer with faith :
To Begin Ideal Respect Pantheon and
Religion .and spirits with solace Anew     Peaceful Respect of the times of border to spirit worlds .  Divine Light and All .  Ev

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Post by Javant » Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:39 pm

Thanks for some interesting replies....

Evard I'm not sure I fully understand your answers.  If you could explain in more basic terms it would be greatly appreciated.....

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Post by Evard » Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:30 am

Thanks for being more polite thn expected , Javant .

I mean the setting at Eastern Theory about Belgium and the Brussels
regard of the day I write this . . . there is [as we progressively begin]
the problem with  "German" value on premise the rally grant ed and
'protest' wartime embellishment of rallying to begin National Free Thought . . .

Make me wonder what the value of eastern ethic would be to begin
proper assessment to begin Promise to Thought allotting spiritual
"entity" as the regard of communication with the recent year's
thought on [the thoughts given before as I notice Eastern Euro]
"spiritual communication as of the secretive topic of druid and Old Stones"
likened to StoneHenge though the older stone astronomy seen as
affecting the way Older Spirits approach modern days with
of Raising The Power of Olden Pagan [though long dead] . , . !!

Getting to my point .  The explanation of spirits and Deities will be :
I don't support the thought the spirits of deceased powers [ghostly]
will [not] be known as Entities . The Entities are Powerful Deific @!!
Beings known to be the Gods of Pantheon and Higher Form of the
Higher Power.s known to be High Overseer.s of the Faith of Modern
Man [homo sapiens] and I don't begin the thought to say spirits are
Entity so I digress as to the power of Spirit and Godly ., known as
The Time of Power With Thought as Good or Bad Intended : Pagan .

You ask I simplify my thought .,. though all I notice is a group of men
"enlightened" to eastern europe saying "they can't understand me" :-D
which I know as the Eastern Abuse of the thoughts provided to freemason
trainees at Eastern Europe .  Considering the escalation of "rally" protest at Middle East
now approaching rioting at England .,. I wonder with this European newer problem .|. :)
what the effect of ignorance and Euro economic value will be to "Spiritual Understanding"
so as I mis-spoke about freemason ethic .,. I will not consider you as asking me :-D :)
"what you can see as simplified to my regard to be understood by the power of Entity
acknowledged by insight to Pagan" so thereby :@: I will accord my own Free Will . , .
and offer my Thanks {Hooray} and Apology for being long-winded.     OK[+] Thanks .

Evard .  That's the full version without simplification . Good luck with your endeavours .

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Post by Planeswalker » Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:11 am

The topic was what entities could gain from us, I beleive that we are entities ourselves in physical form therefore any spiritual communication with higher planes is in fact quite ordinary and should be encouraged as normal behavior in an enlightened society.

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Post by farthirl » Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:55 am

Depends on what the entity in question is committed to. Some spirits want to destroy us. Other want to help us. They have their own means and ends as well. And then there are "those" entities. "Those" entities are the ones committed to lying to us. Yeah. They spread disinformation and lies; and all in an effort to further their own selfish and destructive ends... Angels, some call them. Little jerks.

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