have you ever used magic agaist anyone ever

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Post by gargd » Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:43 am

Hello Phoenixbinder, I also want to make realise her that what soever she is doing is not right, leaving me alone after with me for 4-5 years is not a good thing when she is totally aware that it is impossible for me to forget her. I am ruining my life after her. Phoenixbinder can you please share with me how to make her realise.
You may also think that I am doing this for my own sake but I know this in my heart that this is for the good of we both. Alas ! I cannot prove it.

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Post by Phoenixbinder » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:42 am

angel rose wrote:Morning everyone this is my first posting, very new to anything like this so I ask please bear with me. Question for Phoenixbinder? You would not by any chance want to share with me your instant karma spell.
Hi Angel,  :)

Unfortunately it's not as easy as just giving you a spell.  Considering everyone has different beliefs, different practices, different levels of practice experience ect... I'd need to know more about your beliefs and experiences before I'd know if you could actually preform the spell the same way I do.  I'm not even sure if I could adapt it considering the way I do spells isn't ritualistic.

I'll tell you what, I'll tell you more about how I work and you tell me about how you work and we'll see if we can work this out.

I'll try to describe the best I can how magick works for me.

It's a little hard to explain, but for many years I've felt a very deep connection with 'the other side' 'spirit realm' whatever you want to call it.  I feel that I actually belong on the other side, that I'm one of them more than I am a physical being.  I have great love and respect for them and I know and feel the same feelings are returned.  Much like how you know your family and friends love you.  

This is very large part of how I practice.  I don't need to do ritual or cast circles or any of that; all I have to do is speak aloud and let my will be known.  If I do that, I know without a shadow of a doubt that 'my people' as I call them (all the beings on the other side) will move like an infinite army, or a huge mass of will to help me.  It's hard to explain because it's a feeling that's hard to describe, but I know they'll do this for me because I'm one of them, and I'd do the same for them.  We love and respect each other and are more like one massive being than separate beings.

I'm rambling and going in circles.  It's just so hard to explain.  I hope I made my point somewhat clear and you understand what I'm trying to say.  

Anyway, P.M. me if you don't want to put your beliefs and experience level in the public eye.  And depending on what you believe and how you practice, we'll try and adapt the spell so you can use it.

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Post by Phoenixbinder » Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:10 am

gargd wrote:Hello Phoenixbinder, I also want to make realise her that what soever she is doing is not right, leaving me alone after with me for 4-5 years is not a good thing when she is totally aware that it is impossible for me to forget her. I am ruining my life after her. Phoenixbinder can you please share with me how to make her realise.
You may also think that I am doing this for my own sake but I know this in my heart that this is for the good of we both. Alas ! I cannot prove it.

Hi gargd,

Sorry, I didn't see your post until just now otherwise I would have replied sooner.  I should warn you that if you do a karma spell on this woman it doesn't mean she'll come back to you.  After reading both your posts and thinking a bit, it looks like the spell will teach her that it's wrong to abandon someone without explanation.  The spell would teach her that putting someone in a state of confusion and heartbreak is wrong.  Like I said it more than likely won't make her come back if that's what you're after.  

But if you're looking to teach her abandoning someone that loves you without explanation is wrong then this spell's for you.  

If you want to go ahead with this then let me know your beliefs and level of experience when it comes to magick so we can work out how to adapt the spell for you.

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Post by gargd » Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:09 pm

hello Phoenixbinder,

Thanks for the concern and helping hand you are raising towards me. Please guide me in learning the karma spell. I will be thankful from the fathom of my heart.

I believe that karma is the most important action, without your own action no one is going to help you out, have faith on supreme power with purity in your heart and you will succeed.


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Post by Rev_Vesta » Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:41 am

Be Very Aware of your own personal actions.........

think very clearly about your intention.........

I believe the best type of spells are ones of healing..... ones of self love....... for attracting one's Soul Mate without  mentioning names.........Ask that Justica  give healing and allow the person to recieve the lesson that best serves them.........letting go for everyone's highest good...........

just some suggestions....

So mote it be!....

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