The Psychic Circle

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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The Psychic Circle

Post by specialyst » Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:41 pm

For some reason I have a sudden urge to purchase a spirit board. I was debating between Ouija or Psychic Circle and decided to go with the Psychic Circle because it is said to be safer (like that really matters).

I prepared, prayed, trying to surround myself with positive energy and protection field. Even putting anointing oil on all corners of the board. Upon giving my first opening statement and question, holy crap, the board responded instantly. Since I was using the board myself, I couldn't blame someone else for moving the planchette.

Here is the following outcome of my recorded session:

Myself: Hello. Greeting! I am definitely a highly curios being living in physical existence on the planet earth. I am extremely hungry for knowledge and wish to speak with other beings of extremely advanced intelligence. Who will speak with me?

The Psychic Circle: Are you Sabytuv?

{Unfortunately being that this was my first time ever using a spirit board and did not remember all the letters it was spelling I did not realize that the board was asking me a question.}

Myself: Did you just give me your name?

The Psychic Circle: Welcome. Do you believe in God?

Myself: Do I believe in God? Yes, but when things don’t go so well and I run into a lot of problems, I get upset and want to turn away from Him. Overall, I do believe he exist.

The Psychic Circle: Find Bible scripture, Peter 5:8.

{Having the bible nearby I turned to 1 Peter 5:8 and read the verse all the way to the end of the chapter. Which is why I gave my next response. But the verse read 1 Peter 5:8 NLT “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”}

Myself: Thank you. That was very encouraging. I didn’t realize everyone was going through the same stuff that I am.

The Psychic Circle: DEVIL I

Myself: Do you have any words of encouragement to help me spiritually grow and to help others?

The Psychic Circle: Goodbye.

Myself: Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Goodbye.

{Upon the end of the session and putting the board away, my hand started to move as if I had a sudden urge to write something down. So a grabbed a notebook and pen and the following message started to come out:

“This is what the Lord told me. Do not fear for I am with you and I will never forsake you. I know the pain and suffering you are going through. But I the Lord will bring peace and end all suffering. Now is the time to gather my people. The chains have been broken. The doors are open. My blessings will be more bountiful than you can ever imagine. Stay firm in my word and know the truth, that I alone am your God. Thus says the Lord. Forever and ever, Amen!”

“This is a time for rejoicing and celebration, for the harvest is near. I have created all things for you to enjoy. Do not fear, for I am always with you and my love for you is far greater than you could ever imagine.  You are my son and I am your God. Glorify my name and you shall truly be rewarded. This is my message to you. Do not let those condemn you, for the time will come when I will rebuke the wicked for all the trouble they have caused to my people. Know that I am the One and Only God, Creator of all things. Nothing passes by me without me knowing. Nothing is hidden from me. I am the all knowing, the beginning and end of all creation. You are part of my creation and more. I have given you My Kingdom. I have given you all I have created, from heaven and earth. You are my son, the one I hold close to my bosom. Let nothing stand in the way, for your mission is great. Nothing can stop you because I am with you. There is nothing to fear because fear is not in you when I am here. Know that through me, all things are possible. You are the deliverer of truth and the light. I place an anointing upon you. Greatness…….(sorry this is the part where I could not keep up with the message that was coming to me. But I was eventually able to catch up and write again)……for all those who trust in the name of the Lord.”

Overall, my first experience with a spirit board was good and bad. I was disappointed because I felt I had bad energy to attract a bad spirit to the board. Therefore I realize there are still some issues and negative feelings I need to get rid of. The good part is that I did get words of encouragement, but the message was channeling through instead of the spirit board.}

I would definitely have to say, any spirit board is not for everyone and there is a certain level of maturity to communicate with one properly. I believe “Fear” is the only tool evil or bad spirit has to enable us to do what they want. Fear is almost like giving up our power and giving it to them.
I hope my next session with the spirit board will encounter a good spirit.

Until then, I still need some spiritual self-improvements.

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Overcoming my fears.

Post by specialyst » Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:04 pm

Ok. Since my last session on "The Psychic Circle" spirit board, I have been doing some deap soul searching. In the process I have been trying my best in quieting my mind and ridding myself of negative energies. Which was kind of cool because I was able to relate to certain parts of my life where the negative energy seem to attach to me.

Overall. I thought I was ready to face the spirit board again. The good news is that I didn't seem to attract any negative spirits. The bad things is the because of the design and layout of "The Psychic Circle", the dialog appears to be very cryptic to me and I find translating its message somewhat difficult.

Myself: Hello I am seeking truth, purpose, and light. Who will speak with me.

The Psychic Circle: “GEMINI”

Myself: I’m sorry. I don’t think I read that correctly. I am seeking truth, purpose, and light. Who will speak with me?

The Psychic Circle: H I

Myself: Hi. Who am I speaking with?

The Psychic Circle: B 0 K E E “CAPRICORN” 2 2 “GEMINI” H H “N – North” “SOUTH NODE” “GOODBYE”

Myself: Thank you for your time. And I am sorry if this did not go so well. Goodbye.

The session was very short and really did not make much sense to be. Overall, I find a spirit board not being as bad as many may have encountered.

I believe a spirit board reflects the intent and the heart of the users.

Bad people attract bad spirits, Good people attract good spirits. I look foward to my next session.

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Location: Lost in thought.

Post by coloratura » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:13 pm

Wow, that definitely sounds interesting. Do keep us updated.
As a person who left Christianity due to the concept of Hell, I'd be curious to find out what higher vibration beings have to say about Hell.

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Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:59 pm

Post by Kabiyesi » Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:56 am

Hi specialyst, your narration is interesting. If you are still online can you tell me how I could get one Psychic Circle please. Mind you am in a very far place somewhere in West Africa.

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