So it appears that I evoked a Demon?....!!!!

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So it appears that I evoked a Demon?....!!!!

Post by muscababy » Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:24 am

The title says it all....This started last sunday afternoon. I was drawing a story that I felt compelled to do (If I can get TWO pages sketched in a day, I'm doing good....But I was cranking out SIX!) about a girl who is interested in evoking a demon and gets herself a Lamia, and it seems that they had been looking for each other. I was just drawing some things I thought looked right for the story, after going on-line and checking out several websites it turns out I had actually gotten them CORRECT (Left-hand salute, etc.) and I was fairly amazed. Okay, take a break, come back to it later, I thought.
Well, later, I'm sitting at the computer and I smell a particular brand of hot dog being cooked. Okay, I'm ready for lunch, so I go out and ask where's the hot dogs (Oscar Mayer, they have an aroma different from other brands) and I was told "I'm not cooking anything!", and no, there was nothing on the stove, the hotdogs were in the fridge unopened.
In go back in and sit at the computer and I still smell the smell, I'm looking around and a message in my mind said "I'm here".

You can guess about how I felt!

I will continue on later about the things that have happened this past week hopefully later today.

My MAIN question is....If you summon a Demon (Purposely), are you not supposed to call it by name? IF I accidentally evoked a Demon, HOW can I find out her name?
This Demon is female, I guessed from the "Picture" I got of her sunday (I drew her as close as I could to what I felt about her) and the VERY CLEAR voice I got in my head yesterday morning.
I would appreciate very greatly ANY help I can get with knowing who I have here, and how to make my place a nice place for her to stay. She is NOT malevolent that I have seen yet, but playful and a little mischevious, kind and giving, and VERY powerful! (At least to my way of thinking!)
Note that I am NOT possesed by her, but she is with me (She made herself known to me twice so far this week at work) and I would like to keep her around as a seperate entity.
Thank you very much!

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Post by landofshadows » Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:11 pm

Hi Musca,

I know of one Angel Lel-Ael, who is a Servant to Lamia, the Angel gives the feeling of a male presenece rather than that of female... You could be in contact with Lilith, yet Lilith I see as being a Demi-God of sorts, once Human in form, created from the same dirt as Adam... May be currious in your work rather than you...

Lamia can be a little playful towards man, and can upset relationships with their partners... Priming their most seeded of preversions and dreams... Lamia appears as half snake half woman, she is very seductive, Lilith appears the same yet she has wings, much like that of an owl and when she speaks it sounds like an echo and behind the words owls and frogs can be heard.  Lamia is said to be the taker of the unborn, calling her in times of fertility is not a good idea (not meaning to worry you).

Smells, images and sounds are more common than actual voices when it comes to Angels, higher energies bring about voices and being surround in light.


The servant of Lamia-Dea, and disciple of Lilith, this Angel watches over the night, appearing as a solid black mass with wings, Man has dubbed him the prince of darkness or the moth-man.  He appears at times of great tragedy; his voice is of whispers and can cause the nose to bleed of those that hear his words.  He appears to those whose family could be affected rather than those actually facing the event to unfold. Summoning Lel-Ael as a Guardian Angel will bring about dreams of disasters to come, normally with no indication of when, where or how.

The traits you have explained, the sense of the demon being female does narrow down the Angels I know of...


Female in form with an owls’ beak and posture, she is the servant to Moloch.  Bringer of wisdom and knowledge, like Anan-Ael yet she approaches mainly females (The Eve’s) of our world around times of high fertility or the fall of pregnancy.  She is the protector of new arrivals and energy transit, the watcher. Summoning her won’t call her to your Higher Xoy position, she will come to you when she wishes, however summoning her will draw her attention.


Han-Ael is both in part male and female, the body seems female yet the face and voice is that of a Man, the wings are small and only seen when the Angel faces away from you.  Bringer of joy and grace to those who summon this Angel along with your most inner desire, be it a material object or feeling.  Han-Ael has the emotions of Man and can relate to us more so than any other Angel, yet Han-Ael never speaks, but all emotion is shown in the bowing of the head and gestures with the eyes and body.


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Post by muscababy » Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:28 am

Thank you for the information!
I'm kinda new at this, as you may haved guessed!
I would have replied a LOT sooner but I just today got my computer out of the shop.(VISTA....)
Anyhow....She left the following Thursday, after I had a laughing fit (EVERYTHING struck me as SO funny!) The day before, I offered her some of my chakra, leting her know I was more fascinated than afraid of all this. The next morning (Thursday) I was on my way into work and I politely asked if I might sample a little of her chakra....WELL.....
Fifteen minutes later I'm in the elevator and I get this electric rush and I thought "Just what the heck is THIS?!?"
It felt like I had drank three pots of coffee and then ran five miles!
I could'nt believe how electric I felt! It was like an adrenalin surge running into my arms and legs every few seconds. The effects lasted about thirteen hours, and it took me five days to get over it. That sunday I felt so bad I thought I was having a heart attack or something, but I feel fine now. Funny, my foot does'nt hurt like it did before, either!.
Any ideas how I can get her to visit me again? I miss the little things she would do (Move things around).
Thank you for your time and interest!
I have been trying EVERYTHING I could think of to get her back!
I DEARLY miss her, and the things she would do to let me know she was there.

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ADDENDUM...I forgot this!

Post by muscababy » Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:13 pm

One early morning, probably about tuesday after this all started (I rise about 2:30 in the morning) I awoke not being able to breathe too well, like my asthma was acting up. I DID invite this entity to come as close as it would like to me, as I was not afraid of her, and wanted to be close to her.

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Sunday, March 29th, 2009.....

Post by muscababy » Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:50 pm

Not really trying to do any evocation; just "talking" to her this morning, I offered her some of my energy.
It's been about five hours, and I still have a nice, warm feeling....If you ever drink too much, you know how it feels in your head? It feels that way in my chest....In my heart.

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Post by Unfallen » Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:38 am

I prefer not to use the word demon, since it carries with it too many religious connotations.  There are numerous entities that can exhibit the powerful aura you're describing, but as you said you felt nothing malevolent.  There are lower astral entities that dwell off of humans energy.  In her case, she doesn't need it.  She is just curiously experimenting like you are.  No offense to landofshadows, he/she seems very well-versed.  This particular spirit you're speaking of I don't think was any of the ones mentioned.  

I don't know how much you care about the impressions I get from reading about your scenario, but I'm sure your instinct is accurate.  She's not harmful.  Continue to get to know her.  She knows you're not scared, so I see no reason she'd get insulted and suddenly change her actions.  She may have even been mortal at one time, and your artistic similarities drew her to you.  

The feeling is overwhelming, but overall it will be a positive experience.  I can see you're not frightened, so that's great.  Keep us updated.  Keep it experimental though, don't become co-dependant on her energy. Soon I am sure she will share her name with you.

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Post by muscababy » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:24 pm

Thank you also, Unfallen!
I REALLY appreciate anything I can learn at this point; and I've learned more about the occult in the past month than I had known in all my life!
I must have missed my true calling....  :)
It was suggested  to me that I smudge my area with sage, dress a silver candle with dittany of crete, and skry her sigil and speak to her. (I have a black mirror I made...Will that do?)
When I was getting ready for work this morning, a sigil popped into my head, and I had to re-draw it a couple times until it came out the way it looked "right" to me; the other ones did'nt seem right to the image I had seen at home. I don't know if she had planted it there, or if my imagination is over-active ( I am an artist, after all!)
No, I am NOT frightened, and after the past month I am suprised by the things that no longer make me fearful or upset...I get the image of something upsetting in my mind, I tell it thet it is just temporary (As in "temporal", and will become dust...I should have done this DECADES ago!), and move on. The biggest problem I have now is that while I'm calling upon her I find myself starting to go into a trance while driving to work! Oh, and at work, there have been things that seemed "co-incidental" in appearance, but these were things that I touched (Both having to do with lights/light fixtures so far), so I do not think so!
Thank you all for all of your help! I am very much in debt to the learned ones here.
I will keep you updated on what I find out about her.

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Post by muscababy » Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:18 am

I do believe I found out her name.....I remember the one thing she said to me, and while doing some studying on scrying, it came up, it was associated with her name, and I'm 99% sure I know who she is.....I will be attempting to try to contact her now that I know her name, color, metal, etcetera.
If I survive it, I'll report back!

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