The Pagan Afterlife,Reincarnation and Summerland Part 2

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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The Pagan Afterlife,Reincarnation and Summerland Part 2

Post by LADYSILVERMOONGODDESS32 » Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:10 pm

Whether or not Wiccans believe in angels and demons depends upon the person. Those who do believe in such creatures each have their own opinions about them. As for me, I think that angels and spirit guides are simply spirits that have reached an enlightened existance after many lifetimes. They exist to guide us and to protect us, to help us become who we are meant to be. Demons, in my opinion, are tainted souls, corrupted with hate, greed, and even sorrow, so that they bare ill will towards all of life because of their pain. They are to be pitied--and feared.

Wicca is a very diverse religion. Most Wiccans believe in Reincarnation, the Summerland, or both, but not all do. Specifics about these paths vary from person to person. There are different traditions of Wicca just as there are different denominations of Christianity. Many Wiccans are solitary. Most of us just believe what makes sense to us. All of life moves in a circle, not a straight line, like the changing of the seasons and the water cycle. It makes sense to me that life itself should do the same.

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