Is Someone Using Black Magic On You?

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Is Someone Using Black Magic On You?

Post by dragoneye » Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:07 pm

Due to jealousy, heart burning or some base cause, the Tantriks use cheap tactics to overcome the adversaries, which ruins one's life. Are you also under such a spell?

We must have peace and happiness in life, and to achieve the same we work hard. But we do not get in return to the proportions of our labour.

We get very little even after the best of our efforts, we toil to get success in our business but the profits are too little. We do not want any discontentment or discord in our family life, but inspite of our best efforts, the peace and tranquility of our family is disturbed.

On the other hand people work very little, but get too much in return. Businessmen have ample wealth just be putting in little efforts, bit we are disappointed even after continuous efforts. It leads us to conclude, that there are some evil forces which make our strategies unsuccessful.

Tantrik Prayog : Major Causes

Whenever you face such situations, feel assured that someone has used Black Magic on you, as a result of which all your efforts become ineffective.

Though such prayog is not easy, but some Tantriks expertise in it and torture innocent souls at the behest of selfish and greedy people. Such Tantriks have made Black Magic their profession, and use it on others indiscriminately at the behest of their adversaries, to mint money. Thus the happy life of the people is spoiled.

Such so-called Black-Magicians, no doubt can harm others, but they do not possess the powers to counter such Tantrik moves. As a result the victim keeps on suffering and sometimes it leads to the death of the victim. It is in fact very easy to cause harm through Tantra, but very difficult to amend the damage done. In order to learn the art of saving, one has to undergo Sadhna and Siddhi, and only a Tantrik of high caliber can do so.

Some bad effects of Tantrik Prayog
1. Continuous illness. All treatments fail.
2. Constant worries, suicidal tendencies, or a desire to move away from home and family.
3. Continuous illness of any member of the family.
4. Too much weakness associated with obesity and being short tempered.
5. Sterility, without any physical deficiency or without any medical reason.
6. Repeated miscarriages or death of the children.
7. Sudden unnatural deaths in the family.
8. Problems in the construction of house, factory or any other building.
9. Shortness of money, inspite of hard labour.
10. No desire to live. Feels suffocated. Life seems useless. No desire to rise in life.
11. Sudden quarrels between brothers or the members of the family, without any reason.
12. Achievement of objectives seems impossible.
13. Loss in the business of property.
14. Ill-health and under-development of children.
15. Loss of peace due to the fear of enemies and their evil designs.
16. Discord between spouses or the family.
17. Greatest efforts resulting in a failure.
18. Lack of Govt. favours, promotions and the desired transfers.
19. Poverty, inspite of hard work.

These are some effects which prove that you are under the spell of Black Magic. Though intelligent, you fail to find solution to such problems. It is due to the Tantrik Prayog that all your wisdom, all your strategies and all your intelligence fails.

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Ianna Leane
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Post by Ianna Leane » Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:24 am

I do not believe that there is "black" magick.  Magick does not have a color.  If it were to be compared to something, it could be compared to a gun in that:  a gun does not kill people, people kill people.  That is how magick works; it in itself cannot harm you, a person has to use it to cause harm.  One should also consider the laws of three fold before jumping to the conclusion that a rival has conjured ill deeds upon them.  Before you act on ill fates, one should analyze, speculate, and research their own doings prior to acting out on someone else.  In the end, well, it would be repeated upon you because it would still come back to you.  Best thing to do is to allow it to run its course.  But, that's just my opinion.

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all apply to me

Post by ambibambi » Tue May 11, 2010 2:56 pm

i feel cursed..and i mean cursed for example this past two weks ,...ive been car jacked, life threatened. id and all documentation stolen..fell broke my insurance and required surgery which i now have metal rods and pins inplace of shattered bones...
someone said that my ex boyfriend s mom had put spells using my hair and photos and buried in pots along her home....

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Back may happen!

Post by Nova » Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:33 am

Hello Dragoneye,
I have experienced almost all the above things happening to me including death of my children and after which me n my husband stayed away from taking  athird chance for getting baby....even now...I have my health problems which halted us......I am overweight which is again mentioned by you and my hubby suffers from vitilago again a condition unexplained in its  all the differences in relations is disturbing  and I too saw a series of untimely unexpected deaths in my family.... How can we overcome or defeat a tantrik prayoga,can you help?
thanks n regards

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:17 am

Just so you know..
this is a copy and paste from the Internet.

My own personal gripe against it, is that it lists all of life's challenges, particularly those challenges that leave people feeling completely vulnerable for answers or help.

I also offer a caution about seeking or accepting "curse removal " from anyone or anyone recommended by someone who tells you there is a curse over you, or offers information that would lead you to believe so... I am not saying this is what Dragoneye has done....
but caution folk as a general heads up.

wow ambibambi. crappy two weeks.. I feel you there.. I am 6 months in recovery from a tibial plateau and shaft fracture that included serious ligament damage. I have a bone graft, and plate with nuts and bolts in my leg. In fact I can very much relate to you.. I have had a really terrible year..  I can count 10 of the things on that
Seriously was your mothers ex boyfriend really that powerful as to perform   incredibly strong magic on you and yours..or just another average Joe.
I wonder why he doesnt do a spell on himself and make himself master of beautiful women and wealthy beyond expectations.
yes I can feel cursed... I do.. I have said that a number of times.. but I know that I am not..
\ stuff just happens and I have had a crappy year.

Dearest Nova,
I am so sorry to read about your little girl. .. Its very difficult for me to find words. I do know your pain, and have lived in a world where I know the cloud never lifts.
In our age group and older we have seen many family deaths over the years, some of them children, others just the age we are now. I used to feel alone in this.. and even as a child I wondered if there was something cursed about my mothers family..
It wasnt until I began my psychic guidance journey that I came to realize that The challenge and heartache faced by my family was lived every day to one extent or another in the lives of many, many others..
Im wondering how many curses can there be to go around.. seems to me the worlds cursed if we were to pick a few things on this list and consider that proof of a curse.
Please take care of yourself.

Im sorry If I sound disrespectful to the beliefs of Dragoneye. I don't mean his to be a direct attack on you, but did strongly feel compelled to contribute to this discussion with my own views.

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Thankyou for understanding!

Post by Nova » Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:14 pm

Hello Stormgirl,
It was heart touching to feel that good samaritans like you feel pain and agony that we,ve been through.Thanks for also encouraging the positive part of my personality that makes me unyielding to these things many times....yet manytimes we give in to the gloomy atmosphere.
I feel a lot better now.

thanks n regards

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Looking at someone's picture

Post by amethyst3640 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:20 am

If you were to look at someone's picture could you tell if someone has used black magic against that person, (the person in the picture) to make them an enemy of another person they used to feel close to. Or can you tell if that person in the picture is part of a cult and is practicing black magic freely and unwillingly.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:04 pm

Many things come up in picture reading - it is unique to each one that does the reading - like all readings in fact.  So there is a potential that someone would pick up on that kind of negativity and address it.

I do not believe any spell will work unless the receiver is involved in believing it has a potential to hurt them.  When we are positive in our living, nothing can touch our heart but ourselves.

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