Vampires and Symbiotics

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Post by Aegeus » Sat May 23, 2009 11:33 pm

Here's a yogi method for recharging. "If you feel the vital energy in you is at a low ebb and that you need to store up a new supply quickly the best plan is to place the feet close together and the lock the fingers of both hands in any way that seems most the most comfortable. This creates a closed circuit as it were and prevents any escape of prana(life force energy) through the extremities. Then breath rhythmically a few times and you will feel the effects of recharging."

Swishing water around the mouth before swallowing helps absorb more prana from the water faster.

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:48 am

I suppose it would be good to add something positive after these previous posts. An energy vampire can be easily spotted by a cracked smile. Many flicker between cracked energy sucking smile and the plump grateful smile or just a restful face, although some have become so ingrained that the cracks have become wrinkles and what was their attempt and acquiring energy has wound up weakening them and those they took from. When I became aware of this it would annoy me to know what they were doing but I realized that it stems from a weakened emotional state and being annoyed by them only increases that. Now I just send psychic messages informing of what their doing and what is healthier to be doing. I've tried explaining it directly once, and it was not well received(like telling a smoker what smoking does, just sending encouraging energies toward healthier choices seems to work best). Sending psychic vibes seems to work, although it is a process, as there is much dense energy to be worked through, and the hard work of reversing a bad habit.

The other inner conflict I've had around this issue is limiting contact with energy vampires. One because it's such a high fraction that do this to some degree, and that a lot of people with to be limiting contact with and a lot of them are very good people in many regards. Two because the cause tend to be emotional neediness, which part of healing is healthy relations with others. This is part of the paradox of the whole aberrant pattern. Like how trying to save time ends up wasting it, trying take energy ends up driving away the energy that could be given. If one is low on energy and another has plenty, out of empathy the one with plenty may give some energy away. If the one with plenty sees the one low on energy looking for some to take, then it will seek to keep it's energies safe from being taken as a priority over giving to help, as there is no use in the healthy one having it's energy taken and becoming another in a weakened state.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:21 am

I get the idea no none wants to deal with this issue. It must stem from failure to receive, which must have something to do with male dominance, and the belief that males and females are different, when each contain both polarities and are simply of different constitution. A lack of balance between the two polarities compromising ones ability to receive.

It seems energy vampires don't like the smell of garlic.

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Post by Condescending » Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:54 am

I'm an empathic vampire, also elemental, and i think pretty unconsciously psychic except in the last few years I've learned to control that aspect of it.

Are you meaning to make us sound so awful or is this just a defense mechanism?

Do you have something against us.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:35 am

It's good motivation to maintain purity so I can keep my essence safe. But really learn how to recieve. Taking causes all kinds of imabalances which cause various problems.

I mean to bring awreness to the reality of the effect that taking energy has. I know of three energy vampires whose love partners have died.

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Post by Condescending » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:06 pm

Thats very true about love partners dying. I know of one friend who almost killed her bf by sleeping with him.

I see.

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Post by Dionysus » Thu May 27, 2010 1:40 pm

Interesting article... I did not take time to read the protection methods as I already know some that worked for me. I will TRY to make it short because you all already know what a psychic vampire is. First off, I want to mention that I've been a spiritual satanist for quite a while (don't worry - it's not harmful). With the growing of the Metal music genre in popularity, satanism becomes an intriguing religion, connecting buddhism, hinduism and yoga. I call it satanism because it's only with anti-limiting (christian) teachings. A sort of paganism. I see myself getting away from the subject, so let me post the methods I used and worked.

How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura

-INTRO- (you may skip)
People in our lives, especially those of whom we have emotions for - either positive or negative, are attached to our aura. Normally, we are attached at the chakras. These attachments can last for many lifetimes. They are most common in family members and those who are close to us.
There is another kind of attachment and that is what is called "psychic vampirism." Psychic vampirism is when another person attaches him/herself astrally to your soul and the relationship is of detriment. He/she usually attaches at one or more of your chakras and drains your energy. In all close relationships, there is a mutual soul attachment for better or worse. In the case of a psychic vampire, the relationship is analogous to that of a parasite and a host. A psychic vampire does not even have to be involved in a relationship, as it is natural for his/her aura to feed off of the auras of others.
There are symptoms of psychic attachment, the most pronounced are thoughts and/or feelings that are not your own. Your energy eventually becomes depleted, especially when you are around the psychic vampire. Whether they are physically near to you or at a distance, once a psychic vampire has attached him/herself to your aura, they can drain you. Psychic vampires are rarely strangers. in many cases, this can even be a family member. A good example is with love/sexual relationships. Following a break up, one party may not want to let go. Another case is that with obsession. Obsession is a bit different as the obsessed person is actually *giving* energy to the object of his/her obsession. This is where a psychic vampire enters into an ideal situation. There is a constant and willing supply of energy from the obsessed individual that the vampire benefits from.
In almost all cases of psychic vampirism, there is a weakness on the part of the host person. This weakness is usually of an emotional nature. The parasite/host relationship often satisfying an unfulfilled need for one or both of the individuals involved. The attaching person's energy feeds off this. In ridding ourselves of this influence, we must acknowledge that a problem exists and WANT to let go. IF THE HOST SUBCONSCIOUSLY DOES NOT WANT TO LET GO, THIS EXERCISE WILL BE USELESS!

-The How-to-

To remove an unwanted person from your aura:
1. During the cycle of a waning moon, (a few days after the full moon; and a few days before the new moon) find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
2. Relax and enter into a deep trance, for this working, the deeper the trance, the better. Now ask your mind to reveal anyone who has an inappropriate tie. (You can also ask your mind this before you fall asleep at another time, and this will be revealed in a dream). (If you know who it is beforehand, you can visualize them). If there are several, then work with one person at a time. This working can be time consuming. It is best to work with one person per session. You should allow yourself a few days in-between sessions ideally so your aura can adjust and your energies can rebound. Depending upon the strength of the bond, the working may have to be repeated.
3. Ask your mind where the connection(s) is. You may find that a mutual connection exists, where there are two or more attachments at the chakras. Take as much time as you need, using an astral knife, cutter, laser, or whatever you are comfortable working with, and dislodge the connections completely on both sides.
4. Place the connections in a pile as you work. Your will must be strong here, as the other person may not want to let go. Seal the areas on your aura where these connections were attached with healing light/energy, white/gold is the most powerful, but use whatever color you are comfortable with, as we are all individuals. You don’t want any injuries or holes left in your aura.
5. If you care for the other person, you can heal and seal his/her holes made by the detachments.
6. Invoke the element of fire and build an astral fire with this, by directing it, and burn all of the detachment strands.
When you are finished, clean your aura.
When you are ready, open your eyes, get up slowly and move around, do something physical- eat, exercise, or whatever to ground yourself.

PS: if you want to learn how to clean your aura, send me a private message or a reply.

I hope this helps.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:43 am

Aegeus wrote:I get the idea no none wants to deal with this issue. It must stem from failure to receive, which must have something to do with male dominance, and the belief that males and females are different, when each contain both polarities and are simply of different constitution. A lack of balance between the two polarities compromising ones ability to receive.

It seems energy vampires don't like the smell of garlic.
Hey there Aegeus,

I would like to say a few things, first off the garlic thing made me laugh very hard. Thank you for that. I really love the smell of garlic myself. Next there are many ways to get energy. I have personally found that the energy from other people are nothing like the energies I can get from 'alternative sources' The thing is that you have to work for them, and most people are not willing to. It is much simpler to take something in the form that you want. Energy is all the same and yet different. And yes by trying to take from some you make them aware and they close off. But honestly in a crowd of people the chance of finding someone who knows is slim. This is what attracts the vampires in the first place. I am going to say something that is kinda horrid, but really it is like someone who takes drugs, the first time you do it you get a rush and then you have to take more and more and will never get that same feeling again. Everyone should be aware of what is going on and how to protect yourself. Also like I have said in this topic before, in every label we give to people there are good and bad people in it. Some times it only takes being told to back off once for someone to get the message that this isn't right. I know that when I am highly agitated I tend to slip up and gather without thinking about it. It is like breathing and the Not doing it requires focus and hard work.  I have a partner who has no shields and I have never taken from him. When I start to get upset I walk away from him. This is a personal thing for me, a choice I make. it took me hard hard work and dedication, and i feel if I can do it anyone can. it is all about choices and what you are willing to work for.


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Post by p3ntacle » Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:45 am

I need to banish a vampire-attachment to my prana. I severed my silver cord as well as went head first into something...and it caused serious consequences to my health. Ok, I am now getting serious de ja vu. So I probably need to write this down. I've healed it some, but it's taxing and I'm constantly fighting with it which is not helpful because I think it's dead. I know a lot of vamps exist in the real world, but the only reason they can is because we all have souls and prana. This dead vampire, whether discarnate from after-death or something else, I need to learn to truly get rid of it. I'm constantly searching for ways to because I know that if I did I would repair my mind and consciousness. Consciousness is essentially energy you see, and I think I accidentally fed on death or something....because weird shit happened that I won't bother proving. Can someone help me?

This isn't just a mind and body issue. Its my very soul I'm fighting for!

Bella Lutopi
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I didn't know this existed.

Post by Bella Lutopi » Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:06 pm

I am new to Wicca, and was not even aware this type of thing existed. You were talking about grounding and that it was something that is taught to every student. I don't know any other pagans or wiccans in my area so I was wondering how do I find someone to teach me. I know I will know if the person is right for me as a teacher I have a really good instinct and I try to listen to it as much as possible. The problem is finding someone who has the knowledge and is willing to share that knowledge and take me on as a student. So any advice you could give me would be very helpful and much appreciated.

Thanks so much again and Blessed Be!

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Post by Evard » Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:12 am

Allo Bella .  The role of puissance in the regahd of ideal thoughts as the modern
sense of Darkheld is seem~ing to be .:. illuriat regard of those who tend to say *
the most of control and yet have not any control over the setting of Natural weis
Thought ., as those who are controlling tend to make majestic self claims and the
eccentric group of those who are not known to control others ., rather lead them
is said to be the querulous regard of the self regard known as ego and egoinde .

I have my own rite and free will to not be premused by others though my Aura .,.
tendency . . , . . is to be affected by those who must control for means of overag
~ia gen ia .ten . . . to the power of actual Overseer who is not unblessing though
the ruler of the Domain of what will be kindly the role of information , rather thn a!!
leader of ego~inde and thereby agenda of personal Faith in Greed ., and vampirim
are a faith of greed en bodhi rather then a free will of want and ecological domain
[growing my fangs here ., Motley summon and so forth . Lugoti ., be peace and .:.
accord with the Powers Being info~r.mat.ion and not the uh nip uh timen, succors]     what a quip or querulous vainity . nPax .

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