Out of Body experiences

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Out of Body experiences

Post by erik » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:33 pm

Hello you all there,

I have had in the past (those of which I was aware of) a few OBE's.

Here is a recount (I wrote them down, but due to a psychosis state of mind I burned all dreamjournals that I kept from 1998, I started a new series since februari 5th, 2004 and threw them away in the bin somewhere in the summer of 2014).

Somewhere in the summer of 1997, Rotterdam:

"I was jogging around Ahoy (a big sports and performance arena in Rotterdam) and suddenly I remembered what happened to me the night before, it was magick:

I was or sleeping or in some sort of "yoga nidra" the state between sleeping and waking. I remembered that I "crystalized" out of my body,
from the space between the eyebrows, the eyebrowcentre.
I was afraid and every time I was "out" a bit, I came back. This went on for a while untill I allowed myself to fully get out.
When I was out of my body, I remembered that I was in great joy, everything around me was so quiet and peacefull, it was magic.
I thought by myself "wow, now I am out of my body" and decided to check this by looking at my physical body, so I did. I saw myself lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully, surrounded by red lights, more "beams".
So I thought "now I can go flying over Rotterdam" and moved myself to the curtains covering the windows of the balcony. I remembered moving towards them and that was it, I don't remember anything more

QuestionS :
How is it possible that I couldn't remember going out of the window ?
What do the red colours, surrounding my physical body, mean ?

Summer 1997, Rotterdam:

I was thinking that I could move out of my body by moving my body to the right or to the left and became suddenly aware that I already was out of the body, I had to smile in myself, thought it was quite funny.
I was floating in front of the stereo and heard a song playing on the radio, simultaneously I was in my body again, waking up and realizing all this.
So very quickly I turned on my stereo set next to the bed to listen to the radio, checking if the same song was playing and yes....the same song (however unknown to me) was playing. I was pondering about the fact that I was aware of the song, while the stereo was turned off

Question :
In the first OBE I "crystalized" out trough my eyebrowcentre and now I "moved from the left to the right", are there different techniques ?

Summer 1997, Rotterdam:

.....i was again moving from the left to the right or vice versa and remembered that I didn't feel like it (before I had a crazy lucid dream, my bedcover was "waving" like a madman, I jumped out my bed in great fear, floated down the stairs to notice two women having a terrble fight, then returning to my bed, making gestures on the wall, while the face of an old man appeared on the wall), anyway, I was afraid that this experience would happen again to me, luckily I heard a door slamming in the distance and I slowly woke up

No questions.

October 7th or 8th 1998, Rishikesh, India:

This was the first day that i stayed in the Ved Niketan Ashram, determend to learn more about yoga.

I was a little bit out of my body, it appeared that the wall was leaning towards me, I could clearly sense that I was a bit out. Then I heard voices on the right side of me, talking in a language i didn't know, could be Hindi, could be Sanskrit.
I was just begging these voices to get me out of my body, to assist me doing that, when suddenly they faded away

I woke up and this made me writing down all my dreams from then on.

No questions.

October 2002, Rishikesh, India:

I was in a psychotic state of mind, praying to God or Shiva, at that time, to help me.

I was listening to my neighbour's voice telling me to become fearless, courageous, lecturing me about things I forgot, but the last sentence I remembered was him saying to me : "YOU ARE ALIVE, LIVE, LIVE" then I realized that I was out of my body, I was bowing down on the floor, he was standing there before me and I had the urge to go to my body as soon as possible, it scared the hell out of me, so i did

October 2002, Rishikesh, India:

I was asleep and became aware of me trying to get out of the body, while I noticed and felt 3 black creatures sticking to my astral body, they were very annoying, but were just there, doing nothing but sticking to my astral body, i decided to go back in my body, cause i didn't know how to deal with this, so I fell asleep again and when I woke up I remembered that I had a dream that I was walking down the road on the Ram Jhula side from the Ashram to the right, I saw 3 black creatures sitting along this road,they were a little embarrased and shy, like they were "caught"

Question ;
Would these dreamlike creatures be the same entities as the one sticking to my body ?
Did I still manage to go out of my body, walking down the road ?

I hope to hear some feedback soon,



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Re: Out of Body experiences

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:52 am

I hope to hear some feedback soon

With respect I feel that you are expecting far too much from a free advice forum staffed by volunteers, to have your out of body experiences analysed in the detail which you are demanding.
Also you might have noticed that most of the time I am the only person on Mystic Board, and I am not online 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to be at your call, within an hour or less of your posting.

Even when the site was at its busiest and there were many readers available, the normal turn around time for a posting of this length could be anything up to two weeks, if it is answered at all.

Most people would be put off by the complexity and sheer amount of information presented here (I certainly was), and move on to somebody else's, due to their limited time way from their own websites.

I read people and current situations.

I have not yet mastered (and have no interest in doing so) being able to read a person's psychotic episode, out of body experience, delusion, lucid dream or whatever was happening to you, particularly well after the event has happened.

This is definitely not the same as me being asked to interpret the most likely meaning of normal dream symbols. In altered state of consciousness (there could be more than one involved during the same night) everything merges in such a complicated and intertwined way that to be able to effectively sort out what was a symbol, and what is real (at that level of consciousness) is difficult to impossible.

The only way that anyone could give you a better idea as to what is happening to you at each event would be to hook you up to brainwave monitoring equipment, conducting the experiment under carefully controlled conditions in a sleep laboratory.

There are also I believe scientists who work with lucid dreamers, who have the ability to enter the subject's dream experience, as if it was their own. They see what the subject of the experiment is seeing, and feel what they feel. Only then do I believe would a person be qualified to offer the deep type of analysis of each altered state component, that you have described.

So the answers to follow are not to be taken as my psychic impressions of what was really going on during these separate events. They are only my own personal opinions (based on my own OBEs and lucid dreams), and I freely admit that in each case there are a multitude of other possibilities and reasons which could explain the same phenomenon from a different perspective.
How is it possible that I couldn't remember going out of the window ?
Because if you are outside of your body, windows and doors are no longer necessary as you could simply move through any solid object. You probably exited the house straight through the roof. You were inside, then you were outside. Also the specific state of consciousness you were in at the time is constantly changing and unstable. You could have therefore been phasing in and out of being conscious of the elements of the physical world around you.
What do the red colours, surrounding my physical body, mean ?
This is probably going to sound rude and silly to you, but not everything during an experience like yours must have a deeper symbolic meaning. Sometimes red just means red. Or sometimes red does not mean anything at all. The red lights and rays around your physical body could be a side effect of you looking back at it after leaving it, it might be the part of your own personal energy field (aura) which is activated to allow the separation process to continue.

Symbolically, red (it depends on what shade of red) is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage, impulsiveness and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Consider the phrase "seeing red" to denote anger. Alternatively, the color red in your "dream" indicates a lack of energy. Personally I do not feel that the colour red which you saw around your body is likely to be symbolic. But I could be wrong about this.
In the first OBE I "crystalized" out trough my eyebrowcentre and now I "moved from the left to the right", are there different techniques ?
Just as doors and windows no longer mean or act the same when you are on a spiritual plane or dimension outside of the normal physical universe, precisely from or through where your consciousness was projected outside of your body, is largely irrelevant. The important thing is that first you were looking out at the world from behind your eyes (an illusion), then you are seemingly looking with your spiritual eyes from what appears to be outside of your physical vehicle.Some astral travelers/OBEers have success projecting through their brow chakra, others can only make it happen if they imagine themselves rolling from side to side, or rolling off their bed onto the floor. So the answer to your question is yes these are alternative techniques. Perhaps your inner guidance is deliberately trying to find the easiest technique for you to use, so that you can later do it consciously by yourself, in order to give you a greater sense of control over the whole experience, from beginning to end.
Would these dreamlike creatures be the same entities as the one sticking to my body ?
Our dreams are heavily based upon our past experiences, including out of body. But then our unconscious minds throw in a lot of dream symbols into the mixture, which are often messages to us which we would find uncomfortable to deal with, if we were instead fully awake.
The three black creatures sticking to your astral body are in my opinion likely to be completely harmless empty astral shells. They are automatically removed by your guides, angels or your own Higher Self, before you reenter your physical body. There is nothing you can do to stop this from happening. It is a side effect of you having to move through the lower astral planes close to the earth, to be able to get where you are headed ( presumably the higher astral planes). Sometimes you just have to put up with getting your astral body temporarily dirty, to reach the higher spiritual levels, where these dark things cannot exist for very long (if at all). On the other hand the three black creatures sitting along the road as if caught are more than less likely to be your dreaming mind transferring memories of the "sticky entities" during your OBE into equally harmless dream images.
If the "sticky entities" had been harmful or evil, and they had actually followed you into your dream, they would not be embarrassed or shy about doing it. They would be out to harm you more than they had already done earlier.
Did I still manage to go out of my body, walking down the road ?
It is impossible to tell where your OBE finished and your dream started, because one merged into the other. Were you still out of your body, when you had your dream? Probably not, but it is not impossible to do both, simultaneously.

This will be all that I will say about these types of mystical experiences of yours, now and in the future. Could we please change the subject of our discussions, as these are using up too much of my time which I would prefer to spend giving readings, and helping people who are in real trouble? No offence is intended to you. My online time and energy are both increasingly limited these days.


Brian :smt015 :smt015 :smt015

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Re: Out of Body experiences

Post by erik » Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:25 pm


Thank you for your time to discuss these experiences with me, I understand that you don't have the time to go more into the subject, but I am already very happy with the answers you have given me, so a big thank you!


:) :smt002 :smt045

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Re: Out of Body experiences

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:13 am

Erik, :)

Thank you for being so understanding of my situation.

I was relieved to hear that what little I was able to contribute to your growing understanding of these mystical experiences, was appreciated.

My advice would be for you to explore in greater detail than I can provide the often close relationship between lucid dreams, and out of body experiences.

The lucid dream state can act as a springboard to anyone wanting to consciously experience and have greater control over their OBEs

https://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com ... reams.html

https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.10 ... -0423-5_16



Any book or article written by Stephen LaBerge (there are also several of his videos on YouTube) would be worth your consideration.


May good fortune be yours,

Brian :smt048

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Re: Out of Body experiences

Post by erik » Thu Feb 13, 2020 12:03 am

Hey Brian,

thank you so very much for all the information, I got something to do now :) :smt002


:smt048 :smt059

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