What happens after death?

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Post by moondancer86 » Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:48 am

I know exactly what happens after death...but you people dont want to hear it...

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Post by moondancer86 » Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:48 pm

Look how comlex we are, have you wondered why we cant create something as complex as us?
Sure, you can clone, but you cannot clone the spirit that each one of us have....the spirit in all of us is different,
thats why we have differences.
Where do you think that spirit goes after you die? dont you think it would go back to the person who gave it?
After all you cant kill a spirit, its so hard to even photograph one.
Science cant even do that.
alot of photographs I believe can be debunked, however, those that are real, we xtremely lucky.
I think we have a better chance of winning the lotto, before a pic of a ghost is present, if you do...play your lucky numbers on the lottery and win a million dollars

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ofcourse we don't end here :)

Post by Levi » Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:56 am

As people grow older and older, their bodies, especially the brain, become to be less and less capable to contain the consciousness that most people exists by. The speed of the electrons and others that are crucial to the activities within the brain to keep in contact with the physical body does not stop as our body degrade over time and its own responses slows down. Over time, it is possible that as the electrons and other energy particles in the brain travels too fast for the physical tissues to behold.....it passes on to the 4th dimension, or exists only so, where time is only a direction variable. This is the basic principle anyhow of what one day I'll write a book about :P Perhaps the 4th dimension could be a heaven to many people, or hell, to others of different perspective in existance and living. For further thoughts, I would suggest looking into the String Theory or the ones about the multiple universes from scientific american which conforms to some basic principles of my theory..

I myself only experienced near deaths in many dreams however..never quite passed through. Many researches are being done as well to monitor the brain activities in different phases of sleep. Apparently, when something approaches the speed of light, such as some brain signals.....the laws of 3d physics begin to lose hold :)

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Post by moondancer86 » Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:27 pm

I do agree with you on that...
However,  the existance of us is modified by the (soul) or spirit. I have seen 80 yr old men who still lift weights, and he looks not a day over 50.
So I believe that if you are to keep your "tissue" in proper working condition, you should be able to contain those electrons..right?
Have you ever read, Madelen L Engles...."a swiftly tilting planet, a wind in the door?" There is another book too However, these are excellent examples of different dimensions that we have no idea of whats there.
These are fantasty books tho, and one persons opinion, but you should read them...great stories and excellent adventures.

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well i beleive in karmas

Post by jyotimirpuri » Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:49 am

what we give we get back and i feel hell and heaven is right here . and death and rebirth depends on our karmas. if we fulfil our cycle of give and take of all our negative and positive karmas in this life then death is the end of our soul cycle. otherwise we are reborn again to finish our cycle of give and take  of our karmas

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A True Story "After Death"

Post by astrobhadauria » Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:10 pm

late Shri Ashok Kumar Jain,was living in Chaumu House,Jaipur,He was the friend of Shri Rajendra Singh Panwar,Rajendra Singh Panwar,was my astrological clints,it is the storey of 1999,That time Ashok Kumar Jain,came with his friend Rajendra Singh Panwar to me,and questioned me about his illness.I read the birth chart and seeing there were,Saturn+Rahu+Mars in 12th and Ketu in 6th,Sun in the 9th House,I surprised that a bad soul conected with this person and that is giving bad effects to body.After some other enquiry,I ask him,about dreams,Late Shri Ashok Jain replied me,I remember a dream,when I was admited in SMS,and after some time when I came in sence there are all the person  and faimly members are stanging circly my bed,and all were weeping ,my wife, not in sence and,I remeber that dream,I finally feeled well,after taking injection of docter,and I started to go my residense,that is far from SMS,about two kilometers,I came out of hospital and ask to Ricshwawala to cary me chaumu house,but Rickshawala not hear my voice,I said to more than 5 ricksha and auto rickshas,but no anybody hear mine voice,I started to go my home by foot,I feel that my walk value more then before,I started run,and I reach at my residense,there was no day and no night,My faimly members was not in house,my house was locked,I asked to servent that was with me from last two years,and also very nice person,I was operated that time a fan fectory,but that servent not replied my answer,I surprised,why not anybody hearing my voice,I started to run back to hospital,I remeber that there all faimly members,went with me,for admited me,perhaps there are they making wait for me,I reached at hospital,and I see there are all are weeping,I asked to my father .why all are weeping,He indicated to mine bed,I seen there was my other body laying on bed,and my wife is weeping in high tone,I went to him and asked that ,it not mine body it is duplicate,I am here,why are you weeping but she not stoped weeping,then I strted to push that body from bed,and that time I feel it is I,and seen there was not any other body.After seeing me well all faimly members,came with me,mine house,and one day that servent came to my room,I asked him,when I was in hospital,why he was here,he replied ,In fectory money required by the store keeper and he send me that day for money but I saw there was locke and not anybody here.i went to factory.I surprised by that talk,I thinked it is the matter of after death.I declaired the death time,and also indicated him that,not make more desire for living,Saturn+Mars+Rahu,all damaged your physical body.and after some time,Rajendra Panwar noticed me that Ashok Jain expired.

Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:33 pm

Post Locked. If you want to discuss about this topic, I request you to please make a new post & discuss there.


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