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Post by witchychick70 » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:17 pm

Can you feel what someone is feeling? Do you share a bond with someone close to you a bond so strong that you can feel their pains and emotions?
I am an Empath and i have this special gift, which seems more like a curse at times.
My best friend lost her boyfriend a few days ago and it seems as if im picking up on her depression and i have sat and actually cryed feeling her pains and emotions.
If my husband gets a headache or some other pain i just about always am able to feel it too.
This is a gift i would like to send back at times.

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Re: Empath

Post by Nicole » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:38 pm

witchychick70 wrote:Can you feel what someone is feeling? Do you share a bond with someone close to you a bond so strong that you can feel their pains and emotions?
I am an Empath and i have this special gift, which seems more like a curse at times.
My best friend lost her boyfriend a few days ago and it seems as if im picking up on her depression and i have sat and actually cryed feeling her pains and emotions.
If my husband gets a headache or some other pain i just about always am able to feel it too.
This is a gift i would like to send back at times.
I'm able to do this also, even with ppl on this board...
Sometimes is so strong I have to just back off...
I'm like that in r/w with family and friends and ppl off the street...

My mother and I was like that all the time..
I pick up on my husbands pain also.. I now have to separate my self to that.. It drains me if I don't..

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Post by maplewoman » Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:54 am

I am an empath as you would call it but it mostly happens when I ask myself "I wonder what they are feeling" I can feel their feelings full on when I ask this question.
I can also feel energies from people by just looking at them and wondering about them. Often I get the heebe jeebies when I see undesirable characters which always sends a shudder thru my being and the word burrrr comes out my mouth.  I find I have to practice ignorance if I do not want to feel, escaping to the realism of my own life. The only time I find this gift really usefull is when someone is reaching out to me by telling of their sad stories of pain or injustice or sadness or something and I can fully understand what they are feeling so I can practice compassion with wisdom. Maybe even offer advice because I know what would help me.
It also helps with massage because I know what feels good for them.
I have trouble in relationships because I can feel their feelings and if they are negative it effects me negatively which does not help the situation at all. I wish I could meet more positive people and feel their feelings. It seems like I am tuned into the negative, maybe this is a self defense mechanism even though it can be crippling.

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Re: Empath

Post by la pere » Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:58 pm

Nicole wrote:
witchychick70 wrote:Can you feel what someone is feeling? Do you share a bond with someone close to you a bond so strong that you can feel their pains and emotions?
I am an Empath and i have this special gift, which seems more like a curse at times.
My best friend lost her boyfriend a few days ago and it seems as if im picking up on her depression and i have sat and actually cryed feeling her pains and emotions.
If my husband gets a headache or some other pain i just about always am able to feel it too.
This is a gift i would like to send back at times.
I'm able to do this also, even with ppl on this board...
Sometimes is so strong I have to just back off...
I'm like that in r/w with family and friends and ppl off the street...

My mother and I was like that all the time..
I pick up on my husbands pain also.. I now have to separate my self to that.. It drains me if I don't..
can you tell what im feeling?

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Post by suzisco » Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:11 pm

I believe i have an empathic nature.  I am a nurse and i find my gift very useful when helping my clients especially those who cannot verbally articulate their feelings and pain.  I don't think i can be empathic online altho i have never tried it.  If i am not around people i feel fine altho when my family have accidents or suffer great pain i know straight away as i can physically feel the pain.

On the whole what happens to me is usually beneficial for my client there are times i am extremely overwhelmed and i have to be careful as i can't always cope with the emotional onslaught.


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Post by witchychick70 » Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:49 am

I been doing some reading and found that psychic shielding can help block out some of those emotions and pains that we pick up from others. For those of you who feel you need to do this look up psychic shielding for more information.

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Post by suzisco » Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:14 pm

thanks witchychick thats been very helpful.


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Post by Persephone74 » Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:42 am

I am empathic also. It seems I have problems with relationships as well. If I sense negativity emanating from someone, I get a prickling sensation on my skin. When this occurs, I notice who I am with or who has just entered the room and see if I can sense who it is aimed at and if it is intentionally or unintentionally directed at me; mostly it is unintentional.

Empaths need ways to keep other energies from mingling with their own, especially unwanted, negative energies and emotions from people, particularly strangers. Even family. I read in a book that when we interact with each other there is some form of energy exchange between the people present. According to this book, the energy can be grounded in various ways. Also, some energy exchanges are benefitial to all, leaving no one drained or with a headache.  :)    

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Post by MoonGoddess » Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:26 am

I have always been called overly sensitive but now I know it is being a empath as I would pick up on other peoples feelings or moods around me.  I control it a little better now that I know what it is but, it use to make me cry alot and I couldn't get things done when I was weighed down with other peoples emotional turmoil.  Especially where I use to work as I seem to have a mirror around me and people could see what they truely were.  Some people are alright with that but others just use to attack me verbally or mentally cause they didn't like what they saw.  I think it is a defence mechanisum I came up with subconsiously when I was really young.

I pick up on my partner and sons moods daily, just last night it caused us to have a fight.  Well not really cause I saw what was happening so I went to bed really early and watch TV to calm down as I was so angry at him.  It is funny that I should pop into this topic as I mentioned to some one earlier The Celestine Prophecy:  An Experiential Guide.  I know it is all about auras and that kind of thing, but there is one thing that stuck in mind when I read it ages ago and it was how peoples auras react to other people.  Say for instance when you or someone you are talking to is angry or dominering their aura gets bigger and makes yours smaller...If that makes any sense at all, I think it is the same with empathy.  Some people project their feelings or Moods without knowing and makes it easier for us to pick up on.  Every body has a small amount of empathy, it is what makes us human but some of us pick up on it more then others.   Well I definately went of on a different track there sorry, my brain has been doing crazy things of late.

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Post by Gizmo63 » Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:25 pm

I'm always feeling what others around me feel
Sometimes a stranger will come up to me and I'll start to feel the pain at times so strong that I'll start to cry. That person will almost always ask whats wrong and I'll start off by saying to them I know your pain I can feel your pain and I'll tell them in detail what there pain is.
Meaning for example if they had a truamatic event in there life I will tell detail for detail what there truamatic event was.
Lot of times they get scared hearing me tell them about there pain but I dont even realize I'm telling them.
I always live a very dark gloomy life and it does drain me bad especialy since I only sleep about 4 to 5 hours at a time.
Does all this I discribed sound like being an Empath.
Any ideas Welcomed couse I have no idea what this is I go through

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Post by Aviendra » Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:16 am

I'm just discovering I'm an Empath too...bloody scary stuff...especially when you haven't learnt to shield yourself and the emotions get really overwhelming...

It is a wonderful gift though. It lets you experience every emotion to the extreme...least you know there will never be a dull moment...lol

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Post by mugglebornmom » Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:44 am

My mother is one. She calls me on some days and asks if I am feeling down because she got this "feeling". We both felt enormous emotions during the Katrina episode. That was almost unbearable. So was 9-11. Terrible times. I think my youngest son is empathic too. He is 6 now. He's always been very emotional and aside from considering a 1 year old as bi-polar, I think empathic is a wiser choice.

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Post by theancient_dr » Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:35 am

Peace to you each and all--------

Being empathic is-- as said above--- a blessing and a curse.

As we near the further thinning of the veil between the other side and this one[that may happen around the year 2020---which is in line with the Mayan calendar ending 2012]
*** there is a definite increase of empathic spirits arriving here.
***Note that the empathic abilities are many times mistaken for such things as bipolar character traits---and the so called indigo personalities--

So my brothers and sisters if you find that these abilities are now something that you have or that you recognize in your family or friends be understanding and helpful------

this one lives with three empathic ladies--daughters and SO---
and has many other empathic friends---
you may wish to learn to put up your spiritual shields to protect you from the impact of the feelings of others and if you do not know what i am speaking of---then ask----

i send blessings---peace and love

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Re: Empath

Post by witchindiga » Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:36 pm

I have a sign on my front door that says (in large-type):

You are about to enter the Home of an
Please stay positive & mellow
for the duration of your visit.
:) Thank You. :)

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What a good Idea!

Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:04 am

Geeze I wish my fiance would understand what being an empath is when he comes home so moody.  Totally runes my day and I get so angry, obviously my blocks don't work against him.
You are about to enter the Home of an
Please stay positive & mellow
for the duration of your visit.
Thank You.
Think I will use your idea if you don't mind witchindiga

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