erotic fantasies

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erotic fantasies

Post by Vasiliki » Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:47 pm

I was wondering, what happens if a person fantasizes erotically with you?
I have had this feeling. Can this impact one's existence in some way? If you are not attracted to the person fantacising can it generate sickness or some other discomfort? Does it depend on the person's psychic powers? (realized or not).
I am sorry if this question is inappropriate in some way. I hope it isn't. If you think it is please erase it.
thank you

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Post by Vishwas » Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:51 pm

I think it may be a vaild question. Lets see what the experts can say.

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Post by Tish » Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:51 pm

I don't think your question is inappropriate, but I think some people might be disturbed by the answer I'm going to give from my own experience: which is that when you think about someone, effectively you are calling them, calling their attention to you.  So if you are thinking about someone in an erotic way, you are calling them with your feelings/emotions/mental pictures.  It is possible for the person receiving to simply block these out as unacceptable (they are not attracted or they feel uncomfortable about it for some other reason).  If they are attracted, they may simply join in.  If you are doing this yourself, I say this: when the fantasy takes on a "life of its own", rather than you imagining what you like, that's when the other person is joining in.  It is all very innocent, really.  There's nothing wrong with sharing pleasure like this.

If you are experiencing a creepy feeling that someone is reaching for you and you don't want to join in, then don't.  It's that simple.  They are very unlikely to be mentally strong enough to do you harm by trying to insist, but if that happens, pray and ask your guardian angel to intervene.

I'm not sure most people are ready to realise that they are not alone in their own heads, so I hope I haven't freaked anybody out!


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Post by Vasiliki » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:25 pm

Thank you Tish. Your response whas really interesting and thought provoking.

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Post by MaMilke » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:29 pm

I agree with Tish, but actually, its said that if you imagine in your third eye some colours of crystals and a stone one, you can simply send them messages of that type or recieve and even block. If you think of a dark crystal or a dark stone you will block but do take notice that god can't give you any help and spirtual things cant talk to you since you are blocking your doors, if you use white and yelow colours you can send messages and receive.

My father recieves spirits himself, he is not alone, and sometimes when he is conscious he do belive in the messages people send to you, you know those people can even send you dreams? and sometimes some people that have nothing to do can get em.. Some people get low energys and some people even the high energies are able to recieve.

Even your thoughts can be not your so do take notice that you have to be always careful thinking.

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Post by Vasiliki » Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:00 pm

Thank you Maz. There was some incident that made me think of it, some thoughts that seemed to have entered my mind, that were not there before. And they were very powerful, could this have to do with obsession?
(and a corresponding vulnerability of mine to this person).
I am virtually like a sponge, I often get swamped by other people's feelings or thoughts in everyday life and even from far away. During some periods of my life it is difficult for me to control it, and protect myself.
The crystal technique you mentioned is very interesting, thank you, I will try it.
Thanks again

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Post by sk2006 » Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:42 am

So in the case of a celebrity...all of these people fantasizing and lusting after them all at once, what kind of impact would that have on a person if it is possible for spirits to be trying to engage with them all the time? I think I would feel pretty irritated..ha

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Post by Vasiliki » Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:27 am

This is a good point sk2006. On the other hand, one being a celebrity is not something accidental maybe. Talking about the level of tolerance to exposure they have in general. Not the same for all people. Of course some of them just cannot handle it and fall into drugs and other sorts of distraction/ relief.
Just some random thoughts, this was just a question out of curiosity anyway.

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Post by Tish » Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:14 pm

:smt006   Truly, sk006, I do believe that this is exactly why so many celebrities are immensely uncomfortable with being viewed as a "pin-up", and suffer a great deal mentally from it.  I think it is part of the reason why "fame" destabilises them.  And I think those that manage to overcome it, and experience normal, loving relationships, undisturbed by it, are those that have learned to "block" successfully.

For this reason, I myself would tremble to be that much in the public eye!  Not just erotic fantasies, of course, but the immense weight of all those thoughts directed at you, all at once ...

I suffer myself if I am in too many minds all at once.  I feel "scrambled", as it is like hundreds of voices all calling my name at the same time.  I think it is one of the reasons I am uncomfortable in crowds.  It is necessary to be closed, while the excessive mental attention is aimed.

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Post by sk2006 » Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:39 pm

Tish wrote::smt006   Truly, sk006, I do believe that this is exactly why so many celebrities are immensely uncomfortable with being viewed as a "pin-up", and suffer a great deal mentally from it.  I think it is part of the reason why "fame" destabilises them.  And I think those that manage to overcome it, and experience normal, loving relationships, undisturbed by it, are those that have learned to "block" successfully.

For this reason, I myself would tremble to be that much in the public eye!  Not just erotic fantasies, of course, but the immense weight of all those thoughts directed at you, all at once ...

I suffer myself if I am in too many minds all at once.  I feel "scrambled", as it is like hundreds of voices all calling my name at the same time.  I think it is one of the reasons I am uncomfortable in crowds.  It is necessary to be closed, while the excessive mental attention is aimed.
:smt006  I agree with the blocking...probably most of them do not see it as people thinking about them but moreso just feeling like they are under constant survelliance by the media. LIke they do not realize it is a combination of things.

I hear you on the crowd thing. I always get some mild anxiety in crowds. I cant say that I know anything about being in someone else's mind or vice versa, but I do believe I feel energies rather well and perhaps it gets overwhelming when there are too many people around.

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Post by witchychick70 » Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:59 am

what about sex on the astral plane? i do this all the time seems like almost every night im having sex with someone.

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Post by Malachai » Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:36 pm

Personally I would be much more worried if a person had hateful, violent or evil thoughts about me than sexual fantasies, which should always be a compliment surely?

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Post by mugglebornmom » Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:49 am

I fully believe that you can share dreams with someone and have "sex" with someone on an astral level. I had a very real dream about an old lover that I haven't thought about for some time. It was just so real, and very, very nice. When I woke up, I thanked the divine for letting me experience that. I am sure he thinks of me from time to time, so it was just a nice reunion. It's not something that I could control like a daydream or fantasy, it just happened.

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Post by ricknendepa » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:03 pm

Yes. You can try this simple one, but I'm not sure if it will work unless it's mutual affection. I guess you can try it though, you don't need to be a shaman or expert whatever.

You're fast asleep. You dream of someone you care for. If you awaken halfway through your dream, turn your pillow over and go back to sleep. your loved one will then dream that dream with you.


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Post by ricknendepa » Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:07 pm

Witty Chick.

Are you really sure that YOU are the one instigating? OR, is it really someone else just being a creep and taking advantage, due to lack of spine to approach you during waking hours?

If you do end up getting creeped out, I hope you take appropriate precautions.

But otherwise,

Have a blast! :smt006

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