do you believe completely?

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do you believe completely?

Post by BLACKCAT » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:43 pm

OK, i know a lot about witchcraft, i have always just know things about it. i don't know how. i do believe i was a witch in other lives, and i think my mother was too. i have even been told i look like a witch. not sure if that's good or bad. i know i have a lot if natural ability in this area, but for some reason i have been extremely hesitant to practice, I'm almost afraid to. i feel like i will punished somehow for doing so. don't get me wrong, i know i can do it and i know it will work.
but the fear is there and i don't know where it comes from?
i agree with a lot of the principles of witchcraft. like what you reap is what you sow, and the 3 fold law, etc. but there are also things that go against my grain. many witches, if you will. say they are Christian. OK. that means that they believe in God and the bible. the bible looks negatively on knowing your future. also Jesus said you will worship no other Gods but me. this is a sin to do so. but many ppl who practice call on other deities, or god to aid and protect them during spells and rituals. this seems to be a clashing of the two. i know i have traveled many different roads, and have many more to travel. maybe one of my lesson is to not use magic this go around and that's where my fear stems from. i know that I'm still trying to figure out who i am. i learn new things about myself all the time. i think maybe because i was stagnant for so long while doing drugs, that now I'm learning things that should have been learned earlier. that's OK they always said i was "a late bloomer" or "i was a little slow". it seems that i have sent the majority of my life in a fog or sorts. i don't remember huge periods of my life.  it's just blank. i have a handful of memories of childhood and thats all. my brother is always saying "do you remember when......" or "remember the time......." and i don't have a clue. when i think about the past it's very hazy, like a fog.  

OK I'm rambling on into a whole other subject. sorry. my question is this if you are a Christian or any other denomination. it would stand to reason that you believe in there beliefs. so if your doing something against what is taught by them, how can this be beneficial? even if your doing nothing wrong, isn't this being untrue to yourself? you can't say that your for something and then go against it. i don't care what it is. this is a gross lack of honesty. can you take only the good things, or the things you like from something and leave the rest? and if you do, can you honestly say that you believe in whatever it is? i know i going on and on.
but these are just some of the things i think about. you should be happy you don't live in my head. very, very, scary place to be.  

love and light,

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Post by MaMilke » Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:05 pm

I dont belive in the modified bible ( the catolic, protestant, mormon and sometimes the ortodhox)
The more or less of them is the orthodox since this one have a lot of things jesus said, BUT It wasnt jesus who wrote it so I dont belive alot on it since I belive that he belived in reencarnation and the bible doesnt speak about it. And you shouldn't use your power, my mom stopped, I stopped, it degrade the evolution since you are moving with things you shouldn't, "maya". Just let it go don't care about them, its their fall their lifes their destinys. No its not, if you care on yourself, if you upgrade yourself all will be helped by an energy somehow unknown. And you know things will be fine don't you? (always belive on that)
Yes, you don't need to belive in everything, think on me, I say i belive in all religions but I disagree with all of them.. why? Cause they arent completely right and wrong so they are human in other words non-perfect, right? since human create religion. Well you can say that you belive in such both not completely.

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Post by Transcix » Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:27 pm

I understand where you're coming from.

I could do magick, but I honestly have no use for it.

I recommend you study the Qabalah. You will learn that God is Jehovah, impersonal vibration of love and personal vibration of fear that is Satan. Most Christians worship Satan, little do they know. But Satan isn't bad, He just gives you free will... there is nothing to go by, no limits or rules, only yourself. There is nothing to "follow" except the geopolitical, social, and spiritual reality of our times, as we are here, now. If you want to do magick/witchcraft then you need a reason, and if you honestly just want to bring health to all (including yourself) then it's OK. Knowledge is power and power is responsibility, and if you attain some of one of those three, you get the other two automatically. You cannot hoard power, or wisdom. You cannot rise in comparison of moving higher than others, you can only bring the entire matrix along with you for the ride. The propaganda and fallacies outnumber the real Truth by a long shot... I recommend The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune for a good start. Forget your previous weaknesses for they are perversions of your strengths... focus on your strengths and correct your weaknesses. Choose your destiny, and for God's sake do not live under the fear of God, literally! There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Self work is the first step to helping those around you, and you cannot proceed the other way around, although the best student is the best teacher. You can only ever be the change you wish to see in the world. Change is the only constant, so if you think you're standing still then you're actually stagnating, devolving. You are immortal, and I ain't talking about surrending your individuality and reconnecting with "Source". We are humans, and our limits are our powers. Its a lot of work to be a godform. Don't worry, be happy, and be as impeccable as you can be. And in these trying times, be skeptical, and discern discern discern, even the truths you already believe in! Sometimes you need to take a step back before taking steps forwards.

I would wish you good luck, but you honestly don't need it.

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Post by haanme555 » Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:41 pm

many witches, if you will. say they are Christian. OK. that means that they believe in God and the bible.
I'm not quoting bible here, but it says in the bible that not everyone is follower of Jesus who say so.
the bible looks negatively on knowing your future.
Bible does not look negatively on knowing your future. However it looks negatively on seeking to know your future by contacting other spirit's than God.
also Jesus said you will worship no other Gods but me. this is a sin to do so. but many ppl who practice call on other deities, or god to aid and protect them during spells and rituals. this seems to be a clashing of the two.
Clashing of the two is at the target of whom they seek for help. Bible mentions people who do miracles/predict future without giving glory to God for them; and also that it is a sin to do so.
OK I'm rambling on into a whole other subject. sorry. my question is this if you are a Christian or any other denomination. it would stand to reason that you believe in there beliefs. so if your doing something against what is taught by them, how can this be beneficial? even if your doing nothing wrong, isn't this being untrue to yourself? you can't say that your for something and then go against it. i don't care what it is. this is a gross lack of honesty. can you take only the good things, or the things you like from something and leave the rest? and if you do, can you honestly say that you believe in whatever it is? i know i going on and on.
but these are just some of the things i think about. you should be happy you don't live in my head. very, very, scary place to be.  
It is really a lack of honesty to betray yourshelf. I have done this only to find out that I had to face truth anyway. For example you cannot take things you like from christianity and leave the rest. God knows when you are sincere anyway.

Sorry Transcix, but phrase "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." means pretty much nothing if you really have to face scary stuff in your life. The source of fear might not go away no matter how hard you try not to be afraid.

I'm not exactly sure about the situation you have blackcat, but I think I have experienced something similar. I can honestly say that I belive in Jesus. I can say this because it is not a matter of my capabilities or goodness but the target of faith.

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Post by maplewoman » Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:48 am

I hear you too. I have had intense powers since a child and know they lay inherant within me but i was scared for a long time to practice them. Mainly because I did not know anybody else who could do it and was scourned at by my parents and peers when I would bring up subjects like levitating, walking thru walls etc. This caused me to shut off all powers in fear of public perceptions, this was happening around age 10. Again I can not remember much of my past either. Now 18 years later I am learning more about these phenomenons thru research and meeting like minded people. I was not crazy after all just incredibly gifted. You too will overcome your fears but first you must place yourself in an environment which feels safe. Then with proper guidance you can experiment with yourself and your abilities. Guidance can be sought from many places but always remember there is right and wrong in everything just like there is light and dark in everything it is up to you and only you to discern what is right for you. Your heart will tell you which of the teachings feel right. Some teachings are adventitios some disadvantitios Most however have been warped and while Jesus is an almighty spirit I do not follow the christian way probably because of the hypocracy I experienced.
Only you will know the ultimate truth. You will know it in your heart. Maybe the time/ environment has not been right for you to advance your knowledge and now you are taking the steps to overcome these feers. Fear is the absence of love so may you find your spirit with love.
I have a few rules I like to live by and they are:-
"whatever you believe is what is".
"Where thoughts go, energy flows"
"Practice appreciation for all things everyday."
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
"Give only to those who give"
"love yourself and others, unconditionally"
" it is not which side of the bed you wake up on that counts it is the frame of mind you wake up in" The last one I invented from an old saying " she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I used to harbour a lot of anger, possibly because I was never safe or nurtured. Now I practice radical acceptance and believe many of the different religons have good to teach. Just remember there are no limits and god is within you.

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Post by witchychick70 » Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:19 pm

I was raised Baptist but i never really believed in the bible basicly because jeuses himself did not write it. Plus there are many controdictions in the bible as well.
There is nothing wrong with using your powers. They are a gift. I have had powers for a long while. I remember my first psychic vision when i was 19, but dont remember anything before this.

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christianity and witchcraft

Post by sapphoq » Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:45 pm

Yes there are christian witches but by and large, they are in the minority--
not the majority at all.
I believe that one should not do what is against their religion.

Thus if someone had a curiosity about witchcraft or a belief in witchcraft,
yet felt that they would violate their own religion,
it might be better not to.

Or it could also be past life experiences
intruding upon present time-- the hesitation.

As long as the hesitation is there then
it might be better to not stray from the teachings of one's religion.

The yoruba religion, some forms of santeria, and voudon do use elements of christianity--
the saints specifically.  And do hold to a belief in monotheism.

One might consider prayer to one's higher power to ask
for divine guidance in this manner.


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Post by lfrett » Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:19 pm

I think that if you look at the different religions, you'll see that they perform what witches call magick.  The organized just don't call it that because to them magick is evil.  

Christians (especially Catholics) do many things that we may consider 'magick'.  They light candles when they pray (just like lighting candles during a ritual).  The eating of the host and drinking the blood of Christ...  Even holy water.  I see many Christians wearing 'Guardian Angel' pins.  These are all forms of 'magick' just not called that.  Even the practice in Medieval times of burning witches was a ritual.  They were performing an act that is the equivelent of what they were buring the witches for.

I was raised Jewish.  Judaism has more magick spells than I can even imagine.  Whenever my mom made chicken soup or roast a chicken she would 'cleanse' it by rubbing salt all over it then washing it off.  I'm sure there are some kitchen witches that have used this method before.  Many of our 'traditions' seem very much like rituals.  My mom would have a heart attack though if I ever called her a witch.

Obviously these are just my observations, but I believe that as a Christian, doing magick shouldn't make any difference since, in essence, Christians do 'magick' anyway.

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Post by volgobi » Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:32 pm

One of the greatest book for psycologs.
In this Book you'll find all kind of psicology people
as Enneagram and more.
Most of those parabols were written only to get our psycologic types.

To belive or not belive this is the question .....

For belive or not belive you need an object, a comcept,
some thing that is out of you, divided from you ....
you create the dicotomy.

But, is this possible?

We can know only about us (Heisemberg principle) ...

Don't we?


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Re: do you believe completely?

Post by EarlofLeicester » Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:34 pm


I think a lot of what you say applies to me, having been raised Christian, and use of the runes.  They are a divination and the Bible speaks harshly against divination (among other things):

“Thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of [the] nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord” (Deut. 18:9-12).

My understanding is that when we trust in ourselves, rather than God, we offend Him on a really big level, because anything supernatural is supposed to  be from God (not Satan, which is implied).

I have been hesitant to work the runes as of late, and I suspect that my misgivings and yours have a common ground here.  I do believe that you are so right about one thing and that is not to be hypocritical.  That we have to be honest to who we are. I am paraphrasing, probably not well, but I know what you are saying.  For me, it is often like there are two forces opposed at work.  One that wants to pick up the runes, because they beckon, and one that suggests that it is fundamentally wrong to do so and I should know this.

I don't have any answers, but I can understand to some degree how you feel.

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believe in yourself

Post by amadea1949 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:18 am

I believe in God but I also believe in Wicca.  I call myself a lightworker witch.  I only try to help, not harm.  I don't believe in the bible because men wrote it and it has been changed many times.  I don't believe that God is vengeful but a loving God who believes in each of us.  I think that he can see into our soul and see what we feel.  You have to find your truth and how you feel. He has forgiven you but you have to forgive yourself. Every day is a new beginning.  I believe we are all psychic but have to let it develop.  Trust in yourself and don't be afraid.  Find your path. When I do anything, I ask for the spirit  to be with me.  You have to do what you believe is right.  If it feels wrong to you, don't do it. Good luck . I know what a hard path it is to make that decision.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:03 am

It is a hard path. To have ways of thinking that are opposed to each other residing under one roof.  Well, it can get a little crazy in there.  I like your philosophy of being a lightworker. I read a little bit about it in your blog.  If you make your blog accessible to registered users only - meaning members of M-B - you won't get spammed to death like it is now.  Then you can clean up (which may take time) or disable the shoutout box, so it is a more readable format. That can be done by clicking on My Blog CP at the top of the window, then change Reply Privileges from Guests to Registered Users and then change Show and Enable Shoutbox from Yes to No.  Then click Update My Blog at bottom of page.  And, hopefully, this may encourage you to blog some more, because it would be nice to see more entries in your blog.

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Re: believe in yourself

Post by Vishwas » Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:05 pm

amadea1949 wrote:I believe in God but I also believe in Wicca.  I call myself a lightworker witch.  I only try to help, not harm.  I don't believe in the bible because men wrote it and it has been changed many times.  I don't believe that God is vengeful but a loving God who believes in each of us.  I think that he can see into our soul and see what we feel.  You have to find your truth and how you feel. He has forgiven you but you have to forgive yourself. Every day is a new beginning.  I believe we are all psychic but have to let it develop.  Trust in yourself and don't be afraid.  Find your path. When I do anything, I ask for the spirit  to be with me.  You have to do what you believe is right.  If it feels wrong to you, don't do it. Good luck . I know what a hard path it is to make that decision.
Very well said amadea, I know it is a hard path, but it is a right path & I admire u on ur strength that u decided to take this path & stuck to it, u are great. Take Care.

& yeah u can make the change in ur blog like Earl said so it is a much more cleaner & better place.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:25 pm

Well, it looks like Amadea brought her blog back and it looks great :)

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