the force

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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the force

Post by moondancer86 » Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:17 am

Too bad that we couldnt have the force like star even tho we know that some magic could work that way if you were good enough to move the akasa

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Location: atherton tablelands Queensland

Post by maplewoman » Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:12 am

"Whatever you believe is what is!" If you believe you can part the water or move objects you can. I have created a tornado in Australia before. It started as a dust devil in my backyard which caught my attention so I gave it all my negative emotions mostly anger and said now go get them and the storm moved on. Later that night I was watching the news and a freak tornado had started in my area and ended up over 300km away ripping off roofs and even killing one person. See we get cyclones down here, not tornados. I had once before, as a child, commanded the winds and thought not much of it, just remaining quietly excited. This time I went a bit far, not understanding the consequences of such a request, thinking that these things were not that possible, actually, just not thinking. How wrong I was. If you have raw energy and you direct it into something then ask it to do something, it does. "Where your thoughts go, energy flows" "Whatever doubt we know, will stop the energy flow". We are the creators of our own world, so be careful what it is you wish to create because there is always cause and effect.
Confuser says "Wise man is he who learns from his mistakes, even wiser man is he who learns from others."

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Post by witchychick70 » Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:31 pm

The most i have done with weather magic is made it rain one day but the strange thing was it only rained over our car which we were out in and it didnt rain anywhere else, and then just last night i called on snow the weather was calling for it but it rarely snows here so i thought id give it a bost.I dont know about doing everything you belive i can say i belive i can move that coke can or something else with my mind and i have tryed but still have not done it.
But i do belive in gifts and powers i just belive that some are more powerfull then others, not everyones magick works the same ways.

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