Help! Everything is breaking...I feel like I have a lot of negative energy surrounding me..

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Help! Everything is breaking...I feel like I have a lot of negative energy surrounding me..

Post by Teressa » Mon May 07, 2007 4:53 pm

Please help me. Every since my sister died last February I have been having strange happenings. I brought some of her things home and I still have her cremation remains on my fireplace. Things are getting worse in the past weeks. Lightbulbs continuously burn out. The refrigerator is on its last leg, the transmission went out in the car. Please help me before something else happens! What should I do first?????????


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Post by robbie71 » Mon May 07, 2007 5:02 pm

Do you know what i do, i smudge the whole house,  i would also light a candle and maybe a incense stick, also hang a angel around, also ask when you smudge to clear your home and you of negative energy...
also have some good colours around, a light blue feels good for you...

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Post by Gem » Mon May 07, 2007 5:13 pm

Hi Teressa, it sounds to me like perhaps she is trying to contact you and get your attention? Not a hex or anything sinister like that so don't worry.

I don't know how much you know about things like grounding and protection exercises and smudging? Like Robbie has suggested smudging would be good, and I would use cedarwood or white sage too.  Do you have any crystals? Black Tourmaline and clear quartz, obsidian? any at all?

I am sure that we can all help you, just need to know a little more about you please first?

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Removal of a tapestry of Jesus from my mothers house

Post by Teressa » Mon May 07, 2007 5:14 pm

My mothers house got broken into a couple of years ago. My brother and I removed everything else from the house.
There was an old tapestry of Jesus on the wall. The kind made in India where the eyes follow you around the room.
When we stepped foot outside the house both of us were forced to immediately freeze and it felt like the hairs on
our arms stood straight up! I felt like I was encapsulated in a bubble of sorts. I could feel this strange energy around.
I cried and told my brother to take it back inside. He would not. I brought the picture home and now 2-years later,
nothing is seeming to go right. What should I do? Could it be related?

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A little back ground information about me

Post by Teressa » Mon May 07, 2007 5:25 pm

I am divorced x 10 years and have two teenage children. My mother died 3 years ago from an auto accident and my sister died 2 years ago
from health problems, although her husband whom I didn't know well had her cremated against my families will. He died 3-months later, from
a seizure relating to drinking. He claimed he did not have any living family and so I petitioned the court to have him cremated since he claimed
he wanted to be cremated if something happened to him so that he and my sisters ashes could be mixed. It took 5-months before the court
would give me permission. They did and I had him cremated. Now 8 months later someone has come forward saying there his brother, but that
they had not seen him for 25 years. If he didn't have contact for 25 years, why now? Anyhow, everything is seeming to be going wrong at my
house. The lightbulbs continuously break (not the same one, different ones throughout the house) I probably have all new lights in the house
come to think of it. I have replaced my stove. The refrigerator is leaking. The transmission just went out in my car. I don't know what is next.

I need help like yesterday before something terrible happens!!!!!!!!!!
The cat is even scared to stay in a room without a person. She always acts like she is watching something!!!!

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Post by Gem » Mon May 07, 2007 5:30 pm

Usually if this was connected things would have started happening straight away not a two year gap, or have I misunderstood that?

But if you feel that the picture is to blame then your feelings will have power and will cause you to be worried and nervous and so drag in negative energy instead of happy energy. Can you put some live real flowers infront of the picture? Some yellow flowers? or a candle and light it and so send some happy energy to the area?  Some essential oils in a ring warmer would be good too, especially cedarwood and tangerine or manderin :)

Do you have any experience of spirit? I can post how-to's if that would help :)

Please don't worry think bright thoughts, from what I can see you are ok, just having a little upset that will pass soon and be sorted for the better {{{{Teressa}}}}}

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Post by Teressa » Mon May 07, 2007 5:39 pm

Since removal of the tapestry, things went south for a while and got better. My sister died and I brought her things over.
She was into a lot of ideas? She experimented with good and bad. I never have! I was told it was evil! Yet, things are getting
so bad and so scary since my sister passed that I cannot help but think it is somehow connected. I don't think the picture is
playing a role anymore, but from what I have read recently if it were a certain kind of evil attached to the picture it can cause
bad things off and on for years.....

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no prior experience

Post by Teressa » Mon May 07, 2007 5:43 pm

please post the how too's if possible. I really need some relief soon!

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Stones and water

Post by Valinia » Mon May 07, 2007 7:53 pm

If you can get stones from a creek or Stream They work best But if no where else get the Stones from your back yard.  get a Gig green or big brown stone ware bowl  and some stones and Water.
put the stones in the bowl and cover stones with water.

Repeat This couplet
May the cause of my harm feel the sting
of this charm Sister's three come work for me
Bowl detect
stones deflect
water reflect
peace and harmony now come to me as I will
So Mote it be.

:smt003 Change the water and recast once a week.
This spell was a gift from a friend in magick and works well.

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Post by Valinia » Mon May 07, 2007 7:56 pm

If  there was a specific object involved bury it in a hole with some salt for a time. I have done this with many a negative empowered object. It usually works to cleanse it.

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Post by Gem » Tue May 08, 2007 11:36 am

Teressa, have you still got your sister's ashes in an urn? I was getting a definate message last night that now is the time to put things behind you and to make a point of honouring your sisters ashes by visting them or spreading them somewhere she was happy, somwhere that you can visit and make contact? Trees and grass and hills in the backgoround?

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Sisters Ashes

Post by Teressa » Tue May 08, 2007 1:15 pm

I agree that I need to spread the ashes. I was unsure where...I was trying to decide between the cemetery and home.
Also, I wanted to honor her husbands wishes to be mixed and spread together, but now it has been complicated with
the alleged brother which is under investigation?!?!?!?!?  Should I go ahead and spread her ashes since she is seeming
to be released? According to her husband, the reason for cremation was to free her spirit up sooner than burial as she had
suffered with illness for a long time.

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Post by Gem » Tue May 08, 2007 2:03 pm

Oh My!, a couple of things spring to mind, I think that anyone with an urn full of ashes would feel strange? Most people bury them or sprinkle them to the wind or over the garden. I can see that you feel you can't because of this new relative on the scene. Does he want his fathers ashes? If he is his father? Or is this more about estate and financial gain?

What do you feel deep inside, take a moment and think about what you feel, I am sure that you will sense something about what is right for you to do.

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Hey Gem a Quick Follow-up!

Post by Teressa » Sat May 26, 2007 4:39 pm

Thanks Gem-

You had it right all the time from the first post! It was my sister trying to get in contact with me. I actually spoke to her through dowsing.
She had me to turn off the spiritual music in the background and play her some Janis Joplin! Her favorite :)

Any other suggestions?

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Post by Gem » Sat May 26, 2007 5:01 pm

Fantastic news :)

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