Law of Attraction within Magick Practices

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Law of Attraction within Magick Practices

Post by redravens » Sat May 12, 2007 2:48 am

Like many here I'm sure, I have been reading and studying the occult, religions and various traditions as far back as I can remember. I have come to realize that at the basis of all of these is the use of the law of attraction. Most of these don't call the forces "LoA" though.

Take traditional ritual magick methods as offered by The Golden Dawn for example. They have built vast and complex instructions to teach about the make up of man, spirit, the universe etc. They offer practical rituals which must be practiced and practiced in order to achieve certain changes in oneself. Meditation practice. Visualization. The key thing though is that all of this is to generate powerful emotions which the Magician then focuses towards a specific goal. This could be conversation with "God" or one's "Higher Self" or "Holy Guardian Angel" or whatever label you choose. Or perhaps it can be to secure a better job or wealth or whatever. There is no shortage of specific purposes of rituals as found in ancient manuscripts. (many of these manuscripts can be found at

Witchcraft and various Tribal practices are similar. Chanting, drumming, dancing, offerings etc. creates a focus of energies towards a specific goal. A key element in Wicca is feeling good as well (love, balance, peace etc.) which is also a key element in successful LoA usage.

Religions of every tradition offer Prayer and belief as the method of causing change. This is even a more direct route than ritual magick in that one is simply asking "God" to answer a specific desire. I believe that the problems with modern Prayer is that it has simply become rote and without feeling. People mouth the Prayer at church on Sunday while thinking about the upcoming work week etc. I know that there are many devout people who may be truly sincere in their Prayer, but there seems to be a missing element to it. It seems to me (and I am not a Christian) that there is a lack of allowing... of acceptance or perhaps even plain belief that one is "worthy" of recieving what they want from "God". To my knowledge a major tenent of Christianity is a base belief that all are in a negative situation called "sin"... which can only work against Prayer? I could be wrong though. Affirmative Prayer seems a much more logically effective form of communication with the Divine Consciousness than the disheartenment approach of begging and acceptance of suffering.

On the oppposite side of the Judaistic beliefs, is modern Satanism. Some may shun the idea of that belief system, but it offers a very... "Humanistic" view and a selfish stance on life. It is also practiced by thousands of people and is no longer a "fringe" religion. Their belief is a sobering one. Their methods may even be more practical than many others... in that they use whatever they want to achieve a heightened emotional state (visualization, ritual, sex, imagery, sound, drugs etc.) to focus their desires through. Choas Magicians take a similar approach.

The point being in all of this is that throughout our history we have known various methods to utilize what we are calling today the Law of Attraction. Some methods may have been or are more successful than others. They all require asking, acceptance, belief, visualization, heightened emotions, focus and will.

What do you think?

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat May 12, 2007 7:54 pm

'As above so below', but there again the Golden Dawn and all the rest lived in the 1920s - different world. I've been trying for years to put science and magic together and String Theory might be on the path.

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Post by redravens » Sat May 12, 2007 11:36 pm

agree :)

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Post by Goldstein » Sun May 13, 2007 11:37 am

I think it's a matter of syntony and focus of thoughs, affecting your individual unconcious. I think that may have a link of the individual unconcious with the collective unconcious(that have some influence in reality). But that's a theory. I don't know if some author have developed this idea or something similar. As it's based in some reading about Jung, I imagine he may have written something about.

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Post by Gem » Sun May 13, 2007 11:59 am

Hi Goldstein, yep try searching 'The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious' (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.9 Part 1) its all there :)

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Post by Erinrose » Sun May 13, 2007 5:39 pm

I cut my metaphysical teeth on a book called The Master Key System - You can now get it free online here -

Free Ebook - The Master Key System
http :// /PsiTekTMKSContents.html

I am a great believer in the Law Of Attraction. But so many people misunderstand it. They think it means if you think about being rich you will be rich. Forget about being rich! There are more worthwhile things than being rich - believe me.

In fact it means you get what you think you are going to get. Think lack and limitation and lack and limitation is what you get.

We get the worst because we expect the worst. Begin right now to expect the very best of everything this world has to offer and know that you deserve it. That’s another part of it.. You get what you believe you deserve.

Think big! And in colour! Dream big dreams! In other words expect the best - more than that demand the best. Simply refuse to put up with less.

That is The Law Of Attraction!

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Post by Goldstein » Sun May 13, 2007 6:29 pm

Hi Gem,

Thanks! I will look for this book. I am sure it will enrich my ideas about this theme.

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Post by Erinrose » Sun May 13, 2007 7:04 pm

I'm here if you care to discuss any aspect of it.

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Post by redravens » Tue May 15, 2007 3:43 am

Erinrose, great response....I appreciate your thoughts on this and the link...I'm looking it up! Past few days I've been reading an ebook called 'The Magic of Pleasure' by Justis Chase. He has a website where you can read about what he offers folks for free everywhere and some of his thoughts and insights. There's a 23 minute video there too. In order to get a copy of his ebook you may have to email him, but he is a really great guy...very nice so no worries and he's not trying to sell anything (other than a concept which he doesn't charge for )  Anyway, I'm learning new ways of looking at the LoA and how to live from a pleasure perspective. Wanted to share :)

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Post by Erinrose » Tue May 15, 2007 2:02 pm


We don't use the Law Of Attraction. It is quite simply there. Thought is creative. All thought, good and bad, is creative and tends to become a material thing through the Law Of Attraction. All we can do is cultivate more positive thinking, because through The Law Of Attraction we will get what we think about the most. Think lack and limitation and that is what you get. Think health and wealth and that is what you get. You must be prepared to give it time. You are after all trying to create a new way of thinking.

The Master Key System is a book of 24 chapters and it is recommended that you read and re-read a chapter a week. This gives your brain time to process the information. It is a process that cannot be rushed.

I found The Master Key in my twenties and have been reading it on and off since. It works like magic. It is a wonderful book.

It was banned by the church when it first came out. From what I can gather they were afraid that in the wrong hands it may be dangerous. Yes, dangerous for them! Once we learned the truth.

The book The Secret was based on The Master Key.

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Post by Erinrose » Tue May 15, 2007 2:09 pm


Thank you for that. I will certainly go check it out.

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Post by redravens » Mon May 21, 2007 2:32 am

I have begun reading  The Master Key and so far it really is an awesome read. I'm already gaining a lot from it and I'm only about 50 pgs into it. I love how things or concepts are laid out in numbered order and then, just like with any workbook or study guide, it presents you with review questions (the answers are provided though, which is helpful I'm sure :).  Even though the concepts taught are thoughts I'm quite familiar with, it seems to be presented in such a way that really just clarifies everything and ties it all in nicely. I'm loving it, thanks! I googled it, btw, and downloaded a free PDF version since the site I began reading it from went berserk. lol BB, ~Lisa~

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