Charging an object

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:12 am

I always do seem to end up in the wrong place don't I Lol :)  I have noticed that again it is just down to you and me again...I guess I don't want to ask them to move us, but if they do, then they do.  I feel that as long as we are still talking "Magic and Occult" then we are fine here.  And we are bringing it up :)  So how about we ask those of this realm :D

Are we invading your space with something you believe should be elsewhere!?!  If so, drop a word and we'll find our own little corner to open up :)

Hopefully that works lol we mentioned to them that we don't want to infringe on them, and hopefully they realize that this is not an accident :)


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Post by Gem » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:50 pm

Hi, Mystic Mod here with Occult and Magickal hat on lol,

This board says
A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, religion, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.
quite a general and massive topic selection there I feel, don't you both?

You are not making anyone uncomfortable or unwanted, but, and it's a big BUT lol, please remember that this is a public forum and not a private message board for just you two. Others may feel like they are intruding onto your territory by joining your thread and that is sad. Perhaps you could be more welcoming to others as some of your posts feel like we have fallen onto a private conversation and that isn't what Mystic Board is about, or if you don't want others joining in then perhaps take your discussions to a pm or email?

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Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:40 pm

Gem wrote:Hi, Mystic Mod here with Occult and Magickal hat on lol,

This board says
A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, religion, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.
quite a general and massive topic selection there I feel, don't you both?

You are not making anyone uncomfortable or unwanted, but, and it's a big BUT lol, please remember that this is a public forum and not a private message board for just you two. Others may feel like they are intruding onto your territory by joining your thread and that is sad. Perhaps you could be more welcoming to others as some of your posts feel like we have fallen onto a private conversation and that isn't what Mystic Board is about, or if you don't want others joining in then perhaps take your discussions to a pm or email?
I'm sorry, I didn't realize that when we chat back and forth it appears to others that it is just between the two of us.

EVERYONE IS ALWAYS WELCOME!!! :)  Your input helps others learn and explore, as I myself have found out from reading and posting with all of you! :)

I hope that others join in, as I would love their point of view on any topic!


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Post by Gem » Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:00 pm

Thanks for that Toni :)

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Thank you!

Post by acaveyogi » Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:24 pm

Gem wrote:Thanks for that Toni :)
Thank you Gem for some moderator input. This is very much appreciated!

Ok, so how do we sort things out? Gem please feel free to help (which probably is needed) if you feel that help is needed.

Every topic that has alot of pages is generally considered by the messageboard program a "Hot Topic". With this messagebord program three to four posts equals a page. And every page brings in revenue if that topic is viewed. Most viewers do not view a topic until the messageboard program delcares that topic a "Hot Topic". Viewers skim through things and see a "Hot Topic" and stop to view. Things are happening there. The messageboard program says so. And if the viewers find what ever is there interesting, then they (the viewers) come back. And this brings in revenue

Now the "second challenge" is to incourage regestered users of the messageboard to participate. Otherwise why even be a regestered user? Which is why messageboards die.

Gem, your very valid suggestion is that Bandit and I are not meeting the "second challenge" (and maybe that we should get a room, I am not sure about that one). So far Bandit and I have been attemping to define this topic. Everything in this topic up to this point is and has been a progression that is headed in the direction of, "How do you charge an object?"

At this point we have brought into interest that there are alot of ways to do this ("Charge and object") and that the people around you can also be objects that can be charged. :) and personally I think people need to know this and how it is done. But that is just my opinion.

So, all registered users, "How do you personally charge the people around you and also, other objects?"



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Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:31 pm

So, all registered users, "How do you personally charge the people around you and also, other objects?"

I am curious to this as well, I know I am not the only one out there that does this.  So let's see what others do, and maybe we can all learn a few things in the process :)


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Charging people.

Post by skywatcher3 » Sun May 11, 2008 5:15 pm

Sometimes hugging works. I hugged a certain person once and a charge slowly went thru me. It felt so great. That has not happened again yet. Never saw her again. Wanted to ask her some questions about who she was,where she came from!! No. We were not standing on carpet. LOL

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Post by Zoddn Drak » Mon May 12, 2008 4:25 am

Sounds alot like what I can do, but I'm not as good with vivid images and the like, but can make really good magical batteries.

My explanation (on charging) comes in two parts:

1. I actually See the energy flowing around me. Not "see", See (except not with my physical eyes... because I can close my physical eyes and still see it... even in a pitch-black room). Kinda like when you look at a bright light and then look away, but this one is pale white, and everywhere, kinda like fog, and flowy. Make sense?

2. I see the energy going into the object and want it to stay there, high energy areas are brighter, so its easy to tell if it worked.

P.S. Because of part one I try to avoid High-Energy situations and places, as it will make me go Blind with how bright it can get. Atleast until it goes away. Then I can see again. I close my eyes when it's Bright so everyone can tell I can't see, but not why. (for a long while I thought everyone was like this...)

Again this is the how of how I, personally, charge Objects, I don't charge people though....

Hope It helps...

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Post by Bandit81101 » Mon May 12, 2008 1:02 pm

Zoddn Drak wrote:Sounds alot like what I can do, but I'm not as good with vivid images and the like, but can make really good magical batteries.

My explanation (on charging) comes in two parts:

1. I actually See the energy flowing around me. Not "see", See (except not with my physical eyes... because I can close my physical eyes and still see it... even in a pitch-black room). Kinda like when you look at a bright light and then look away, but this one is pale white, and everywhere, kinda like fog, and flowy. Make sense?

2. I see the energy going into the object and want it to stay there, high energy areas are brighter, so its easy to tell if it worked.

P.S. Because of part one I try to avoid High-Energy situations and places, as it will make me go Blind with how bright it can get. Atleast until it goes away. Then I can see again. I close my eyes when it's Bright so everyone can tell I can't see, but not why. (for a long while I thought everyone was like this...)

Again this is the how of how I, personally, charge Objects, I don't charge people though....

Hope It helps...
I too can "see" with my eyes shut.  Sometimes to the point where I can see that color and light before my open physical eyes.  I have gotten to the point where I can "Shut it off" if I need to, so that certain situations don't lead to more than I can handle.  When I was first learning, I was in a room with several other people all doing similar things, and so I needed to learn to ignore most of that so that I didn't become over-stimulated. :)

I don't "See" an extra charge around an object once I charge it though, it's more of a feeling it gives me to let me know it worked.  I believe that we can do what we want if we can only rationalize it in ourselves lol  I can take the same object that was just charged, place my thumb over it for only a second and completely discharge it.  (Not so great when I'm not paying attention and do that to my batteries when all I really want is to shut off the thing they're in LOL)

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Post by Zoddn Drak » Mon May 12, 2008 11:07 pm

Yay!!! Another person who sees!!! You actually see colors? Hmmmm.... mine is only white, just to varying degrees of brightness, which makes it hard to distinguish between everything considering it also seems to lack depth perception also... I'm getting used to it though. Life tends to be brighter than "inanimate" objects, except for working electronics, which are horribly bright. Spell Casting Rituals and Church services (some of them atleast...) tend to be blinding situations. You may have already guessed but I too have also found the On/Off switch.

So.... the questions of the day... Lets say I will a bright spot, then I will that bright spot to be something (idea, feeling, mental image... something) then charge something with that bright spot, that something will carry that characteristic (idea, feeling, mental image... something). Is that all it's limited to or can you do more than just feelings? Example can you make an object that is inexplicably cold or hot even when left in/on a deep freeze or heater? Is that even practical.... hmmm probably not, but somewhere to start if you can actually affect physical changes. Please let me know if that works for you... I'll try it in a bit too to see if I can pull it off.


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charging an object

Post by skywatcher3 » Tue May 13, 2008 1:47 pm

Wow. Like to charge objects. But never tried. You people sound interesting. Have to try it sometime. Just need a starting point.  :smt006

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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue May 13, 2008 4:12 pm

Zoddn Drak wrote:Yay!!! Another person who sees!!! You actually see colors? Hmmmm.... mine is only white, just to varying degrees of brightness, which makes it hard to distinguish between everything considering it also seems to lack depth perception also... I'm getting used to it though. Life tends to be brighter than "inanimate" objects, except for working electronics, which are horribly bright. Spell Casting Rituals and Church services (some of them atleast...) tend to be blinding situations. You may have already guessed but I too have also found the On/Off switch.

So.... the questions of the day... Lets say I will a bright spot, then I will that bright spot to be something (idea, feeling, mental image... something) then charge something with that bright spot, that something will carry that characteristic (idea, feeling, mental image... something). Is that all it's limited to or can you do more than just feelings? Example can you make an object that is inexplicably cold or hot even when left in/on a deep freeze or heater? Is that even practical.... hmmm probably not, but somewhere to start if you can actually affect physical changes. Please let me know if that works for you... I'll try it in a bit too to see if I can pull it off.

I don't know about the whole gist of the question lol but I'll try :)
In my expierence I charge the "Whole" package into something.  Picture, color, feeling, etc.  Because In my expierence not everyone can pull all of it, the people I've tried with are usually limited to pulling it from only one sense.  ex. I charged a lighter with a spot up north where I use to camp at sunset.  I felt calm, at ease.  Nostalgia.  One friend pulled off the calmness, while another pulled a sunset.  Everyone is different, and so I tried to do something that all could use :)

As for changing the nature of something regardless of its surroundings...I guess I've never really tried that.  I have noticed that one can manipulate flames (ie candles and such) But I have never tried to charge a warm object to stay that way in the freezer.  Interesting, and worth a try :)  I do know that the lighter I used to charge still works, 7 years later LOL  It seems to have a charge to keep it up, regardless of how much fuel it has.  I have never refilled it, and used it quite often.  So I suppose in all sense it is possible to "Change" something :)

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Re: charging an object

Post by Bandit81101 » Tue May 13, 2008 4:15 pm

skywatcher3 wrote:Wow. Like to charge objects. But never tried. You people sound interesting. Have to try it sometime. Just need a starting point.  :smt006
Hi :)  When I first started it was quite fun.  I would take something that holds something else, maybe a personal thing, but I believed that it was there to hold stuff lol For example, I first started with a pen or lighter.  A pen was made to hold ink, a lighter held lighter fluid.  Both were made to hold things lol

I would sit there holding it in my hand that pushed energy, close my eyes and imagine what I wanted to put into it.  The picture, feeling, colors, etc.  Then I would draw energy from the universe and transform it into that and push it into the object.  From there I would give it to other people and see what they could come up with :)

Hope you have luck with it :)

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charging an object

Post by skywatcher3 » Tue May 13, 2008 5:04 pm

So how do you draw energy? By thinking it? Holding hands up?

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Re: charging an object

Post by Bandit81101 » Tue May 13, 2008 5:11 pm

skywatcher3 wrote:So how do you draw energy? By thinking it? Holding hands up?
I was told that the universe has an unlimited amount of energy, and that everything in turn is connected to it.  I visualize energy coming from all around me, the earth, trees, the universe, etc.  and see and feel it coming to me.  Sometimes I raise my hands at my sides when it starts to swirl around me, but often I just visualize it coming to me from all around me.  

I have been told by others that when they do it, they "Hug" or "Thank" the universe.  I in turn, alter some of that energy with love and send it back :)

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