Ouija Boards?

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Post by OhTensionTerror » Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:54 am

I messed around with a Ouija board a couple of years ago. I had just read this book about how to "properly use one". So I followed exactly what the book said. I became totally relaxed, had everything that makes noise in my house turned off, and had my eyes closed with my hands on the pointer. I asked if there were any spirits in the room just like the book instructed. After about 5-10 minutes of sitting there with nothing happening, I decided just to stop. When I went to put it away, I saw that I had scratches all over my arms. They weren't bleeding or anything. It was like when you take your nails and run them across your skin to get those red lines that fade over time. I had those on both my arms, and they faded within a couple hours. I was utterly spooked out and never again touched a Ouija board no matter how tempted I am to do so. Though, I do think I may have opened a portal because I believe I have a ghost who seems very drawn to my room and upstairs hallway.

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Ouija Boards

Post by sapphoq » Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:55 pm

Yes we did that a few times.
Problem being that the ouija board has become a "game"
and there are folks with inadequate shielding who should not be operating one.

There are far better ways to communicate with spirits.
This can be done safely and effectively in a spiritualist church.


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Post by KarmaAsFated » Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:33 pm

Yep, I have one, but they really creep me out so I don't use it. I do very acurate tarot readings though.

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Re: Yikes.

Post by EarlofLeicester » Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:17 am

KarmaAsFated wrote:they really creep me out .
Okay, edited quote, but it covers my feelings...

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Post by angel2007 » Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:50 pm

We also created them when we were young, not knowing or thinking of the outcomes.

We lived in a old house that had been renovated completely.

One day my sister invited her friends over we were around 8 or 9.

They used my room as it was larger for them to do a sayonce (not sure on spelling) with a made up ouiji board. But my room was never the same.

I would see orbs, dots of light flying around, my cupboard door would fly open in the middle of the night, I would here my computer keyboard being pressed and one night I felt as if I had a electrical shock in bed where I froze and couldn't move or scream.

I slept in another room for a couple of days and as soon as I went back
to my room the light exploded on top of me.

I dont suggest anyone doing it, but if you really must you should research as much as you can.

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Post by jallious » Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:54 pm

my teacher is afraid of those boards. For good reason, it seems. He's head of a club called phenoonology and we watch movies about stuff like that.
Trust your own feelings, never anyone else's.

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Post by angel2007 » Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:07 pm

I would never play with a board again.  It can be very frightening.

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Post by 413gregorio » Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:03 am

I've never played with one or know of anyone having one...
That's just bad "Mojo" to me
Mr. G. Rayo

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On Ouija Boards...

Post by Here Again » Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:29 pm

When I was a teen, my friend had one and we all tried to use it.
Unfortunately, I was the only one who wanted to do it seriously and every
one else kept giggling or forcing it to move. :smt012

I tried to do automatic writing, too- it seemed a faster way to channel than
a Ouija board! :smt003  That didn't happen Either. :smt009

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Post by boltonlas » Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:52 pm

I like some of you used the ouija board when i was a teen, myself and a group of friends used to bunk off school go to my mums house and play on the board all day.
I've had a few experiences with the board and still do feel drawn to it every now and again but we made a bad mistake on one of our afternoons that caused me a whole lot of trouble and a "hanger on" for many years.
We had been on the board and i had recieved a message from an aunt all she said to me was "goodbye good girl". at the time i didn't know what she meant. After the message we spoke to another spirit who got very irate the glass flew off the table and smashed in midair. Once we all calmed down we tried again, this time the spirit again got very irate with us and we tried to calm "him" down which we did succeed in doing a couple of times. The last time he went crazy the glass flew from the table, hit a glass fish tank about 2ft away, bounced on the floor without a crack or chip on it. Everyone freaked out and we decided to call it a day, a couple of friends stayed to help me clean up we burned the paper letters we had made, but i forgot about the glass. We left the house and about an hour later i went back home to see my dad arriving there before me, i noticed the living room windows were open(they had been closed when i left the house) and dad asked why his tools had been moved.
Over the next few weeks strange things started to happen, but only when i was on my own, doors opening when i had closed them, a feeling of being watched all the time(i got really good at getting dressed and undressed under my duvet lol), and i was using the board more and more when i was alone, it was like an addiction. I started to have precognitive dreams, the first 1 came true the day after i dreamt it.
I lost my house key in field where i had been with a couple of couple of friends and to test whether i was being followed by a spirit when the others left to go home i sat on the top of a hill and said " ok, if i do really have a spirit with me prove yourself and find my key for me" across the other side of the field was a pond and an elderly man and a young boy were fishing, i hadn't noticed them there up until i walked towards there as i had been nowhere near that spot. The elderly man called across to me and asked if i had lost a key and described mine he told me he had found it on the ground next to him. I was stunned, this man could not have heard what i had said as i whispered the request and i was quite away away from the pond, i hadnt been anywhere near the pond and i took this as an answer to whether i was being followed.
A few days later my dog started to do a fandango at the corner of the living room directly at a dining room chair, her hackles were up and i'd never seen or heard snarl and growl like that before i grabbed her by the collar and fled from the house and sat at the bottom of the garden path pondering what to do. Obviously this spirit i had released wasn't the best of spirits. From where i was sat i could see the chair and an arm draped across the back of it as thought some one was sat there looking out of the window. Next thing a van pulled out and a young guy got out with blonde hair and the kindest of blue eyes, and asked if i was ok. It felt right to tell him and he came with me into the house went from room to room and told me everything was oknow and not to worry, then it was like i came to my senses, i'd just let a complete stranger roam around the house, my mum would kill me if she knew. I politely ushered him out and watched him get into his van, and the strange thing was he drove away the same way he had come, as though he knew i needed help and had been sent to me. To this day i believe he was an angel.

I have had other experiences with the ouija board but never again will i do it on my own.

I still feel the spirit with me every now and then and i dont think he has completely left me, one side of my neck and face used to burn and go red when i spoke to him on the board, and also when he's around and i still get that sensation now.

A friend of a friend did tell me i had evil walking with me about 16yrs ago and he did try to banish him for me but i know he's never really left.

Sorry this has been such a long post but i have never really talked about this with anyone as i'm afraid of not being believed and being told its all my imagination, most of my friends dont believe in the occult or think its all dark and evil

Thank you for letting me share this with you
Love and Light
boltonlas xxx

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Post by Gem » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:15 pm

Hi Boltonlas, welcome to MB,

I beliieve you and I am sure many others here will too, quite a few of us have had experiences with the dreaded board.

Are you free of your hanger on now? There are ways that you yourself can ban or send him back you know,its just a question of learning a bit more.

Thank-you for sharing your experience, I think sharing always helps :)

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:22 pm

Couldn't finish reading your post Boltonlas. Not because of size but content.  Had to skip to the end where you had the visit from the angel.  Ouijas give me the heebee-jeebies.
The fool who fancies he is full of wisdom while he sits by his hearth at home.
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Post by boltonlas » Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:42 pm

To be honest, no i dont think i am free of him, after writing this post i had a very scary visit which i am reluctant to go into as i really dont want a repeat of it, suffice to say i have had some advice given to me and shall be acting upon in it,

Lol sorry i gave you the heebee-jeebies earl best to keep my other experiences quiet for now as i have had a few lol

love and light
boltonlas xxx

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:33 pm

Boltonlas, don't let my comments stop you from posting if you like.  I just hate reading about bad things happening to good people.
The fool who fancies he is full of wisdom while he sits by his hearth at home.
Quickly finds when questioned by others that he knows nothing at all.
- The Havamal, verse 26

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Post by boltonlas » Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:07 am

lol Earl no worries hun

Love and light

boltonlas xxx

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